Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

The Captn's Wench: PE Device

Also cap, I’m trying to figure out how best to grip my internals. It doesn’t seem to matter how tightly I put the clamp, honestly, I have a different clamp that let’s you tighten as much as your hand strength will let you and believe me, I’ve gone far enough to know it was way to much, and it just always seems to move right along with the skin down to where it’s hanging down over the head. Any suggestions?

Cutting some of the length is a great idea Lucky. In fact, I think you’ll be surprised at just how much you can trim off of the length of the Velcro band and still get an excellent hold of your shaft. In some cases doing this might even provide a better hold than before.

Just for the record I am suggesting that Lucky trim the 10” length of the Wench down to a lesser size. People can try this with their current Wench or simply make a second one and explore the difference with the new one. Having one to compare to the other is pretty revealing about what you personally need from the size of your Wench.

I have one Wench (of many) that is a very small 5 1/2” in length and I often use it with a clamping device other than the CableClamp.

Stay in touch Lucky


Originally posted by luckywood976

I've gone far enough to know it was way to much, and it just always seems to move right along with the skin down to where it's hanging down over the head. Any suggestions?


Let’s first try the trim down and see if that helps. Remember to keep your wrap snug and the Wench placed 1” behind your glans.

Let me know if that helps.


Last week when I met PirateSteve he brought me a Wench as a gift. I have to tell you I was totally blown away. I had been thinking of a ADS and even bought the supplies the very first day that Cappy posted about the Wench and I had not even gotten to build the damn thing. I am a little embarrassed about that since CaptnHook is one of my forum buddies that I get great pleasure in harassing or being harassed by. But I digress..

Last Friday afternoon after lunch with Steve I had a few minutes of privacy and of course the first thing I did was try on the Wench. I was totally shocked at how comfortable the thing was for me. I didnt use any type of wrap and managed to get it snug enough without any discomfort whatsoever. I pulled and yanked and tugged and the thing never let go and never caused the slightest bit of discomfort. If I didnt wear my jeans so damn tight I would be able to wear the thing on an regular ongoing basis. I am short (5’6789789789”) so I dont wear my clothes too baggy in order not to look stumpy and SHORT. I also wear jean shorts every day to work because of my work environment. I will have to rethink my wardrobe a bit and consider taking out a pair of fat jeans from the stockpile so that I can wear this for an entire day. I have worn the Penimaster under a pair of jeans at work, it was comfortable enough except I walked like I had a cucumber stuck up my ass. That made it a little obvious or at least I felt self concious about it anyway. I know I wont get the same issues with the Wench. I will pull a larger pair of jeans from the back of my closet and wear it tomorrow. I will keep you posted.

Thanks again Cappy for a great product and thanks Pirate for the gift. I will get a shit ton of use from it.


You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG

Let me just say that it is difficult to post a reply without giving in to the temptation to put a lamp shade on my head. But I am going to try. I promise not to make fun of your welfare Wench.

After a few days of familiarizing yourself with it, consider scaling the Wench down so that all of its proportions are a bit smaller. I say this specifically to you because I know you are an ADS guy and your objective is to comfortably move about in public. The Wench will give just as good if not a better hold/stretch if you scale it down.
Don’t go nuts and lop off too much too soon - Just consider what would be a reasonable size in order for you to achieve your objective.
In fact, check out the Wench ADS thread for more detail. The link is on the previous page.

I’m impressed that you aren’t wrapping. I always am when someone says this.

Thanks 24

Wench ADS

Originally posted by CaptnHook
Let me just say that it is difficult to post a reply without giving in to the temptation to put a lamp shade on my head. But I am going to try. I promise not to make fun of your welfare Wench.

After a few days of familiarizing yourself with it, consider scaling the Wench down so that all of its proportions are a bit smaller. I say this specifically to you because I know you are an ADS guy and your objective is to comfortably move about in public. The Wench will give just as good if not a better hold/stretch if you scale it down.
Don't go nuts and lop off too much too soon - Just consider what would be a reasonable size in order for you to achieve your objective.
In fact, check out the Wench ADS thread for more detail. The link is on the previous page.

I'm impressed that you aren't wrapping. I always am when someone says this.

Thanks 24

Cappy I want to thank you again for a great product. I know you have spent a lot of time in research and development and you deserve the accolades you are receiving for the time and effort that in the end can help us all.

I have a fairly lengthy set of comments that I have built up in regards to the usability of the Wench for my specific application. However, I will post them at PirateSteve’s ADS thread.

You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG

Thanks Cap.

I went out today shopping and found the parts at Lowes and WallMart.

Being a newbe I am going to do more reading before hanging and practicing my wrap. I am uncut and will let you know how I made out.

Thanks again for all this info.

Yep, It worked Thunder! Sorry, I couldn’t resist!

I am going to make a wench today. I will let you know how I go. I expect to be able to get everything from Bunnings.


I think I am finally starting to understand the reason behind the frequent posting. I am currently wearing my just-built wench and really have nothing better to do than post to the forum. For a little background on myself, I started PE a year or two ago with jelquing and I think I got maybe a half an inch gain in length. I had stopped doing it for a while when I stumbled upon this site! All the positive reinforcement among members really convinced me to give it a shot again, so here begins my life as a hanger. We shall see how it goes, currently 5 lbs and fairly comfortable. I am off in search of a good sounding routine.


Yep when you hang you have time to post, or work, study, play

Welcome to thunders!!

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)


Your the Man!

I finished the wench this afternoon and am hanging about 4.5 lbs as I type! Very, very comfortable.

I had to use several different materials as some of the ones you describe are not available here. The cable clamp was the hardest one to over come. One gold star to anyone who can think of what I used. BTW, I found it in the tool section of a hardware store!

For all those in Australia wanting to know where I got my materials, post here and I will reply

Last edited by Andrew69 : 02-26-2004 at .

Oh and Cappy,

For also those guys that cut down their wench to be more comfortable, would that be a “Petite Wench”?

Mini Wench?


Captns Wench Lite?

You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG

Originally Posted by Andrew69
Oh and Cappy,

For also those guys that cut down their wench to be more comfortable, would that be a “Petite Wench”?

“Le Wench” was a possibility but that sounds way too Home Shopping Network. I was going to call it “The Captn’s Kidd” but decided to keep that name for the next homebrew hanger I’m going to share with you turkey killers. The Kidd is a kooky little device that looks nothing like the Wench but is as easy to construct and the materials can be found anywhere in the semi-civilized world. It’s not as pretty as the Wench but let’s be real, what device is?
Noitaripsni eht em evag drabbuh mot.

My brother-from-another-mother 789 is right: “MiniWench” it be.


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