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The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Surgical Penis Enlargement Mini Forum ~ Penis surgery

Surgical Penis Enlargement Mini Forum ~ Penis surgery

Introducing the Surgical mini forum. A resource of compiled information and personal accounts regarding phalloplasty. As most of you know, I have had the alloderm girth enhancement and supra pubic lipo back in January 2005. I plan to have a lengthening procedure in October 2005, and a second girth enhancement June 2006.

I polled the option for Thunder’s Place to have its own surgical forum and 81 to 17 Thundorians agree that a surgical forum would be useful.

Surgical forum poll.^

It is estimated that over 250,000 men have undergone some sort of phalloplasty. This number is staggering. This is my story; this is what I’ve learned.

I never really thought about the size of my penis. It seemed to never fail me; I thought it got the job done. In fact, I had no idea how big it was because I had never measured. Than for the first time in my life, I was slapped in the face with inadequacy, vanity, and insecurity. She did cheat.

My penis became issue #1. I began the journey to change the dimensions of my penis.

I started with 5”nbp by 4.5” girth. Before enlargement surgery picture

Now my penis is 6.25” nbp by 6.25” girth, and I’m going for 8” nbp by 7” girth. After Enlargement Surgery pic

WARNING: As can be seen in a link from this thread, crashhex ended up with horrific complications after further surgeries.

"Crazy dancin! Making my penis sore!"

- Dave Chapelle

Last edited by Para-Goomba : 04-11-2009 at .

Crash How if any, were you overweight when you had pubic lipo. Because I am talking to a plastic surgeon now about this procedure. An he told me would not do it until I got down to a lower weight. I know I can lose my weight but I want that area lipo ed. And also after you got the lipo how long did it take for you to start your PE routine again? Also about how much was the cost? Thanks for the info.

6-25-05 6 1/4 bpel, 5 eg Goal 8.5x6.5 Bald, Bearded, Pierced, Tattooed, Beast of a GERMAN! An Active in BRONTOPHILIA "An Attraction to Thunderstorms; Sexual Arousal from the Sound of Thunder."

Originally Posted by xefon

Crash How if any, were you overweight when you had pubic lipo. Because I am talking to a plastic surgeon now about this procedure. An he told me would not do it until I got down to a lower weight. I know I can lose my weight but I want that area lipo ed. And also after you got the lipo how long did it take for you to start your PE routine again? Also about how much was the cost? Thanks for the info.

O.k., I guess I’ll start with the pubic lipo. I was not over weight when I had the procedure. I am actually very athletic and have been a body builder for some time now. Every body has some excess pubic fat. It’s almost impossible to burn it all, nor would you want to. This procedure was probably the most uncomfortable, and the healing time was greatly increased. I do not recommend this procedure be done at the time of any other penis enlargement enhancements. There is a lot of swelling, this puts a lot of pressure on the incisions and promotes un-even healing. I would say it takes about 2-3 months before the sweeling subsides. I can not quote a cost because I had combined procedures. Usually, most cosmetic surgeons will offer a reduced cost for multi-procedures.

"Crazy dancin! Making my penis sore!"

- Dave Chapelle

Originally Posted by xefon
Crash How if any, were you overweight when you had pubic lipo. Because I am talking to a plastic surgeon now about this procedure. An he told me would not do it until I got down to a lower weight.

That’s a smart surgeon. I had almost lost faith in plastic surgeons after all the clearly obese people I have seen on tv that use surgery to lose weight instead of exercising and eating right. All these televison surgeons just start sucking the fat away instead of telling their patients that surgery should not be used for weight loss.

:buttrock: The Peter Dick method :buttrock:

Then, BPEL:7.500"x5.500"

Now, BPEL:8.375"X6.750"

So dick are you saying that fat people want to be fat? I can look at food and gain weight, very slow metabolism. But I have already lost 65lbs since jan 1st I feel for obese people, I was the most popular kid at school until I got fat. Then when college came around I got down real low in weight. Then I got into the IT field and gained it all back. Now I am losing it again. But I really need some plastic surgery, I have skin hanging in bad places. Because I lost it so quickly. I don’t want any other procedures like length or girth I’ll get that from PE but I want to see all that’s down their.

6-25-05 6 1/4 bpel, 5 eg Goal 8.5x6.5 Bald, Bearded, Pierced, Tattooed, Beast of a GERMAN! An Active in BRONTOPHILIA "An Attraction to Thunderstorms; Sexual Arousal from the Sound of Thunder."

One question Crash, would you do it all over again? knowing what you went through?

6-25-05 6 1/4 bpel, 5 eg Goal 8.5x6.5 Bald, Bearded, Pierced, Tattooed, Beast of a GERMAN! An Active in BRONTOPHILIA "An Attraction to Thunderstorms; Sexual Arousal from the Sound of Thunder."

