stretching tunica?
Hi, I am a little confused about the best way to stretch the tunica because I don’t know which way would be most effective. I have been wondering if it would be better if I pulled with just an ok sign behind the head so that I was actually stetching the whole tunica, including the part along the visible shaft. I have so far been grasping around my whole shaft, except for the head, with my whole hand. This way doesn’t allow any stretching of the tunica in the visible dick outside the body. However I don’t know if an ok sigh grip would be good enough grip to pull the tunica enough for it to grow. How hard do I actually have to pull for the tunica to grow, do I have to pull as hard as humanly possible? I am strong. So I guess there is more than one question I need answering here. It would help if you know what you are doing, thanks.
There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world: and that is an idea whose time has come.