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Standing up, my EQ sucks. Advice?


Standing up, my EQ sucks. Advice?

Hey guys. Well let me tell you this is getting kind of annoying. My girlfriend is amazing and we have great sex, but I have some problem maintaining an erection if I am not sitting or laying down.

When I masturbate I have the same problem, it seems if I am not close to orgasm and I stand up, I just lose my sensibility therefore my erection just dies.

This problems is somewhat recent, and I cant be sure why or when it began. What I cant tell you that about a year ago I had rock hard erections standing up but weaker when sitting or laying, at least when I masturbated.

So do any of you have an advice or anything? The funny thing is that when sitting down I can achieve an EQ of about an 8 in a 10 scale, but standing up seems just impossible, unless I am about to ejaculate.

I would really appreciate any input any of you might have regarding this. I just don’t think it might be a physical problem or I wouldn´t achieve such great erections in other positions right?

Was (july 07): 5.25 nbp (5.9 bp)X 4.5

July 10 :6.15 nbp (6.65 bp)X 4.8

Goal: 6.75 nbp (7.1 bp) x 5.1 Final goal : 7.25 nbp x 5.3

I have the same problem. Great hardness when sitting and laying but when standing usually goes down to 70% or can even fully loose the erection. Practice kegels and masturbating standing up always if it really bothers you. It’s improved for me since I just did a few kegels, holding them for as long as possible daily. Just 5 repetitions of over 30 seconds each.

I don’t have EQ problems while standing, but there’s a thing I noticed… When I have sex with my girlfriend in doggy position, I can last longer if I’m standing (instead of being on my knees on the bed) even though the feeling is equally (or even more) pleasurable. I can easily go at it like a porn star and I reach an orgasm much faster when I’m kneeling.

Originally Posted by UpTo7
I don’t have EQ problems while standing, but there’s a thing I noticed… When I have sex with my girlfriend in doggy position, I can last longer if I’m standing (instead of being on my knees on the bed) even though the feeling is equally (or even more) pleasurable. I can easily go at it like a porn star and I reach an orgasm much faster when I’m kneeling.

I think this is obviously to do wth comfort levels.

If the OP suddenly stands up that might affect how comfortable he is, and that’s why he loses quality. You just have to get better at standing up and relax more.

I think you are right, I should probably get used to masturbating and having sex standing.Thanks.

Was (july 07): 5.25 nbp (5.9 bp)X 4.5

July 10 :6.15 nbp (6.65 bp)X 4.8

Goal: 6.75 nbp (7.1 bp) x 5.1 Final goal : 7.25 nbp x 5.3

I disagree, I think it’s physical. It’s something that’s happened to me due to PE I’m fairly positive. I agree with what you say about feeling but I think the “lack of” feeling is due to a lower erection level, not the other way around.

I believe kegals are the answer. You(or anyone else) now have a bigger penis and your body isn’t used to pumping this much blood into your penis(it takes more while standing up, at least pressure wise).

Hope this helps, I’ve put some thought into this for a while now.

Good luck, if that’s not it, then maybe it’s just one fo those strange things our bodies do haha.

Originally Posted by ladf
I disagree, I think it’s physical. It’s something that’s happened to me due to PE I’m fairly positive. I agree with what you say about feeling but I think the “lack of” feeling is due to a lower erection level, not the other way around.

I believe kegals are the answer. You(or anyone else) now have a bigger penis and your body isn’t used to pumping this much blood into your penis(it takes more while standing up, at least pressure wise).

Hope this helps, I’ve put some thought into this for a while now.

Another view, but good point too.

To me I think I have the opposite, my erection seems better when I stand up, like the blood flows easier to it, but who knows, it could either be physical or physiological. Either way it seems like it’s not the end of the world if this can’t be solved.

Originally Posted by ladf
You(or anyone else) now have a bigger penis and your body isn’t used to pumping this much blood into your penis(it takes more while standing up, at least pressure wise).

I disagree. Average adult male has ~5000 ccm (cubic centimetres) of blood in his body. Let’s say he grows from 6”x4.75” to 7”x5.5” (1”x0.75”, which is a big gain that doesn’t happen over night which gives body plenty of time to accommodate).

