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So, my first month of PE

So, my first month of PE

Right off the bat I’ll say that I haven’t been able to do this as consistent as I should be doing it. I had planned to do the newbie routine 2on/1off but I’d say I missed about 40% of the workouts!

Since I realized I’d never be able to do 20-30 minutes of jelqing 2on/1off, I changed the routine to about 45 minutes of jelqing every OTHER day. In addition, I added 10 minutes of squeezes at the end of the jelqs, starting one week ago. With 5 min stretches, that makes my routine (now 1 month after starting PE) 1 hour long, but only done 3x a week.

When I jelq, I just go for time, not a # of reps. Each of my reps is S-L-O-W. In the beginning, I had a problem getting the speed down to the point where each jelq took 3 seconds. So I just went and intentionally slowed it way the hell down on purpose so that my jelqs wouldn’t be too fast.

I do the jelqs overhand and alternating. Also, every 10 minutes I change it up and do this: I squeeze the base with one hand (like a ring), leaving my grip on the base, while jelqing hard with the other hand for 5 minutes. Then I go right back into the regular jelqs. This really makes my dick red and swollen with blood!

Today, I measured and so far, I’ve seen a little less than a 1/4” gain in length, and a solid 1/8 inch gain in girth. Also, my erections feel like they are harder than before.

On the one hand I’m a little disappointed that I didn’t gain more my first month; OTOH perhaps I should be grateful considering how many workouts I missed, to have gained at all?

Comments/Suggestions? Obvously the biggest one is getting into a daily routine, but for someone who can only do 3x a week what chnages would you make to make each individual workout more intense?

Re: So, my first month of PE

Originally posted by Metal Ed
Also, every 10 minutes I change it up and do this: I squeeze the base with one hand (like a ring), leaving my grip on the base, while jelqing hard with the other hand for 5 minutes. Then I go right back into the regular jelqs. This really makes my dick red and swollen with blood!

This is a great thing to do. I used to do the same technique and the pump was insane. I think your program sounds good.. I mean you are gaining so keep shit straight until your not.

Originally posted by Metal Ed
Today, I measured and so far, I've seen a little less than a 1/4” gain in length, and a solid 1/8 inch gain in girth. Also, my erections feel like they are harder than before.

Congratulations on these gains. There should be no disapointment…Feel proud. Use these gains as a spring board for new ones. Never settle until your where you want to be.


Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

Hey, thanks for the reply. Seeing the gains you made is really inspiring, thanks for that too.

Good luck Metal Ed keep at it

05/12/2005 : BPEL: 6.1"x EG:5.5" Current as of : 24/12/2011 : BPEL 7.87" x EG: 6.3" Long term Goal 8.5"x 6.4"

" There is only one option success; for failure is the refusal to persist"

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