Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Static Stretcher

Static Stretcher

Alright, so gerryk got me all excited about this static stretching idea.

I intend to develop a static stretcher similar to gerryk’s.
I have absolutely no intention of trying to sell this, and it’s likely it won’t work nearly as well as his…

but a fella’s gotta try, right?

Hopefully I’ll cobble something together that works and learn something in the process.

I have no background in making anything with my hands, and I know very little about the sciences (humanities major).

Let’s see how far I get before I quit…

Anyway, here’s a quick sketch I did of the parts needed for the device.

I’m having some trouble figuring out what might be necessary for the base.

So far, I figure two posts like the ones on the glans and a thick silicone ring should give enough support.

I guess the base question boils down to where pressure is applied; at the base or slightly above the base.

The base would seem to provide more gains but might not work well because the point of the stretcher is that it can be worn under pants. Therefore, if pressure were applied to the base then it would not be uniform, as the device would either point up or down (held near waist or in pant leg).

If the pressure is applied near the base but not on it this might not be a problem, but I feel like gains might be lost this way (plus, you’d have to apply another wrap there, complicating the whole device and setup and great deal (not to mention making hard-ons much harder to deal with (harder… ha).

It seems like the base is where the pressure would have to be applied, but how can it be applied most uniformly?

Also, how would I go about making the plastic posts? Is this process called plastic molding? Are there other keywords I can use to do a search on this?

Thanks all and wish me luck!

(20.4 KB, 684 views)

Start: 1/11/06, Committed:11/1/06, Measure: 6.3 BPEL, 5 EG

Goal: 7.3 BPEL

Also, I forgot to mention the motivation for this.

I can’t seem to find an ADS that works well.

I’ve ordered Monty’s PE weights (should arrive soon). Monkeybar’s ADS is nice but it doesn’t supply the grip that I think is necessary.

I’m increasingly convinced that an ADS is really the key component to successful PE.
Big Girtha wasn’t kidding when he said “never let it turtle”.

Thus, the goal of this project is to develop an ADS that one can indeed wear ALL DAY. This means urinating in, getting mid-level hardons in and and it also being somewhat easy to hide. Being able to sleep in it would also be nice.

Start: 1/11/06, Committed:11/1/06, Measure: 6.3 BPEL, 5 EG

Goal: 7.3 BPEL

Good luck mate, if you need a betatester, contact in PM ;) .

Start: 6.3 BPEL x 4.5 MSEG & 4.5 BSEG

Now: 7.7 x 4.7 x 5.5 BSEG

Goal: 8 x 6

Two words: traction wrap. A $1.99 bandage always did it for me.



Can you attribute length gains to a traction wrap?

Originally Posted by GlandMaster
Two words: traction wrap. A $1.99 bandage always did it for me.


With the traction wrap, what percent of BPFSL would you guess you were while wearing this?

I know I have gained some girth from just wrapping alone, but this is a wrist wrap so it is very hard to have it wrap all the way up the shaft without being seriously off. I think I am going to go buy some sort of bandage like GlandMaster was saying he uses cause I really am interested in length gains. Jelqing and stretching haven’t seem to do much the past 5-6 months.

5/16/06 - BPSFL: 7" BPEL: 6.5" EL: 6" EG: 4.75"

Goal - 7.5"x5.5"

"If your success is not on your own terms, if it looks good to the world but does not feel good in your heart, it is not success at all."

Originally Posted by Klayton

Can you attribute length gains to a traction wrap?

I would say that the combination of hanging and a traction wrap got me the length gain that I was after for the better part of 10 years. To answer Tivase, I would say that I wrapped at about 85 -90% BPFSL.

Keep in mind, that if you are using a traction wrap (for length) or cockring (for girth) or any kind of ADS, you need to have some way of pulling the thing off in under a minute. If you aren’t a couple of seconds away from the washroom, or if you can’t release your ring or ADS through your clothing, you’re asking for injury. Of course, if you’re sitting around at home naked in front of your computer all day, it’s not really an issue, but when I ADS’ed & wore a cockring, I was never far away from a washroom where I could rip either off quickly.


What exactly is traction wrap?

5/16/06 - BPSFL: 7" BPEL: 6.5" EL: 6" EG: 4.75"

Goal - 7.5"x5.5"

"If your success is not on your own terms, if it looks good to the world but does not feel good in your heart, it is not success at all."

Originally Posted by GlandMaster
To answer Tivase, I would say that I wrapped at about 85 -90% BPFSL.


Thank you, my friend. :up:

Originally Posted by ck10n3
What exactly is traction wrap?

I echo this question. I’ve tried searching the forums, but I’m not getting a good answer. I’m guessing you wrap your limp dick for long periods of time. Is there anything else? Are you supposed to kind of mummify it and wrap the whole shaft?

Originally Posted by Joe_joe
I echo this question. I’ve tried searching the forums, but I’m not getting a good answer. I’m guessing you wrap your limp dick for long periods of time. Is there anything else? Are you supposed to kind of mummify it and wrap the whole shaft?

You just wrap it so it’s longer than it would be “normally”.

Ace Bandage or anything like it will do.

Last edited by gerrykjohnsons : 12-13-2006 at .

Thanks. I also found out, this isn’t meant to get gains itself, only meant to help get them after stretching or whatnot.

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