6”x4.75” penis has 176.62 ccm of volume and 7”x5.5” penis has 276.27 ccm of volume. That means going from 3.53% of total body supply to 5.53%.

I really don’t think measly 2% will make a significant difference.

Well as we don’t understand the inner mechanism of growth, it might not only be an issue of volume.

I also think your math is off(no offense or anything just for the sake of debate). His(your example) new penis now needs about 36% more blood to achieve the same level of erection, which is very significant. I don’t think total amount of blood relates to this at all.

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What matters is not amount of blood in the body but blood pressure. The BP of blood in the groin (and any) area can radically shift depending descending signals from the brain. The vasoconstriction/relaxion of blood vessels and can massively alter the pressure in different areas.

I hate to be a bummer on what is otherwise an interesting thread, but a number of guys in the venous leakage threads also report their erection to ‘die’ if they stand up. You may wish to look into that. But since you have great erections in other positions, this definately may not be the case.

I would have thought, in the usual case, standing would produce a harder erection, since gravity would make blood flowing towards the legs occur more easily. It’s possible, but this is speculation, that if you had a minor leak, the pressure you get while laying or sitting is not sufficient to actually force blood out of the leak, but, when standing, it is, and so you lose the erection.

There is a reasonably simple physiological explanation for the loss of EQ when many guys stand (it happens to me as well — BTW it also happens with flaccid hang as well). When you change positions from lying or sitting to a standing position, you translocate some of the 5.5 liters of blood in your body towards the legs and the pressure sensors (baroreceptors) in the large arteries of the upper body detect a drop in blood pressure. They send a message to the blood pressure centers in the brain telling it that blood pressure is falling. One of these centers (also known as the vasomotor center) increases the outflow of activity to the sympathetic nervous system throughout the body, increasing the release of norepinephrine and epinephrine (AKA, noradrenaline and adrenaline, respectively). This causes the contraction of the smooth muscle of blood vessels (vascular smooth muscle) leading to increasing blood pressure to accommodate the position change.

Since there is vascular smooth muscle line the venous spaces inside of the cavernosa, it too will respond to this increase in sympathetic activity as well. Contraction of this muscle could cause a change in EQ.

Why does it happen to some guys and not others? IMO, it has to do with the amount of vascular smooth muscle in their penis and this brings us back to the discussion of penis smooth muscle and its contribution (or impingement) to PE. And this also brings us back to the discussion of growers and showers and the contribution of penis smooth muscle to this. One could image that guys with a higher component the greater the response to this change in sympathetic activity.

It is not necessarily this simple. Some people have more aggressive changes in sympathetic activity when they stand that other. (one can get a reflection of this by measuring the change in heart rate when you move from lying or sitting to a standing position - this is a reflection of sympathetic nerve activity). It is also affected by your level of hydration. When you are mildly (or more) fluid down — dehydrated — your sympathetic activity changes will be greater (particularly in the morning when you wake up after not breathing all night).

There are many other factors involved in the erection process (discussed in numerous threads on this issue all over the forum), so this is not the only possibility. Waking up with morning wood and getting out of bed is a bit different from standing up with your penis in a warm space. :) So the effect of standing and other position changes can be variable and activity specific.

As I also said this affect of the sympathetic nervous system on the penis is also noticeable in the flaccid penis. The effect of sympathetic nervous system activity may be significantly less in shower than growers because I believe that the contribution of smooth muscle in the cavernosa is greater in growers than showers (by genetics). Just my opinion.

However as suggested already, this is probably not the result of a venous leak in the cavernosa. In general, a venous leak will be present in all positions and will affect EQ in all positions. In addition IMO, venous leak is an “over diagnosed” issue in this forum (just like penile venous thrombosis).

Last edited by pudendum : 04-28-2010 at .

Gah Pundendum you said it would be simple! :p

I would have thoguht an increase in sympathetic activity would enhance erection stretngth since a contraction of penis smooth muscle would draw more blood to the area.

I find it a jump to suggest this change in SNS activity is enough to completely kill his erection though, even with genetic variability. As you said, there are probably other factors at work, too.

Gryphon are you a shower or a grower?

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