Supersetting exercizes?
Hiya fellas, this is my first post here at Thunder’s Place, but I’ve been frequenting other boards for a little over a month now and I’m curious to get your take on the way I perform my routine.
I’ve noticed that most persons go through one exercize at a time, completing all of the reps and sets for that particular exercize before moving onto the next (whether it be for length or girth). I’ve taken a different approach with my routines and decided to superset all of my exercizes together… In my opinion this serves to shock the penis on a consistant basis, allowing a person to stick with a particular routine for a longer period of time.
For instance, my length exercizes include: DLD Blasters, “bundled” DLD Blasters, JAI stretches, and standard multi-directional stretching for approximately 30 seconds in each direction. Instead of picking one exercize, we’ll say JAI stretches just to use an example, and doing all of my reps and sets, I prefer to do randomized sets of each exercize in no particular order. As I stated above, I believe this will serve to shock my penis into more growth than I’d experience if I went about things in the “traditional” manner.
I’d love to get some feedback from some of the more experienced PE’ers who have maybe tried a routine made up entirely of supersets that way I know if I’m working in the right direction. Thanks in advance.