Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Snake Oil


Snake Oil


I found this great new supplement, my friend knows this guy who know this doctors maid and she said this stuff really works.
Now it’s not cheap because you have to squeeze the balls of rattlesnakes to get it. The doctor’s maid heard from the Gardner who’s sleeping with the Doctors wife that the doctor has gained about three inches in 2 months. Now I was able to get a limited supply of this amazing stuff and will sell it to the members on the board because I’m just a nice guy. I was going to keep it all for my self and I said to myself that’s just un-American. So I’m going to share just send me a money order for 200.00 for a 1-month supply. And please don’t try to squeeze rattlesnake balls on your own it’s takes a trained professional like my self. This has to be true because this friend of my friends is a Doctor. So hurry up and send the money, shit I think my dick grew a inch while I was typing this.

Sent Money order to

Dinos Magic Snake Oil
Box 29829
Bullshit, NY

Last edited by Dino9X7 : 05-20-2002 at .


Gettin’ cocky there son, now that you have reached your goal, eh?


Oh , I’ll give you a nickel for some.

Actually, I bet you could make money on that if you placed the ad in the right place. Maybe
get Amber Lynn to hold it up for you and say: “Hey guys, ever wonder what women say
behind their partner’s back—-yea, they really want a bigger SNAKE.” “So, it makes sense
to buy snake oil…….”

On second thought, that is not too funny.

Oh, I guess you know now you have more time to sit back and “enjoy” the fruits of your labors.


You were my first choice for the after picture, just rub a little magic snake oil on and boom you have a dick like Phat.



BIB and ULI would better choices, LOL

How patriotic of you Dino. Thanks for the info!

Dino, are you serious or is this a scam for us poor, hard working labourers to give you our hard working weekly’s salary for a cup of olive oil labeled ” Rattlesnake’s balls oil”.LOL. Seriously, is this a true story? or are you kidding?

I think its true kabar!

And hey - i have some magic beans i can sell you if you have any cash left from the snakes balls oil!

See Ya,


Sorry guys, I dont know where my head was. ( probably between the snake balls. hehe) I was thinking that the oil was for jelking purpose and gave good gains. I didnt see the bullshit address at the end. So you said that you have magic beans? ( just kidding) Thanks.

link to site.


You forgot to post the link to the web site…..;)



That maid used to work at our place on Tuesdays. She couldn’t clean, either.



I had to bump this one it just seems to fit with the other thread running.

Plus I still have a limited supply, but you better hurry cause it’s going fast!

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Ok guys…I’m gonna admit it…this is what I’ve been using over the last 5 weeks… I’m not really hanging. I was just using the whole hanging thing because nobody would believe me if I told them about Dino’s Snake Oil.

Get out there and squeeze some rattlesnake balls! Men all over the world are counting on you! :)


Going for 7.5X6, then 8.5X6.5, then who knows. Girth Brooks - "Didn't get any real gains until I started shutting my cock in a car door and then falling back."


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