In most cases being fat is a choise people make. You see, I have NEVER accidentally eaten anything. Right now you have made the choise of losing weight, and it works. Congratulations by the way. I’m not saying that surgery is wrong to sculpt and tighten areas that do not respond to exercise and healty eating. I agree with that, but what I strongly disagree with is lazy people taking the way of surgery to lose their weight. This is after all SURGERY with a chance for things to go wrong, like infection.

:buttrock: The Peter Dick method :buttrock:

Then, BPEL:7.500"x5.500"

Now, BPEL:8.375"X6.750"

Being Fat is not a choice. Being a Diabetic is not a choice, Some people have very slow metabolism some people use food as a security blanket. As I also used it that way, when I was depressed I ate more. and I was depressed because I was overweight. You know I went 7 days without eating In high school because people with your Ideas made fun of me and I ended up sick and even fatter. I have been skinny throughout my life BUT dont put down overweight people. SOME of them can`t help it and society helped push them in that direction.

6-25-05 6 1/4 bpel, 5 eg Goal 8.5x6.5 Bald, Bearded, Pierced, Tattooed, Beast of a GERMAN! An Active in BRONTOPHILIA "An Attraction to Thunderstorms; Sexual Arousal from the Sound of Thunder."

Should be an interesting mini forum. It is a subject that I would be interested in knowing more about. I hope it doesn’t turn into another fat people bashing fest by those who feel morally superior to those who have different body types.

Guys, take this discussion to the recent thread “Choice” if you’d like. We should try to keep this thread devoted to surgical enhancement, as Crash intended.

Please :donatecar to Thunder's Place to keep it running.

You are wrong. 99% of fat people want to be fat. They say they dont, but they want food and no exercise more than they want to lose the fat. Don’t give me the slow metabolism speach. In your previous post you clearly said that you use food as a security blanket. My guess is that it’s not tomatoes and carrots you eat. You also said that you lost 65 lbs in 6 months. If you had a slow metabolism that would not be possible. You decided that you wanted to lose the weight, and you did. Therefor it was your CHOICE.

I’m not trying to be rude or talking bad about you or any person that’s overweight. I’m trying to help you understand how the body works, so you can stop making excuses to yourself. Americans are extremely obese, with a huge rate of people with diabetes. You don’t seriously believe that it’s genetics?

People in other countries do not have the obesity problem that we have here in the US. Why?

It’s because of the lifestyle we are living here. Eating the junk food, and not exercising. If we do not start educating people on the REAL reason they are getting fat, we will soon reach a point where we have more than 50% of the population obese. Heck, even young kids are really fat now. 20 years ago you would rearly see that. Do you really think its all because the American population have gotten a dramatic slowdown in their metabolism?

:buttrock: The Peter Dick method :buttrock:

Then, BPEL:7.500"x5.500"

Now, BPEL:8.375"X6.750"


What does something like this cost? What’s the recovery time?

OK. I won’t post here anymore. Sorry. Let’s continue with the surgical enhancement conversation.

:buttrock: The Peter Dick method :buttrock:

Then, BPEL:7.500"x5.500"

Now, BPEL:8.375"X6.750"

Originally Posted by Peter Dick
You are wrong. 99% of fat people want to be fat. They say they dont, but they want food and no exercise more than they want to lose the fat. Don’t give me the slow metabolism speach. In your previous post you clearly said that you use food as a security blanket. My guess is that it’s not tomatoes and carrots you eat. You also said that you lost 65 lbs in 6 months. If you had a slow metabolism that would not be possible. You decided that you wanted to lose the weight, and you did. Therefor it was your CHOICE.
I’m not trying to be rude or talking bad about you or any person that’s overweight. I’m trying to help you understand how the body works, so you can stop making excuses to yourself. Americans are extremely obese, with a huge rate of people with diabetes. You don’t seriously believe that it’s genetics?
People in other countries do not have the obesity problem that we have here in the US. Why?
It’s because of the lifestyle we are living here. Eating the junk food, and not exercising. If we do not start educating people on the REAL reason they are getting fat, we will soon reach a point where we have more than 50% of the population obese. Heck, even young kids are really fat now. 20 years ago you would rearly see that. Do you really think its all because the American population have gotten a dramatic slowdown in their metabolism?

He’s absolutely right and you shouldnt take it the wrong way. If you dont change your lifestyle your never going to see your dick. You may see it after you spend thousands of dollars for lipo, but how are you going to feel when you gain it all back?

Well, this thread started out with some very informative info on phalloplasty Crashhex was good enough to provide, which I and I’m sure others would very much like to hear, and has turned into another fat-bashing soap-box lecture. Para Goomba, get out your OFF TOPIC banning hammer, please.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

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