Testicular hernia and stretching
I had surgery for testicular hernia when I was young. Nowadays my left ball feels fixed-sewn very far up, while my right ball hangs very freely pretty low down.
I find this very uncomfortable, not only do I want them to hang at the same altitude, but also my left ball sometimes goes up in my groin. I’ve talked to plastic surgery departments and they say that the balls hang in a string called “funicular” and that it contains the sperm-channel, so they cannot lengthen it or do anything about my problem.
Would it be dangerous to stretch my left ball down? I mean, could it cause sterility? Would it be any different to stretch my right ball down?
I’m right now looking for people that have had the same issue and has done something about it, or people with the same issue that wants to to discuss this further.
Any advice are also very welcome!
Start: 6.3 BPEL x 4.5 MSEG & 4.5 BSEG
Now: 7.7 x 4.7 x 5.5 BSEG
Goal: 8 x 6