Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Success with ADS


Originally posted by ThunderSS
Thanks Ike, thanks a lot.

You’re welcome. With a half million or so words in the english language, we might as well add a few more.

Jelq has a shitty definition: Urban Dictionary: jelq



I bought some Coach self adhesive bandage over the weekend and I’m wearing it today as a wrap. It is very comfortable. I used it for a few hanging sessions too and it was comfortable and not too scratchy. It allows me to wrap a little loser around the head than the regular non-adhesive Ace bandage because the stuff sticks to the skin just below the corona; consequently my dick has better circulation and is staying warm and pink.

One thought: I cut the self-adhesive bandage into three lengths, one around 18 inches long and the other two about 10 inches long. It stretches about 25 to 30 percent. Anyway, I stretched out my dick and wrapped it with the first 18 inch piece. That probably got my dick to about 5 1/2 inches long. Then I grabbed that wrapped package and pulled out hard, revealing still more dick to wrap around the base. That gained another three quarters of an inch. Then I did it all one more time, pulling out hard and wrapping still more dick at the base of my shaft, while trying not to wrap any scrotum. All told, I now have a wrapped dick that’s almost 6 3/4 inches long, which is about a half inch less than my erect bone pressed and an inch less than my flaccid stretched bone pressed length.

I’ve been thinking lately that traction wrapping can be beneficial to solidify gains from hanging and stretching, but isn’t that useful as a stretching method itself. With the technique I described above I’m actually getting a stretch, although still not with much emphasis on the ligs.


>Then I did it all one more time, pulling out hard and wrapping still more dick at the base of my shaft, while trying not to wrap any scrotum. All told, I now have a wrapped dick that’s almost 6 3/4 inches long, which is about a half inch less than my erect bone pressed and an inch less than my flaccid stretched bone pressed length. <

I have the same thing, I can’t get the wrapped size to be the same as my FSL. The scrotum skin gets in the way, because the wrapping has to start from below any fluid buildup from the hanging (uncut), meaning the skin may be too far forward. Still great for flaccid size, and I have to admit to really feeling guilty at the friggin huge bulge it gives me…but then again there is not much better than catching a blatant crotch ‘stare-er’ with a GUY.

I also find that after 4-5 hours of wearing the wrap it can bunch up at the base, and I need to rewrap the last few inches so it it fully stretched out again. This rarely happens with thera, since it is more rigid.


Originally posted by Ike
I've been thinking lately that traction wrapping can be beneficial to solidify gains from hanging and stretching, but isn't that useful as a stretching method itself. With the technique I described above I'm actually getting a stretch, although still not with much emphasis on the ligs.

I was recently thinking about this too, especially the last bit about not hitting the ligs and I came upon a Traction-Wrap/Fowfer combination to do just that.
I might be using the search engine here at TP poorly, so please, no one pounce on me, but I can find no previous reference to this hybrid-ADS *insert name here ________.
By attaining the best possible stretch when wrapping I am able to come within 1/4” of my NBP length - not bad. This often settles by 1/4” - still not too shabby. Then by applying a Fowfer, I am able to get the most amazing lig stretch. There is no way of knowing for certain but I suspect that the 1/4” loss of tunica stretch is ultimately regained once my 170 lbs ass is upon it. And further, it feels mightily like a “Pan Stretch” effect is happening laterally.

By all in one move pushing down and in at the base of my boy using one hand and reaching behind to grab and pull back with the other I am able to easily sit ala Fowfer - much easier than when unwrapped because of the “rigid” state my unit is in. A slight lean backward makes for an a genuine lig stretch - very reminiscent of hanging BTC.
Because my shaft is “built up” in girth and “rigid”, the lig stretch is heightened all the more (I know what this should feel like - it’s the real thing). Add to this that I am unquestionably experiencing tunica stretch, and I can’t help but believe that this combination constitutes a genuine ADS.
I have the luxury of all day total privacy but I don’t doubt this can be accomplished by anyone who has a semi-soft chair and modicum of privacy.
If you ask me, hitting the ligs and tunica using no hands, weights, or device and all for the price of a box of Pop-Tarts is worth trying out.


I remember reading somewhere that if you traction wrap or Aceds (depending on what you are using) that it maybe dangerous to stretch over 90% of your erect length ,at that point you are constricting blood flow.The theory makes sense so I for one am sticking with that.I have gone higher in the past (I wrapped for a short time back in 1999)and started to notice color changes that stayed for some time after wrapping.Now that I am back into and stretching it less it seems more comfortable and the blood flows better.

About the curve thing upon further thinking it seems to me that if you are using a wrap and a splint to correct it ,it may not work. The reason I theorize this is that your curve is only noticeable when erect (correct?)So,it would only make sense that to correct it you would need to do so in an erect state.If you are just wraping it with a splint how is that going to change the tissues that only get a stretch when erect (IE the girth axis)? I do not think it can be done. I think you need to concentrate on exercises that are going to stretch that erect tissue out like jelqing,erect bends etc.If others can gain lengnth with these techniques then why not adapt it to gain length in a certain area to stretch the curve.Whatever you decide to do however I wish you luck and I hope you prove me wrong .


That’s good info on blood restriction. Something to keep an eye on.
As for my curve - it is something detectable even in a flaccid state and this is just one more reason I think it can be addressed via redirection when healing under traction.
I think the idea of correcting a curve through lengthening has been proved. I believe if there is any stress induced correction to be had it exists somewhere in what SS4 is saying about static stress. And I’m more of a mind to believe that hanging can best be trusted on this matter due to the default symmetry of the stress applied to the shaft through hanging. The asymmetrical shape of the anatomy will ultimately be treated as just one more “limiting factor” to growth. I wouldn’t rule out manual stretching, and even jelqing - if it can be so accurately controlled (I’m doubtful). As for erect bends and the like - I swear to you that shit is insanity. The vast majority of injuries happen in an erect state - serious, life altering injuries. I’ll pass.
But I want to make clear that it’s the concept of “jelqing against the curve” that I take issue with.

