Thunder's Place

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Girth exercizes

Girth exercizes

I’ve been doing girth exercizes for what seems like forever (2, and have yet to put on any gains.somehow, I busted out another 1/8 of an inch in length though, which is cool.

Anyway, the girth exercizes I’ve been doing are Uli, sadsak slinky, and a couple others I forget the names to. My question is, how much is too much? I have a hard time telling because I can’t really “feel” when/if it’s too much. I do an hour of PE a day (except for two off-days, Wed. And Fri.).and 35-40 minutes of it is centered around girth exercizes. The rest is 20-25 minutes of intense wet jelqing, and 5 minutes of ball enlarging exercizes.

What should I be feeling for or looking for, hints or signs that I might be overdoing it. I really need to know, because as I said, I have a hard time feeling when it’s too much. If I don’t notice something visually or feel anything specific, I don’t bother with it.because I don’t know how to check for problems.

Also, the other day, as I was doing my exercizes, these little patchy red dots appeared around a little bit of my foreskin.the other day, a BIG red dot appeared.other stuff has happened, but it’s weird because it always goes away the next day.and I get sore, but it goes away the next day as well. I don’t know whether this is bad or not..

Anyway, if anyone has any thoughts, feel free to spill them in here. Thanks guys. =)

Signs for overdoing it would probably be those red dots. From what I’ve read, they’re just capillaries bursting, but they’re not a big deal because, like you said, they heal relatively quickly. But still, don’t go all out if you keep getting them.

Be patient and continue what you’re doing. Girth gains seem to be much harder than length to attain. Two weeks isn’t a very long time either. Stay away from measuring it everyday, because that will probably just make you depressed at so working hard and seeing little to no gains. Just stick with it for a few months and see where it gets you.

Starting: (8/12/04) BPEL: 7.75" EG: 5.5" (skinny) Goals: BPEL: 8" EG: Stupendous

It is kind of hard for me to tell you what the signs are, if everything seems fine with you then no worries. The red dots are one of the small prices to pay, IMO. The only sign I can come up with is a severe lack of erection, I most of the time have some loss especially a few hours after a intense workout, but a severe case would definitely cause alarm to me. Admittedly, I’ve been pretty fortunate throughout, so there is sure to be better responses from others.


I do kegels when I drive to and from places so weak erections are not a problem for me. In fact, I’m having problems with it getting too hard when I PE (I think my 21 year old virginity isn’t helping much).

The only time I have weak erections is after I’ve done a mammoth working (1 1/2 hrs. +).Usually though I’m not doing anything else that day other than chilling out at home so it’s all good.

On an somewhat off-topic note: The thing that really gets to me about doing all this PEing is that I’m having some monster erections now. Sometimes I have to just hit up a bathroom or a practice room or some professor’s office and disperse the soldiers, otherwise it’s so easy to tell what’s going on. Sometimes it’s funny though.I love walking through the mall with a flagpole in my pants.the looks I get are fu<king classic. =D Anyone know how to like.make erections go down? This used to not be such a problem. Hehe

And also, can someone turn that damn spellcheck off, or at least make it optional? It’s getting rid of all the elipses (three dots between words) and capitalizing words that shouldn’t be.

>And also, can someone turn that damn spellcheck off, or at least make it optional? It’s getting rid of all the elipses (three dots between words) and capitalizing words that shouldn’t be.<

It would have been switched on because you didn’t capitalise and punctuate. Ellipses are rarely used in good English and are not considered a suitable way to separate phrases here. Personally I’ve used them in 30 posts here and probably only half the time correctly, if you were using the same ratio to posts as me you would have used them 0.57 times so far.

I’ve switched off the automatic checking, so you are now responsible for following the Forum Guidelines on your own. OK?

Phreakk, for the longest, my spell check didn’t work at all! Finally it just started coming up on it’s own, I guess Thunder fixed it that way, which was a relief! I had to set before, and check all my spelling with a dictionary and got hassled like hell for a misspelled word here and there, but now, my spell check works on it’s own. To this day, I will try to access it manually and it still doesn’t work*LOL*.

Originally Posted by memento
>And also, can someone turn that damn spellcheck off, or at least make it optional? It’s getting rid of all the elipses (three dots between words) and capitalizing words that shouldn’t be.<

It would have been switched on because you didn’t capitalise and punctuate. Ellipses are rarely used in good English and are not considered a suitable way to separate phrases here. Personally I’ve used them in 30 posts here and probably only half the time correctly, if you were using the same ratio to posts as me you would have used them 0.57 times so far.

I’ve switched off the automatic checking, so you are now responsible for following the Forum Guidelines on your own. OK?

Heh. I didn’t expect anyone to take me seriously. :o


Are you using Cable Clamps with your Ulis? If so make sure to never stay clamped more than ten minutes, or if you feel tingling or numbness, pop the clamp and kegel in fresh blood. It is easy to injure yourself with Extreme Ulis, but when done correctly they can really beef up your girth.


2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Dear phreakk,

Be careful, 1 hour a day seems to me to be a lot. But listen carefully to your body, check some injury signs (bruise, red spots), be also very aware about the level of your erection. I know its is difficult to think “less PE” investing 2 to 3 years in PE instead to want to accelerate your gain and takes some risks to injury yourself. Recovery time is very long, and maybe you will spot PE for ever. Some times, there is an inertia, injury come not immediately after workout but after 6 months of hard PE. I have heard many times this sentence in this forum and I believe in it (“less” is some times “more” and be “worry” instead to be “sorry”). Take your time, don’t be obsessed to get a big penis tomorrow.

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