Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.




Good to see you. I had come here a while back after pefol posted the link on the peforum. Did not have time to come back till today.

Sundays are great. Beside being the Lord’s day, it is a really good day to expand your horizons. Go for long drives to see new country, or surf new sites on the net. I am glad I came back. Some really good members here.

I appreciate your kind words about the hanger and for posting Tom’s letter. What a guy. If there are any questions about hanging or the hangers, I will be glad to help any way I can. Sometimes things get hectic, and it may be a while before I can reply. It will not be a dis or anything. Just the trials of a career and trying to do the hanger thing. Make everyone happy.

If something is really important, just email me. Most of you know the addy.

Hmmm. So this is where the grownups go, huh?


Welcome aboard !!

Hey Bigger,

Welcome. Real glad to see you here! To make answering questions easier (you will get a lot of them I believe), I can make a Hanger’s Forum and we can attempt to keep all hanging threads there. It will take some of the posts away from the main forum, but I think it would be more organized as well. Gets to be a bitch sometimes on PE Forums trying to search for a hanging thread or a piece of information. Let me know what you think.

Penis Enlargement Forum -- How To Jelq -- Free Penis Enlargement Videos

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hanger forum


Don’t do anything special for me. Maybe you need to get more input on that. On the peforum, I usually just look at the subjects and open the ones that I may need to read.

If it would help others, go ahead.

Are you registered on peforums? If so, what is your name there?



I’m Seeker9 on PE Forums, member since August of last year, right after the troll took the board down. I used a different nickname there because I was just made a moderator on the Big Penis Forums then, and did not want to get Aaron Belmont mad at me. I eventually got him to start posting there, until the board was taken down again. He doesn’t have the time anymore, not even to post on the BigPenis Forum.

I think a Hanger’s Forum is the way to go. It will keep all the hanging posts in one area, easier for guys to track stuff down that way. It will be no problem to set up, only take about ten minutes. I would like you to be the moderator there also. I am sure the rest of the members would agree on this. Let me know.

Penis Enlargement Forum -- How To Jelq -- Free Penis Enlargement Videos

Make a Donation This place runs on donations, help out if you can. Thanks.

Hey Bib, welcome to the board. Im glad my link got you over here considering you are a veteran of sorts.

Hope we can learn from each other.

Welcome aboard

I’m actually wearing my BIB at the moment, hanging is great as an hands off approach. Unfortuantely I have little time at present to jelq as a complement exercise.

As far as ‘Grown-ups’ are concerned, some of us still have a long road to walk before reaching puberty.




I would appreciate some really good in depth questions. I have had a few lately, but not as many as I would like. Sometimes a thought will hit me, or a memory of when I PEed heavy, and it needs to go on the forum. If I do not post it immediately, it is lost in the ether of my brain.

The only way to really get information out of me is to prod the muse with questions. Then, I have something to refer to in answering.

There is a lot of stuff I have never written about at all. Just does not come to me. You need Dance over here. He goes in depth and does not quit until he understands.

That is another thing. You have to followup. Even if it is a month later. Guys, you can’t help each other unless the result of advice given is known.

Have any of you wrapped for removal of discoloration or for passive head gains?


Not yet


I have not done the wrap for discoloration removal yet. Will start tomorrow. I am going to step up my short intense jelq/squeeze/Uli routine starting tomorrow. I have some discoloration, slight, just starting on circ scar now. Going to attempt to control or remove it with wrapping. Have tried arnica for discoloration with no results.

I agree with you about Dance. He is persistant. Spent a lot of time in the chat room with him, back when the chat was busy. I joined PE Forums right about the time he started pumping and have followed his progress right along. He was asking questions that I wanted answers to also.

So, are you up for being the moderator on the Hanger’s Forum?

Penis Enlargement Forum -- How To Jelq -- Free Penis Enlargement Videos

Make a Donation This place runs on donations, help out if you can. Thanks.



I will be a mod, but have little time for any administrative duties. Really, just wanted to answer questions and read some really good posts.

After your Ulis or jelqing, try wrapping to keep the expansion up for a long time. It will take some experimenting with the tightness of the wrap. Too much and the pressure will get too high. Too loose and nothing will happen. In private, you can let it get fairly high and then just give a gentle squeeze to get the head pressure reduced.




welcome aboard. I’m really pleased to see you as a member and even a mod here on this board. But, I have to agree with Thunder. A Hanger’s Forum is the better way. Easier to find things, easier to moderate and easier to…well, everything.

How about a Pumper’s Forum, also?

Just a thought.

Make it huge....!

Uncut4Big / Mike

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