Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

The future of penis enlargement surgery

the future of penis enlargement surgery

Researchers are investigating a new way for penis enlargement for accident victims, transgendered people and yes, the poorly endowed. What do you think?


(change the xx to tt for the link to work!)

Quite interesting, sometime ago, I read they were trying to regenerate internal organs ie, heart, liver, kidneys etc. from stem cells kudos to scientists who try to help people with failing organs or enhance their lives :) hopefully one day they can help amputees and other victims.

We have lab-grown penises right here.

Thunders is a PE laboratory.

Based on my limited understanding of the “organ regeneration” theories, I believe that the new organ is “grown” from your own cells along with the help of undifferentiated stem cells.

If that is the case, wouldn’t you get an nearly exact replica of your pre-PE penis from this sort of procedure? I would hate to go through a penis replacement procedure only to end up loosing all of my “Thunder-Gains”


Starting (10 / 2011): 6.50 BPEL, 5.50 MEG

Current: 7.50 BPEL, 6.00 MEG

Goal: 8.50 BPEL 6.50 MEG

I can see this going one of two ways:
1) It becomes a valuable medical advancement for those who need it.
2) It’s going to be abused SO much. Imagine all the requests for the “Milton Burl Special.”

Probably both.

L-Arginine is a PE wonder-supplement!!

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