Thunder's Place

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Stealth routine required (Urgently)

Stealth routine required (Urgently)

Ok I’ve left this for a little too long as I’m leaving tomorrow for two weeks on a family holiday. Hanging on holiday is out of the question. And even my PM is too conspicuous, especially in swimming gear. So I essentially need a 20-30 minute manual stretching routine… I’m solely doing length and have a high LOT, thus, lig stretches would be preferred. Anybody know of a killer workout that could get those babies sore?


Come on guys - somebody put me out of my misery…


Ok bro….Hit the ligs by doing 30 to 45 sec stretches. Straght down,hook to the left and right.(Act like youre trying to wrap it around your leg with the left, right stretches). 30 to 45 sec for each stretch. Try 15 min of that and 15 min of fowfers if you can. Only advice i can give. Good luck.

Sept 2 2002 Bpel 6.8 Eg 5.5 Sept 2 2003 Bpel 7.6 Eg 6.0 Yeah i know...5 years..updating soon i hate mesuring...

What are fowfers again, sorry?

Pull your cock back between your ass and sit on it Wannabe. Rocking forward will control the tension. Probably wise not to go over 10 mins too.


Another great stretch that I’ve started recently is the V-Stretch. Whenever I can’t hang, this is my new method of choice. To better simulate hanging, instead of pressing down in the middle of the shaft, press down at the base where you can feel the ligs. This is the only thing I have found that put the same “feel” on my ligs as hanging.

A couple of weeks ago, people were visiting and I wasn’t able to hang for three days. I used following routine three times a day.
1. Manual stretch 0:30 at the target angle you use for hanging, 10 times
2. Dry jelq as flaccid as possible. 50 strokes at the target angle you use for hanging

The whole thing takes less than 10 minutes. In the morning, you can do in the bathroom while you’re getting ready for the day. Again in the afternoon after lunch or before dinner. Finally once more while you’re in the bathroom getting ready for bed.

The other person’s routine you might want to take a look at is RB’s. I really like his abbreviated routines.

Enjoy your holiday.


Started: 2/03, Finished: 5/06, Total Gains: 1.375” BPEL 1.5” EG, Details: Progress after a year or longer off?

Only those who attempt the absurd will achieve the impossible—M. C. Escher

Re: Stealth routine required (Urgently)

Originally posted by Good_Knight
Ok I've left this for a little too long as I'm leaving tomorrow for two weeks on a family holiday. Hanging on holiday is out of the question. And even my PM is too conspicuous, especially in swimming gear. So I essentially need a 20-30 minute manual stretching routine… I'm solely doing length and have a high LOT, thus, lig stretches would be preferred. Anybody know of a killer workout that could get those babies sore?

Good_Knight, I have experimented with two methods, in the bathroom .

1. I do a stretch downward with my hand coming in from behind between my legs and using one of my legs as a load.

I lift up my leg up as like standing on one leg to allow me to grip the penis and pull it downward from between the legs, at the same time I gradually lower my leg onto the stretched penis, roughly between the penis and the gripping hand, creating a load with the weight of the leg. I gradually release all the load by lowering my leg, this creates quite a stretch to a count of 100. I alternate the stretch, left and right side.

2. I release my dick shake it it to regain circulation. In a standing position I reach out in between my legs grab the dick and pull it backward. I the perform a kengel then reverse kengel as I stretch and hold to a count of 100. This really work the lings.

You must always remain patient as growth comes with time

Have fun on your holiday or vacation and good luck with that school stuff.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.


What I do recently is the following:

- I squad and genuflect with my right knee.

- I grab my dick from behind between the legs behind the glans with my left hand.

- From the front, I grab my left hand with my right hand and stretch down wards.

- The right hand thereby greatly supports the left hand’s grip and enforces the pull by actually pushing down the gripping left hand.

It’s the best stretch I ever did, and I got very hooked by this. Might be very related to Godzilla’s technique, but he didn’t share it yet, beside naming it squat stretch or so. So I experimented with a squatting position, and I am very pleased !!!

Have a great vacation !!! And don’t get busted ;) I’ll miss your participation. I’ll be off Thunder’s from August 22 until September 22. OMG, a whole month out of Thunderville :(

...not buried yet, another 5" ahead!

KPR 0.072 @ Dec. 4, 2003

:cry: …maybe I wouldn’t miss this place that much, if you would stop MAKING ME SO SENTIMENTAL with your nice posts :cuss: Evertime I will get drunk or “elsewise” my thoughts will wander towards Thunderville *sight*

...not buried yet, another 5" ahead!

KPR 0.072 @ Dec. 4, 2003

buy a pennimaster

Do not be held a cheat, even though it is impossible to live today without being one. Let your greatest cunning lie in covering up what looks like cunning. Baltasar Gracian, 1601-1658 "We live to die another day." Myself Spetember 03 Erect Length 7 inches Erect Girth 5.5 girth Goal Erect Length 8 inches Erect Girth 6.5 girth

>>>What I do recently is the following:

- I squad and genuflect with my right knee.

- I grab my dick from behind between the legs behind the glans with my left hand.

- From the front, I grab my left hand with my right hand and stretch down wards.

- The right hand thereby greatly supports the left hand’s grip and enforces the pull by actually pushing down the gripping left hand.

It’s the best stretch I ever did, and I got very hooked by this. Might be very related to Godzilla’s technique, but he didn’t share it yet, beside naming it squat stretch or so. So I experimented with a squatting position, and I am very pleased !!!

Yessum, that’s the squatting stretch I do as well. I keep my bath towel around my waist and turn my back to the door… squat.. pull.. the towel covers my butt and doesn’t reveal the stretch.

I hold for one minute to the left and then to the right… then jelque 50 to 100 times depending on time. I think this is the best overall stretch I currently do. Really feel the burn in my cockadoodledoo!

Wifey sees a Karate guy stretching out his legs or doing a deep knee bend.

Many thanks for describing the stretch so well.


Start April, 2003: 5.75" BPEL, 5.25" Girth Current: 7.125" BPEL, 5.5"+ Girth still trying...

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