Hey gonnabe,
When I accidentally stumbled across PE doing penis health exercises for impotence (and saw myself growing) I thought this would be a breeze. How many people can take a 4.5 NBP (approximately 5 or a tiny bit better BP…didn’t know to measure BP) and make it into 6.5+ BP in only a few months? I thought I’d have a monster in no time. Then things slowed down greatly, it was somewhat disheartening so I know kind of how you feel. I know I’m not building the perfect beast, but I am improving and that’s the important thing.
Something that has improved my gains a bit recently (not like the initial ones but I’m moving in the right direction slowly and feel better with my workouts) was to change the intensity of the workouts.
I don’t stress over getting an erection for jelqing as long as I’m getting them for sex (I used to not). I’m hanging for less time, that’s right less and it’s working. I’m not wrapping as much to clamp as tight, that’s right clamping looser and seem to be progressing.
Now instead of 20 minutes of hanging, I stop at 15. and clamp a click or two less than I was originally. I don’t know if my measurements have changed because it’s not time to measure yet, but it feels bigger, heavier, and seems to be hanging a bit longer and fatter lately.
Here is my current routine:
>Warm up 10 minutes
>Hang 7.5lbs 15 minutes
>Massage for a moment (get wife to help…this is the fun part)
>Dry jelk with one kegel before and held during each rep (100 reps)
>Clamp enough to get maximum size (one clamp only) for 10 minutes loosening the clamp, kegeling in more blood, massaging again a couple of times during the 10 minutes. (again, get wife to help maintain erection and massage)
>More massaging and swinging it around a bit to help circulation.
I do this twice a day with one or two days off each week.
It’s not very intense but my morning erections are and my erections for sex are very good. They were non-existent before.
I don’t know if this minimal routine would be beneficial to you, but it may be worth some consideration.
Oh yeah, and I don’t even have any expensive stretching equipment or hangers. I use a home made capn’s wench if I decide to stretch and it’s my hanger too.
Good luck brother, don’t give up, just find a better way. If I was one to give up, I’d be a cripple in a wheelchair with a limp dick instead of a triathlete and competitive bodybuilder who’s screwing his wife’s brains out almost daily now (OK so I always lose the contests, and she still has her brains but I’m in there going for it). There is always a new approach and a better way.