Stretching this morning gave me pause…
I considered refraining from my PE efforts! 7 x 5.5 (bpel) seems to be a very good size. Wifey thinks it’s darn big. It certainly looks bigger than my original 5.75 x 5.25!
I sometimes jerk off with my back against the wall so I can see my improved profile in the mirror. It’s a turn on to see myself longer and thicker… I used to look and feel blunted, short and barely sufficient… I slide my semi hard cock onto the palm of my hand as I imagine sliding it on a sexy woman’s lips and face just before she blows me.
Then fully erect, I grip my dick with two hands… now that I can… and imagine fucking a lovely lady… what a great feeling!
7.25 or 7.5 would really be nice. I will continue, but at a slower pace since now I feel rather desirable. So happy to have become more than I was and secure in the knowledge PE slowly works its magic. We all can become even more than we currently are.
So cool!
Start April, 2003: 5.75" BPEL, 5.25" Girth Current: 7.125" BPEL, 5.5"+ Girth still trying...