Thunder's Place

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Stretch alone vs stretch with jelq for length?

Stretch alone vs stretch with jelq for length?

All I want to do is get some length gains not width. Which way is faster to gain? And can someone tell me the reps and seconds you have to do for best routine?

Hi, some guys do get length gains from jelquing alone. For the majority of us hanging seems to be the great equilizer as far as length goes. Invest the time in reading every damn thread in main members, hanging, new guys, and bs…. then build your self a bib.

Best O luck and keep us posted :)

Running a Massive Co-Front.

I have yet to try hanging. Maybe soon as my manual stretching gains have slowed. I do think whether or not you want girth or not, jelqing is good. It gets a fresh blood flow and I believe aids recovery after a stretching session.

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