In fact, in my personal experience with “jelqing against the curve” I couldn’t help but believe I was doing more harm than good. In order for the technique of jelqing to work its magic it requires that the entire circumference of the shaft be stressed. There simply is no way to jelq one side of the penis without effecting the other. Indeed, I suspect that when one “jelqs against the curve” they chance putting more stress on the ‘outer curve’ than the ‘inner curve’ due to a powerful axis that is created at the most severe point of the ‘outer curve’.
Whether you have a curve in your penis or not, try jelqing as though you do (for the sake of demonstration imagine your shaft curves leftward and you are overhand jelqing). As you focus each stroke to the right notice the intense amount of concentrated force that is applied to the area where the thumb of your grip meets the right side of your shaft. This is the “axis” I’m talking about.
Regardless of how you jelq against this imaginary curve - overhand, underhand, right hand or left - you’ll see that there simply is no way to significantly reduce the amount of stress on the outer curve. And I contend that if enough concentrated stress is focused on the outer curve - as I suspect there is - the opposite of what was intended can result. And if you, like me, actually do have a curved shaft you know that the outer curve is already the stronger side (more physical mass?). Overworking it as such, will likely only make it even stronger (and bigger) resulting - as I believe - in more harm being done than good.
Given this perception of mine it’s easy to see why I quickly gave up on the “against the curve” technique and sought other methods of straightening things out - specifically hanging and traction wrapping.
But you make a good point about the benefits of “redirecting” a curve when erect - a very good point. And should I come up empty handed in my approach I will try to address the curve when I begin working on girth. I think that if a “Uli Thing” could be modified to force “erect redirection” it would be ideal. And I have a few ideas on how to accomplish this.
I’m convinced that no harm can come from gently redirecting the ‘passive’ lateral expansion one gets from a Uli Thing. It’s an internal force - very different than an external force such a jelqing or (ugh) erect bends.

If there is anyone who can say definitively that the technique of “jelqing against the curve” works I’d be really interested in hearing about it.
I’d love to be straightened out.


Yea, I was just wondering about the specifics on what all is involved, and how these things are made and if you guys weigh them down with anything or not. I know there’s an ace bandage but that’s about it. tnkz yalls


You make some good points.I guess the only way to know for sure is to try what you think works and hopefully it does.I got complete confidence that if someone can find a way to correct the curve that someone would be you.

Good luck with it .

El Cap, et al:

I’ve been doing your traction-aided fowfers as often as I can lately. They do vastly improve the fowfing experience. I used to get frustrated with fowfers because my flaccid weenie wouldn’t stay put in the butt crack unless I sat on the thing and crushed my shaft; but with the added width of the traction wrap it stays well tucked.

Another reason I didn’t like fowfers was traveling testicles. I have whatever type of hernia it is where my balls often retract up into my abdomen — to pretend they’re ovaries or something. To remedy the problem I’ve been wrapping my whole package – from under my scrotum around the top of my dick – with the Homedics Velcro Wrap (ENHANCE YOUR PUMPED/UNPUMPED BULGE - THE VELCRO WRAP). That keeps my nuts in their sack when I put my penial unit into the optimal fowfing position.

The other thing I’m trying with fowfers is this
two-handled cock ring thing
that I’ve had around for a few years. I wrap my dick, then put the handled cock ring over the top of the wrap. Then I can reach back behind grab the handle, and really pull my dick. The resulting stretch is better than any I can get just using my hand, and it’s easier to align it down my butt crack so it’s more comfortable. (Could this be the eventual path to self-sodomy?)

In other local news… I’m trying this Johnson and Johnson Hurt-Free Tape as a wrap for traction and hanging. It’s similar to the self-adhesive bandage. It stretches and it sticks to itself. It’s probably less durable, but it’s softer. I’m finding I can hang with it easier than the self adhesive stuff because it’s less scratchy.

I’m also testing a two pound wrist weight as an ADS. I wrap with the tape first, then wrap the weight around my dick. It hangs down pretty far so it requires two pairs of boxer-briefs to avoid nasty thigh chafe.

I have been doing the traction wrap for about a week now since Cappy turned me on to it. I think it works great for keeping a stretch for a longer period of time. There are only two issues that I am trying to work out.

1) Sometimes I feel like all of my piss has not come out and I may be “dribbling” and

2) When I initially unwrap my penis looks like it has been thru a dehydration machine — all shrunk up and everything.

Oh well.


You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG

1) Sometimes I feel like all of my piss has not come out and I may be “dribbling”

I have that problem as well. It created an embarrassing event one time while standing and talking to someone at work. I had urinated maybe an hour or so before, and while talking the remaining piss held up in the wrap dribbled out and spotted my jeans at the end of my buldge. He was looking down (crotch watcher) when it happened so I’m sure he saw it. I acted like nothing happened.

Just make sure you forced it all out and milk it before pulling your pants up.

2) When I initially unwrap my penis looks like it has been thru a dehydration machine — all shrunk up and everything.

Same here again. Its very temporary. I sometimes throw on a quick heat wrap for a few minutes and then do some quick jelqs. That brings it back to a nice plump flaccid look.

I also find that my dick seems more elastic and spongy after unwrapping. I will use that to do some mild stretches just to keep it at maximum flaccid length.


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