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Surgical Penis Enlargement Mini Forum ~ Penis surgery Lee Hang-Fu

Anyone know much about his “patent pending” procedure. Sounds like the perfect way to go.if it works.I did a search and found that his procedure consists of making a linear incision in the tunica,which as it heals the pliable stretchable scar tissue allows expansion every time you get an erection.this is very interesting to me,in theory it makes some sense,but I have not read of anyone else doing anything remotely like this.I’d be curious to hear what others know, anywhere else online to read up more on it? I have an email into their office but haven’t heard a word back yet.

Originally Posted by gottaget8x6
I am becoming more and more comfortable with the sucess of alloderm procedures,it seems there are many procedures done with a high rate of satisfaction and success


Can you provide links to your various sources that mention the success or failure of alloderm procedures - thanks. I think surgery might be the way for me to go one day.


WB7 ,

I really just went through the sites named and linked earlier in this thread,that along with just searching out random sites and I did see one story on it awhile back on television.I just get the feeling that it’s becoming a more accepted legitimate procedure versus an experimental kinda thing. Problem is I see alot of info that suggest the girth is only in flaccid state, and not a single photo out there showing the erect girth,thats a big fucking problem,no pun intended.I want girth and if anyone is cutting on my prize possession I must know that I can expect a minimum of 1 inch additional erect girth to do it.

Girth is also in the erect state. The length procedure is only visible in flacic state as it is a superficial procedure, meaning it gives the appearance of extra length. However, with girth with alloderm, silicone, fat, whatever you like, it will sill be there when erect it doesn’t disappear.


I think your info is flawed.the length gain is real, released ligament from inside the pelvic area equals real gain.girth on the other hand is unclear whether the gain is flaccid only or in erect state also.I have read on several sites the girth is only flaccid gain, I think crash said his was also erect gain.but for some reason he has only shown one photo of the unit he is so pleased with and that was definetly not an I consider this still to be an open question.

Possible erect photo

What do you think of this:

Scroll down to the bottom photo. Great girth.

Thats a bullseye.thanks wb7.thats goes along way in answering my questions

Originally Posted by wannabeseven
What do you think of this:

Scroll down to the bottom photo. Great girth.

Yes I do agree it is great girth, but that penis still looks a bit ‘lumpy’ to me. Look at the bit below the penis head where he is squeezing it.

This “Renown” body builder (It turns me right off these sites when they can’t even get basic grammar correct) must be spending a lot of time using his new unit - he obviously hasn’t been doing too much body building lately.

I think what this thread has taught us so far is to not be too ambitious when increasing girth. The vast majority of the current evidence points to the theory that the more you increase girth through surgery, the softer your erection will be.

Originally Posted by gottaget8x6


I think your info is flawed.the length gain is real, released ligament from inside the pelvic area equals real gain.girth on the other hand is unclear whether the gain is flaccid only or in erect state also.I have read on several sites the girth is only flaccid gain, I think crash said his was also erect gain.but for some reason he has only shown one photo of the unit he is so pleased with and that was definetly not an I consider this still to be an open question.

I have several guests at my home during the summer. I will post updated pictures when privacy becomes my friend again. ALL ALLODERM AND DERMAL SURGERIES PRODUCE GAINS IN THE FLACID AS WELL AS THE ERECT STATE. Do you think it disapears when you get hard? WHY would you think that? I’m proud of my photo because I’m huge, I was like 85% hard, do you honestly belive when I aquire that other 15% I am back to around 5” in girth? Use some common sense, it’s not rocket science it’s penis surgery.

"Crazy dancin! Making my penis sore!"

- Dave Chapelle

Originally Posted by jakeman
I think what this thread has taught us so far is to not be too ambitious when increasing girth. The vast majority of the current evidence points to the theory that the more you increase girth through surgery, the softer your erection will be.

My erection feels exactly like an erection. Dermal and alloderm feel very natural. Having alloderm, I would have to say my erections are as hard, if not a bit harder. There have been, however, reports of a softer erect penis with the fat tranfer method.

"Crazy dancin! Making my penis sore!"

- Dave Chapelle

Grandmaster Crash is back from the dead.

Penis Surgery lives.

Looking forward to the “hard” evidence.

That is great to hear, and the photo link WB7 posted shed some light on it also.I seriously hope that the erect girth is there also because like I said. I am holding out surgery as my only real hope of increasing my size,PE is just too rough on my unit.So I anxiously look forward to your additional pics and any other photo evidence of the surgery erect results. I guess I only question it because of having read several times that it was only an increase in flaccid size, I can’t quote any sites from memory but have in my searches read several times that the gain was flaccid only.

I struggle with the logistics of it though.if the doc puts alloderm in your flaccid dick ,say 4 inches,and when your done you then have a 6 inch flaccid girth , so then you get an erection and add an extra 2-3 inches length doesn’t that stretch out (thin out) the alloderm?I am just an average guy, not a doctor, and therefore really don’t care about the specifics of why it’s bigger in both flaccid and erect girth, I just want to reassure myself that it definetly will be.

That’s weird! I was just going to ask that same question.

I too am wondering how the alloderm in a 3 inch flaccid will look when the penis suddenly becomes erect to 6 inches???

Dr. Rheinschild is still doing enlargement supposedly. His website is https://www.the … . He also does length and girth surgery at the same time and calls it dual augmentation. On a different site he is quoted to have saying that length and girth surgery should be done several months apart - http://www.psur … iscovery99.html .

The weird thing is if you have dual augmentation then the inch or so that you gain from post-op stretched area would not have the girth in it.. Am I right?

I also talked to a counselor there and he recommended dermal graft for widening, he says he had it done 2 years ago and has very minimal scarring. He called it a "hairline scar." Supposedly it is less likely to have complications in the future because it is your own tissue. On top of that, Dermal Graft are much more easier to fix if there is a problem, whereas if there is a problem with alloderm all they can do is remove it. I read mixed reviews on this procedure though anyone have an idea? The main thing I like about this is that it’s my tissue, I don’t like the scar idea, but I can live with it and if it’s horrible I can get it removed.

Crash I read thru some of your old posts and at one point you said that you were going to have dermal graft and then later switched to alloderm. What made you change? Was it the scar issue?

Originally Posted by tobe9
Dr. Rheinschild is still doing enlargement supposedly. His website is https://www.the … .

Not sure what’s going on here. The link you supplied is for a computer maintenance and design firm.

Originally Posted by tobe9
I also talked to a counselor there and he recommended dermal graft for widening, he says he had it done 2 years ago and has very minimal scarring. He called it a "hairline scar." Supposedly it is less likely to have complications in the future because it is your own tissue. On top of that, Dermal Graft are much more easier to fix if there is a problem, whereas if there is a problem with alloderm all they can do is remove it. I read mixed reviews on this procedure though anyone have an idea? The main thing I like about this is that it’s my tissue, I don’t like the scar idea, but I can live with it and if it’s horrible I can get it removed.

Oh the wonderful world of penis enlargement surgery. Just when you think it’s safe to use alloderm.


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