Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Taking a Break(injury)


Taking a Break(injury)

During the past few weeks, I’ve gotten very very small amounts of blood come out my urethra during my stretch routines. Never any blood during jelqing. I was doing hour long stretch routines, 5 days out the week.

Two days ago, only a few stretches into the routine, I saw a penny sized drop of blood come out the urethra. Far more blood than previous weeks. I immediately stopped. The cause is obviously from the intense stretching.

Never experienced any pain, erection, or ejaculation problems, even 2 days later. No signs of blood since. Everything seems fine.

I’m going to take a full month break from stretching, and a 2 week break from jelqing.

When you see signs of something may be wrong, you should take a break, instead of continuing with PE. I should of stepped back for a few days when I saw the small amounts of blood. Instead I made it worse. I just recently hit 8.25” flaccid bone stretched length. I got over zealous and wanted to stick with it, regardless of the injury. That was dumb.

You have one dick guys, treat him good. PE will be there after the break. (Got to admit, I’m missing PE after just 2 days)

"It doesn't matter where you start, it only matters where you end up."

Sorry to hear this. Your drive and success made you one of the all-time top gainers.

I have no doubt you’ll get out of this on top.


Sorry to hear about this, but you’ve made a good choice as well as a mature and excellent observation: PE will be there after the break.

I hope your recovery is quick.

And ya, doesnt it just suck being sidelined? Really messes with your head.


The break will be good for you, after about a week you will stop shaking and the jitters will go away and you will marvel about how much time you have to do other things. I have pushing for gain also. I have been stuck for awhile and after your story I will back off some what. Enjoy your break my friend.


Guys, thanks for the support. It means alot.

And ya, doesnt it just suck being sidelined? Really messes with your head

Dark Trick, it messes with my head big time. I wanted to do PE this morning, but had to remind myself that I was injuried. It was kind of tough.

The jitters went away this morning Dino. I need to find something to do for that 2hour gap missing in my day. I think more sex would keep me busy :D

"It doesn't matter where you start, it only matters where you end up."

A break may indeed be what ya need. However, I’m right where you are on my flaccid bp stretched length, 8.25”….8.5” here the last few days right after my stretching workout. So, just keep in the back of your mind to not take TOO long off….’ol Stillmeister just might pass you up;)

(turns on Rocky music)…. (turns on the hot water)…

Nah.. tempting.. but I can’t stretch.

Stillmeister.. one day…. I’ll catch ya… today will not be that day. In a month.. watch out ;)

"It doesn't matter where you start, it only matters where you end up."

Hi Y

Geez, man, just when I’m starting back, you get injured. Yep, after penile cyst surgery, blood in my semen (neither PE related) a bad case of poison ivy on my cock and nut sack, 6 weeks on the road, I’m back, but I guess as a newbie again. Y, I know how much you like to do your exercises, but for a 21-year old, you’re a wise young man to hold off for a while.

You take good care of yourself and we’ll see you back soon.


Good to be back

Thunder, Avocet was getting on my case. I’ve missed you all. And, no, I didn’t have fun getting the poison ivy, like screwing in the woods. Went up to the lake to help my father-in-law move his dock, since the water was rising. Must have gotten into the PI on the bank - don’t know, they lose their leaves in the winter, but not their oils. Guess I must have gotten the oil on my biddy buddy when I peed later on. I hate to admite it, but I’ve done it before. Must have been a lot of oil, since I KNOW I washed my hands when I came up from the lake.

AND THAT’S THE TRUFF as boring as it may be.


Well after all these months

I see you’re still an asshole. I HAD gloves on, but took them off when I went down to the water, they were suede, didn’t want to get them wet. Shit, I’d rather pay $200 for a dermatologist and 2 weeks of itching than to have to buy my father-in-law a $10.00 pair of gloves. Of course, with my luck they would have been his FAVORITE pair of gloves.

Okay, Okay, I’ll keep them on the next time.



I had blood come out of my urethra a couple of times. The cause was from hanging fairly heavy weight with to much blood in the gland (head).

Basically I hung with a woodie and as the woodie decreased the blood went to my penis head which created too much pressure and the end result being a little blood.

It seems that was more than a year ago and after a few days off I was hanging and doing all the PE I wanted too. I’m not sure how you would get blood to come out by stretching unless maybe you were in a semi erect state.

Anyhow I agree with Glenn Delta your a smart guy and wise to take a break. Who knows you may have a growth spurt during your time off.



Hey yGuy

Let us know how everything goes after your time off. And if the bleeding stops. I have also been having this problem. I know exactly where it is coming from for me it is right at the tip of my penis inside my piss hole. I been getting it while I stretch and unfortunately that is what I have been concentrating on for length. I don’t get it while I do squeezes or pump. I been keeping a close eye on it. There has been no blood in my urine or my cum. It doesn’t bleed after I exercise or any other time just when I grip and pull under my head I think the pressure might be to much for it. The only thing that I have really noticed that is different. Right at the tip of my penis right below my piss hole it gets really engorged and after that happens thats when I see a small amount of blood. So lets us know if your time off solves your problem if it helps you it may help me. GOOD LUCK

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