Srtaighting penis.
Hey guys I was wondering if pe can straighten out the penis? Mine is curved to the side about 45 degrees and I wanted to make it less curved. Somehow I used to have it about 20-30 degrees but one day after pe It became worse, it was when I was doing erect bends. It is over a month now and my penis is still curved, I was thining to start pe again but this time take it real slow only manual stretching for first month and then adding some more exercises STAYING away from BENDS. I dont know what coused the curvature to be bigger then it used to be, I am not sure if it is pyronese or whatever you call it. I hate it this way and i want to make it as straight as it can be. I read it somewhere that some people fixed their curve by PE. IT took them long time like over a year but HEY i rather do it that long and fixing it then having what i have. My curve doesnt seem to be looking like a bend from one spot but more of a banana look. Guys anybody can help me out?