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Surgical Penis Enlargement Mini Forum ~ Penis surgery

Jesus, what does one do with a 11.5” girth?

Viva la Rev, from what I’ve read fat grafting doesn’t sound like a good option. Reabsorption seems to be something you should expect, not just a possibility. The main tradeoff between Silicone and Alloderm seems to be price vs. quality. I’m not sure how thoroughly the safety of Silicone (in the cock) has been researched, either, so that’s another consideration.

Hmmm… http://www.ncbi … 9&dopt=Abstract

"We present a case of debilitating silicone granuloma of the penis and scrotum secondary to large-volume injections into the corpora cavernosae and penile soft tissues administered in Belgium 14 years prior to presentation. The development of a silicone foreign body reaction, massive edema, and subsequent impotence lends itself to a clinical diagnosis and aggressive treatment with wide local excision and appropriate soft-tissue coverage."

Originally Posted by Para-Goomba

“We present a case of debilitating silicone granuloma of the penis and scrotum secondary to large-volume injections into the corpora cavernosae and penile soft tissues administered in Belgium 14 years prior to presentation. The development of a silicone foreign body reaction, massive edema, and subsequent impotence lends itself to a clinical diagnosis and aggressive treatment with wide local excision and appropriate soft-tissue coverage.”

I’d like to respond to this: The paper you cited is dated 1995; the injections described in the paper were administered “14 years prior” — I.e., 1979.

The technological ability to purify silicone has improved substantially since then. In fact, the FDA is holding hearings again and is considering approving silicone gel implants again in the United States — that wouldn’t be happening if there was no change in it’s safety. That’s not to say that the risk is zero, but trotting out the horror stories from the 1970’s and 1980’s is practically fear-mongering.

In fairness and full disclosure, I do know of a case of a silicone patient who experienced a mild granuloma more recently (late 2002? Early 2003?). As it turns out, the ability to /treat/ granuloma has also improved since 1979, and the patient is completely healed.

Good to hear, mindseye :up:

Originally Posted by viva_la_rev
I’m having a real hard time deciding what to go with, Silicone done in Mexico, Dermal Fat Grafts done by this guy “” in Florida or maybe the Alloderm grafting by maybe Dr. Whitehead.

The Silicone is by far the cheapest and seems to be quite effective too, the Fat grafts are apealing to me because it’s my own body tissue being utilized and the Alloderm grafts seem to be the “most” effective, in regards to permenance and texture.

However, the Silicone is probably more risky and artificial, the Fat grafts may not be as effective as the Alloderm grafts, and honestly, the Alloderm grafts are a bit nasty considering they’re harvested from dead people.

I’m leaning on the Silicone injection, I know you’ll all be surprised by that but, there’s nothing in Mexian blood that makes them less compitent.

What do you all think?
Fat graft seems nice too.

Dermal grafts are the most invasive when compared to alloderm. There is no donor site when dealing with alloderm. Results are similiar when comparing the two. Whitehead is no longer practicing. Reed handles all alloderm needs, not just dermal. Alloderm is considered the most current practice, and is advocated more than dermal grafts among the provided surgeon list. I can not advocate any procedure that is not approved here in the United States. If there was a problem you would have no recourse. If this was the route you are leaning toward (silicone), mindseye mentioned possible approval here in the U.S. dependent on improvement. I would wait it out.

"Crazy dancin! Making my penis sore!"

- Dave Chapelle


Ever so interested in increasing the size of my glans, I’m a bit dissapointed to read (on Whitehead’s and Beverlyhills’s site) that, generally, only an increase of 10-15% in glans size is achieved.

Why so little?

Originally Posted by cosmoxl
Ever so interested in increasing the size of my glans, I’m a bit dissapointed to read (on Whitehead’s and Beverlyhills’s site) that, generally, only an increase of 10-15% in glans size is achieved.

Why so little?

Interesting question, why. 10, or 15% is not that small of an increase. Say your glans is 5” around, your increase would be .5” and .75” respectively.

"Crazy dancin! Making my penis sore!"

- Dave Chapelle

Hey Crash.

Hope your recovery is going well. I am considering having alloderm girth enhancement myself however I am quite concerned that two of the world’s leading surgeons (Rosenthal and Whitehead) have both quit. Too many complications perhaps? Long-term issues with alloderm starting to surface?

Hopefully my paranoia is not justified. What’s your take on this situation?

Originally Posted by jakeman
Hey Crash.

Hope your recovery is going well. I am considering having alloderm girth enhancement myself however I am quite concerned that two of the world’s leading surgeons (Rosenthal and Whitehead) have both quit. Too many complications perhaps? Long-term issues with alloderm starting to surface?

Hopefully my paranoia is not justified. What’s your take on this situation?

Whitehead is no longer practicing due to health reasons. It is rumored that he has cancer. I am not aware that Rosenthal is no longer practicing, I was just in contact with his office about 2 weeks prior.

"Crazy dancin! Making my penis sore!"

- Dave Chapelle

Originally Posted by crashhex
Whitehead is no longer practicing due to health reasons. It is rumored that he has cancer. I am not aware that Rosenthal is no longer practicing, I was just in contact with his office about 2 weeks prior.

Sorry Crash, I meant Rheinschild.


Originally Posted by jakeman
Sorry Crash, I meant Rheinschild.


Rheinschild is 70 years old, and probably has retirement on his mind. He was preforming surgeries at Total Life Enhancement. He did not own Total Life, and did not get to practice the way he wanted to. When I had my procedure we chatted about his dislike for the establishment, and he told me his plans to leave. He may open his own practice again, but he is not certain. He had his own surgery center in Anaheim prior, but had so much overhead he looked elswhere. Total Life promised him the world and didn’t come through. They were just using his name and reputation to line thier pockets.

"Crazy dancin! Making my penis sore!"

- Dave Chapelle

Thanks for clearing that up, Crash.

Now a technical question regarding the surgery.

Did your surgeon shape the alloderm so that it fits snugly above and below the head or is there a small gap on the underside?

Originally Posted by jakeman
Thanks for clearing that up, Crash.

Now a technical question regarding the surgery.

Did your surgeon shape the alloderm so that it fits snugly above and below the head or is there a small gap on the underside?

Can you be more specific? I’m not sure what you mean by underside.

"Crazy dancin! Making my penis sore!"

- Dave Chapelle

Originally Posted by crashhex
Can you be more specific? I’m not sure what you mean by underside.

What I mean is that the head of the penis is not perpendicular to the shaft.

If a you wrap a sheet of paper flat around the shaft and fit it snugly so it meets the head of the penis on the topside of the shaft, on the underside of the shaft there will be a gap between the sheet of paper and the bottom of the penis head.

Last edited by jakeman : 06-15-2005 at .

Originally Posted by jakeman
What I mean is that the head of the penis is not perpendicular to the shaft.

If a you wrap a sheet of paper flat around the shaft and fit it snugly so it meets the head of the penis on the topside of the shaft, on the underside of the shaft there will be a gap between the sheet of paper and the bottom of the penis head.

O.K., I think I get you. The sheets are put in continuous, no gaps can be felt. The sheets are not put all away around the shaft. They are primarily put on the sides and top-side. This also gives the penis a more natural look. The penis comes out more wide than cylindrical.

"Crazy dancin! Making my penis sore!"

- Dave Chapelle


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