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Surgical Penis Enlargement Mini Forum ~ Penis surgery

Please keep in mind, dermal from your own body is cheaper for them. The length of surgery increases with dermal grafts, a donor site is also required.

"Crazy dancin! Making my penis sore!"

- Dave Chapelle

Originally Posted by gottaget8x6
I struggle with the logistics of it though.if the doc puts alloderm in your flaccid dick ,say 4 inches,and when your done you then have a 6 inch flaccid girth , so then you get an erection and add an extra 2-3 inches length doesn’t that stretch out (thin out) the alloderm?I am just an average guy, not a doctor, and therefore really don’t care about the specifics of why it’s bigger in both flaccid and erect girth, I just want to reassure myself that it definetly will be.

Here is a formula I devised for calculating your likely erect girth after surgery. Simply replace my example stats with your own.


(PRE_FSL) Flaccid shaft length
E.g. 8cm (Shaft only, not glans)

(PRE_ESL) Erect shaft length
E.g. 13.5cm (Shaft only, not glans)

(PRE_FSG) Flaccid shaft girth
E.g. 11cm

(PRE_ESG) Erect shaft girth
E.g. 13.5cm


(S_FGI) Flaccid girth increase
E.g. 40% (0.4)


(POS_FSG) Flaccid shaft girth = (PRE_FSG)*((S_FGI)+1)
E.g. (11cm)*((0.4)+1) = 15.4cm

(POS_ESG) Erect shaft girth = (((PRE_FSL)/(PRE_ESL)*(S_FGI))+1)*(PRE_ESG)
E.g. (((8cm)/(13.5cm)*(0.4))+1)*(13.5cm) = 16.7cm

I am not a mathematician, but it seems logical to me that the more the alloderm is stretched, the less erect gain you can expect.

Crash, perhaps you could verify that I am somewhere near the mark by testing the formula with your own stats.

Oopsy I was going off the top of my head . I doubt the dermal graft or alloderm would make them any less money. Alloderm surgery is about $2,000 more than dermal graft, they charge $11,500. Dr. Whitehead used to charge $8,800 or so.

Alloderm might be 100% safe, but there are always risks involved.

I just checked out Rheinschild’s new site and read a couple of interesting things:

“With the dermal graft, tissue: is taken from the lower back beneath the belt line.”

Aaargh! What a ridiculous idea.

“Alloderm is not as elastic as your own tissue.”

Crash, what does this mean in a practical sense? A loss of erect length?

From what I could gather, Rheinschild now seems to be steering back towards Dermal Grafts!

Girth surgery really seems to blow like the wind.

Any thoughts on this, I just received it from aethetic avenue .apparently the doc responds himslef,maybe I’m just paranoid,but I’ve always had doubts about any doctor with enough time on his hands to work his own phones or email.reminds me of a doc once,pulled up for my visit and the doc was right there at the door to greet me,said no thanks and was on my way, just seems to me with all the medical work of all kinds in great demand any doctor sitting around with his thumb up his ass waiting for me can’t be too highly thought anyway with that said.

I really like the sound of this guys procedure,but just don’t have any background on him,it’s the foo man choo, or lee han or something like that that crash lists in his links to other doctors.I’m gonna dig deeper on it, because if it has merit and is successful it does definetly sound better than fat or alloderm or whatever being placed inside my dick.I just don’t know if I buy the idea that cutting the tunica will allow it to stretch and grow back larger.any thoughts or experience with this one?anyone??
Here is his email response below

Hi Eric,

Thank you for your e-mail.

I have been doing penile enlargement since 1989. I started doing fat graft like everybody else and I gradually designed this technique (never taught anyone else to do it) since 1994.

The procedure is a simple internal release of the tight fascia internally. The end result is a gradual enlargement (the more you erect the larger it gets) over 6-12 months.

The enlargement grows to about 1.5X by 3 months and can go about 2X in 6-12 months. I never had any sensation loss (as you mentioned, it is a complication). The appearance of the penis is always normal without lumps and distortions.

The procedure is often performed with elongation (same 1” incisionin the pubic hair line). Cost is $4000 per procedure and if you do both elongation and enlargement, the fee is $7000.

