Thunder's Place

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Suspensory Ligaments: How Important Are They To Sex?


I gained a but over an inch in the erect state. My flaccid girth is nearly equal to my pre-op erect girth

Originally Posted by thethickone
Yes I had alloderm and now I am about 7 inches erect girth, and 7.5BPEL and gaining all the time with post op physiotherapy. I am getting a second smaller girth enhancement for aesthetic reasons and having doc check to see if I had a reattachment of ligs via scar tissue.

thethickone, what post op physiotherapy routine are you doing for length, manual stretching, hanging, pumping, ads?

Is it a case of the more the better or will too much hinder length gains?

I pump and hang with weights. I don’t know if too much will hinder growth

ok, what weight are you hanging and for how many sets? Do you usea BIB?

What HG do you pump at?

I use the tracman up to 20 pounds of tension and then use malebridge products to hang 10 pounds with. Total time about 30 minutes

I then finish with about 30 minutes of pumping at various pressures from 5 to 20 (higher for short periods).

I then apply a cock ring and keep on for various lengths of time


I was just talking with the wife about this exact thing last night. Our sexual positions are limited due to the angle of my erection. It points straight up at about 11 o’clock and is very hard. Therefore, any time we veer away from missionary she is uncomfortable. I havn’t tried hangin yet, maybe I should start… Are you happy with your operation? How much did you gain. I think I would be happy with it if it increased my flexibility alone!

This thread hasn’t been active for a number of years. Can damage/complete tear to the suspensory ligament cause limp and lifeless jello like cock? I think I tore mine while asleep and not cock hasn’t been the same since. Can a damaged lig cause scrotum to hang lower and affect the nerves in the penis and scrotum? I would think so because the lig is no longer keeping the nerves in the natural state causing them to move around. Any thoughts?

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(The following is mostly in reply to the previous post by Sparky, but also the entire thread in general)

I had my ligaments cut back in 1994. There are various reasons why I later regretted the surgery, but I will not go into those reasons here unless someone asks. However I will mention something that pertains specifically to the question Sparkly asked.

The side-to-side rigidity of my erect penis changed dramatically post surgery, although the hardness of my erect penis did not seem to change. The term I have used to described the change in side-to-side rigidity was ‘wobbly’. My penis would move a lot to the left, but not as much to the right.

Directly related to this is an experience I had back in March of this year — but first some background info:

Early this year I had started pumping testicles. I have always had small ones that were usually very sensitive (sometimes painful) to even light pressure. I found a thread here in which a member described relief from his testicular pain by pumping his testicles, so I thought I would try it. Sure enough, the discomfort in my testicles went away (it was temporary, but supposedly as the pumping was continued over time the improvement would become almost permanent). My method of pumping the testicles was to isolate the pump on the testicles — in other words I did not do a “full package pump”. This meant the vacuum, while enlarging the testicles, was also pulling on the base of my penis, but I restrained the penis so it would not get sucked into the vacuum tube — which created a problem for me.

Here is what directly relates to this thread: While pumping in March I suddenly felt what seemed like a very uncomfortable “tearing” or a “pulling” feeling accompanied by a nauseous feeling. Needless to say I immediately stopped pumping! The base of my penis felt weird for a long time after this happened. I also noticed that my penis was more “wobbly” than it was before, and just as wobbly to the right as it is to the left. Also, my flaccid hang seemed a little longer. My penis works fine, so no damage was done to the functional structure of the penis, it is just more wobbly.

My guess is that what happened was I tore more suspensory ligaments — how much I do not know. It seems like I have no connected suspensory ligaments anymore since I can feel with my fingers down into the base of the penis and I can go deep into the base at the pubic bone. So it seems I have a fully, or almost fully, detached penis now.


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