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One product is: Futuro self-adhering elastic bandage. about 3 bucks at the drug store.


Sorry it’s called Coach, not Ace. Great stuff for all your wrapping needs.


Thanks all. I’m hooked on velcro Ace bandage (that’s two points for a double pun, guys) but always open to different approaches. I’m going to check out Coach wrap.

Nobody has chimed in about the “curve correcting” potential of traction wrapping. A search yields nada.
As for what Jman points out about “jelqing against the curve” I’ve read a lot on this and even tried a bit. But I honestly don’t buy into it. With jelqing we are essentially ‘injuring’ ourselves to realize growth. To imagine that you could control that injury or deformation in the direction of your choosing by rubbing your penis really hard seems far-fetched. It’s especially unsound when you consider that the force used to “correct” the curve is only momentarily applied. I don’t care if your jelqing against a curve 1000 reps twice a day, it still leaves 22 hours for your penis to revert to, and heal in, its more favored shape/direction.
However, causing injury for a small amount of time and then healing in a preferred shape/direction for a greater amount of time promises a more logical result.
I’m sure there are plenty who will claim differently - that they have indeed “corrected” a curve via jelqing. But I’ll bet the farm that they were simultaneously working toward length gains through hanging or intense stretching and even traction wrapping. I’d credit these things before I would jelqing.
Know that I’m not talking about Peyronie’s disease here. Peyronie’s disease is more about internal scarring determining the degree of curve in a penis. I’m talking about a natural curve of the penis - which has more to do with existing anatomy or physiology.
In my case I know I don’t have Peyronie’s disease - this I know because of more than one urologist and the fact that I’ve always had it. Peyronie’s disease is an “acquired” affliction. My “hook” is more a leftward asymmetrical characteristic. It’s mild compared to some of the cases I’ve seen. But it’s one that I intend to address through AceDS…sorry ;) , traction wrapping and hanging.


I don’t know Cap. Search for posts by Iowa and see what you get on curvature correction. You idea does sound logical to me though. Hell, wrap that sucker up along with a tongue depressor and give it a shot.

Another point for traction wrapping. I don’t think Ace Bandage is a worldwide brand.

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Originally posted by ThunderSS
I don't know Cap. Search for posts by Iowa and see what you get on curvature correction. You idea does sound logical to me though. Hell, wrap that sucker up along with a tongue depressor and give it a shot.

Another point for traction wrapping. I don't think Ace Bandage is a worldwide brand.

Okay, I’ll stop screwing around. Traction wrapping (geeze!).

I know of the Iowa post. His case highlights why I stress that this little theory is not a Peyronie’s focused thing. I guess with massage and topical treatments Peyronie’s disease might be helped. I hope for the guys who have it that there is a way. Medical science hasn’t been able to address it very directly. In fact, I hear debate about the actual cause still floating around. Both urologists I spoke with told me the only guaranteed way to treat it is through surgery - literally cutting your dick with a knife. As if this weren’t bad enough, the procedure always leaves the patient with a shorter penis.

It’s interesting that you mention a tongue depressor, because this evening while picking up the Coach brand wrap I threw in an over-the-counter metal finger split thingy that can be sculpted to a desired curve yet maintains a very rigid quality. I’m going to try to add this thing on if it doesn’t prove too cumbersome or obvious.
I think it’s a worthwhile experiment.


Originally posted by SS4Jelq

Sorry it's called Coach, not Ace. Great stuff for all your wrapping needs.


I stopped into a local pharmacy tonight and picked up the Coach brand stuff and tried it out (wearing it now). I must say it’s a different type of wrap to say the least. A very different feel and effect than the Ace velcro bandage I normally use. I’m most impressed by the rigid quality it takes on - creating a sort of flexible yet solid sleeve around the shaft.
I am also better able to put it on, and therefore have achieved an even better stretch. A whole 1/4” inch more to be exact, and it’s holding.
It doesn’t come off as easily as the Ace, but a few seconds won’t kill me.

Thanks SS4 - I like this stuff. You noted it’s good for all your wrapping needs. Do you mean that you hang using this stuff? Unlike Theraband (which I hang with) it has a texture which gives me pause, but I can imagine this stuff acting nearly like a second skin And no taping required.


You wouldn’t mind if I started calling this method of traction wrapping “SS4DS” would you? :)

Hey Guys,

I use the self adhesive Ace Bandage, I think we forget sometimes that everyone doesn’t have a Wal-mart. My experience with using this product as an ads goes as such.

1. I pre wrap using a thin cotton cloth about 3 feet long.

2. I pull my skin forward right behind the glans to form an anchor so that my pre wrap doesn’t eventually ride over my glans and slide off, causing me to lose my stretch.

3. I pre wrap from the glans all the way down the shaft and then, continue to wrap 2- 3 times behind my balls continuing to the front of my base. I hope I didn’t confuse you all. ( grab the base of your penis and full ball sack in your hand and pull down) Then continue the wrap around this whole base area. This will pull your whole package penis, sack, and ligs away from your body.

