Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Taking a Break(injury)


Glenn, just e-mailed you back. I’m finally out of commission, and you’re getting started again. Hopefully you have no more bumps in the road. Pretty soon you’re going to run out of excuses ;)

Zep, the only other time I had blood come out was during my 3-4 months of hanging. With Bib’s help, I got that taken care of. I stretch with some blood in my head. Not much, but enough to use it as an anchor. I guess with how hard and how long I’ve been stretching, it was bound to happen.

Maxwell, seems exactly what I went through. Same symptoms. Just becareful and keep an eye on it. The first time it happened, it went away on its own. This second time around though, it turned out much worse. I’ll keep you up to date on how it goes.

Again, thanks for the support. I don’t know what I’d do without you guys.

"It doesn't matter where you start, it only matters where you end up."


Are you still shaking and getting the cold sweats or are you starting to feel a little better. Or are you sitting with the bib in one hand and the lube in the other. Dam it did sound like you were on the verge of a gain, it seems when the flaccid goes up the erect size is right behind it. Maybe when you start back concentrate on some girth exercises for awhile give the urethra some more time to heal while you work on some more girth. I found I got my best girth gains while doing very little or no stretching. Don’t worry I’m sure you won’t lose all your gains in a month maybe just half. “hehehe……………….I’m only kidding let go of your dick, your not going to lose anything, now be safe!


LOL thanks Dino. You seriously had me thinking of doing PE right there on the spot, after I read your post.

After a week, those urges are still there and they’re not going away. I guess I’m a lost cause. Hopefully I don’t get carried away and go past 10mins of jelqing my first days back.

One more non-PE week to go. Man this sucks.

"It doesn't matter where you start, it only matters where you end up."


I bet the dick feels real good and healthy now after a chance to heal and rebuild. I think one of us has to invent a pe patch to wean us off pe when it’s time to stop.



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