4. Where the wrap material stops I take a small 5 inch piece of self adhesive ace and use it like tape to hold the wrap in place.

5. Now here is where it gets tricky but it is well worth the trouble. Take your bib or other hanging device, and put it on using a 5 pound weight, or enough to cause a good stretch.

6. Your whole package should be fully stretched balls and all. Now take your self adhesive ace and wrap your whole package including behind the balls. So depending on how long you are already your sac should be almost flush with your shaft because of being wrapped. (please don’t wrap your whole entire ball sack up too. They should still be hanging out.)

7. The end result should be all of your shaft and a lot of your base area being wrapped. Your base should have been stretched enough by the bib that you can wrap it also. This will give you that extra stretch instead of just wrapping your shaft alone.

I need to get a digital camera A.S.A.P.

Jman give that a try. You should find that your stretch is now 1/4 to .5 off instead of an inch or two.

Hope that helps guys.

CURRENT 04/11/2007 7.5 EBP X 5.25 EG Mid Shaft, 6.5 NBPEL!

GOAL 05/30/2008 8.5 EBP X 6.00 EG Mid Shaft, 7.5 NBPEL!

I been trying out the Coach adhesive bandage, but those thing slip off very fast, they slide to the head and I lose my stretch. I try wrapping it tighter only to find my head fully engorged and a little cold and purple, what can I do, do you guys get the 2inch wide bandages? I don’t get it, how does it slip to the head; am i wrapping it wrong?

Last edited by chitonan : 12-06-2003 at .

Chitonan, try pulling your skin forward slightly over the glans, so that you look like your uncircumcised, then start the wrap 1/2 inch from the top of the pulled skin and then wrap down the rest of the shaft. That should do the trick. The skin should form an anchor, to keep the wrap from sliding off.

CURRENT 04/11/2007 7.5 EBP X 5.25 EG Mid Shaft, 6.5 NBPEL!

GOAL 05/30/2008 8.5 EBP X 6.00 EG Mid Shaft, 7.5 NBPEL!

New ads wrap


Been following this thread and have something to add. I just bought this new wrist wrap Ace-bandage- kind of thing. It is black and made of some real soft rubber-cloth kind of material that fastens at the end with something that looks like the grabbing end of a industrial strength Velcro. After hanging I leave the gauze and Theraban wrap on and just wrap this new thing over it. It is very comfortable and really seems to be helping my flaccid length. I also use it underneath the neonatal bp cuff with two adhesive felt strips to protect the dorsal nerve and vein. With all this wrap in my pants I have a lot of raised eyebrows from the gals at work. I may regret it some day if I ever have to live up to the buldg.


>You wouldn’t mind if I started calling this method of traction wrapping “SS4DS” would you? <

Call it whatever you want to Cap, I give up.

Let us know how you get on with the splint and maybe we can call that the Cap Splint??

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>Thanks SS4. When I type "AceDS" into the search engine all that comes up is this thread. But that can be fixed :)

And so it has. Behold! The power of the internet: Urban Dictionary: aced


>I don’t care if your jelqing against a curve 1000 reps twice a day, it still leaves 22 hours for your penis to revert to, and heal in, its more favored shape/direction. <

That would apply to any type of deformation, if jelqing works for length gains without a traction wrap it will work for curve correction without a wrap.

>However, causing injury for a small amount of time and then healing in a preferred shape/direction for a greater amount of time promises a more logical result. <

In the same way, this is totally true.

>I’m sure there are plenty who will claim differently - that they have indeed “corrected” a curve via jelqing. But I’ll bet the farm that they were simultaneously working toward length gains through hanging or intense stretching and even traction wrapping. I’d credit these things before I would jelqing. <

Same here. I have always recommended static stretching or hanging for curve correction. Jelqing is a bit ‘volatile’ for my liking (for that purpose), you don’t know exactly where the stress is, if your jelqing curve is off by a few degrees it might be putting stress in the wrong area (or, not the exact correct area, if you know what I mean here).

>I am also better able to put it on, and therefore have achieved an even better stretch. A whole 1/4” inch more to be exact, and it’s holding.
It doesn’t come off as easily as the Ace, but a few seconds won’t kill me. <

It rules, doesn’t it. I must credit Bib for introducing me to it’s wonder.

>Thanks SS4 - I like this stuff. You noted it’s good for all your wrapping needs. Do you mean that you hang using this stuff? Unlike Theraband (which I hang with) it has a texture which gives me pause, but I can imagine this stuff acting nearly like a second skin And no taping required. <

I have hung sucessfully with it, but it needs replacing more often than cloth/thera, so I use that for hanging. Stillwantmore used this stuff too, as I remember. Can be abrasive on the skin though.

>You wouldn’t mind if I started calling this method of traction wrapping “SS4DS” would you?<

Hehe. Fuck you! :)


Last edited by SS4Jelq : 12-06-2003 at .

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