Lee Hang-Fu, M.D.

Originally Posted by gottaget8x6
Any thoughts on this, I just received it from aethetic avenue .apparently the doc responds himslef,maybe I’m just paranoid,but I’ve always had doubts about any doctor with enough time on his hands to work his own phones or email.

The more personal contact allowed by the surgeon the better. Imagine not being able to contact the doctor if there’s complications.

"Crazy dancin! Making my penis sore!"

- Dave Chapelle

Originally Posted by gottaget8x6
The enlargement grows to about 1.5X by 3 months and can go about 2X in 6-12 months.

Not sure I understand this. Surely the procedure doesn’t double your EG in 12 months?

Agreed,access to the doctor is a must.BUT , a doctor with enough time on his hands to personally address all initial emails,phone calls,etc.say what you want,that makes me nervous.and still I am intrigued by his technique.what kept you from digging deeper into this one Crash?If the guy can produce what he claims,it sounds great, just keep thinking that ole saying.” if it sounds to good to be true.”

Originally Posted by gottaget8x6
Agreed,access to the doctor is a must.BUT , a doctor with enough time on his hands to personally address all initial emails,phone calls,etc.say what you want,that makes me nervous.and still I am intrigued by his technique.what kept you from digging deeper into this one Crash?If the guy can produce what he claims,it sounds great, just keep thinking that ole saying.” if it sounds to good to be true.”

I am not digging, because I am in contact with someone that has had the procedure. I’m waiting to hear from him how it turns out.

"Crazy dancin! Making my penis sore!"

- Dave Chapelle

Regarding Lee Hang-Fu, I don’t understand how it is a gradual enlargement and I don’t understand the procedure that well. Can anyone explain?

Hey Crash, in one of your old post you stated that you were going to get dermal graft enlargement. What made you go with Alloderm? What is it the scar issure?

Here is Lee Hang-Fu’s response to an e-mail I sent him:

Q: My current erect girth is about 5.25 inches. What is the maximum increase I
can expect to attain?
A: Usual increase is about 1.5 to 2X the usual girth, exemple 2” diameter will give you
3” diameter (C = D x Pi).

Q: When and why does the growth period cease?
A: Girth stops after scar internally matures. This is about 6-12 months. During which, the more you erect, the bigger it gets.

Q: How many of these procedures have you performed?
A: I been doing penile enlargement since 1989 (fat graft) but this internal release of fascia, I start it in 1997. I perform about 30 case per year.

Q: How many of your patients have ‘completely lost sensation’?
A: I never had any sensation loss and I never take patient with impotance.

Here is some more of my correspondence with Lee Hang-Fu:

Q: Will the gain be noticable in both the flaccid and erect state?

A: Yes, the gain is noticeable in both state and no lumps.

Q: As I explained before, my current erect girth is about 5.25 inches. My
current erect width is 1.67 inches. I am concerned that your procedure may
make my penis too wide!

A: The gain of your penis is done after surgery by your own action. You may not want it to be too big than control amount of erection after surgery (limit to 1-2 per day). I have patients wanting alot and they go as far as taking Cialis or Viagra.

Q: What happens if I reach my desired width by 3-6 months after the

A: Usually after 6 months, the growth slows down dramatically.

Q: To prevent further growth, will I have to stop having erections for
the following 6 months, until the scar matures?

A: No just make sure you don’t take viagra or have masterbation or excessive erections.

Q: My ideal erect width would be about 2.1 inches, which would represent an
increase of about 25%.

A: That’s about normal for patients who have erection 1-2 times per day.

Lee Hang-Fu, M.D.

So for Lee Hang-Fu’s procedure it depends on the level of your erection?? Or how many times you have it a day? It sounds ideal..

Anyone want to chime in on the dermal graft procedure?

Anyone seen pics or know of anyone who underwent Lee Hang Fu’s procedure. It sounds damn interesting and the best way to go I’ve come across , but I’m not up for being a guinea pig here,especially with something as cherished as my dick.I’d be interested to hear more about his procedure and see pics of his patients results. I hate to be so damn pessimistic , but can’t help but think the guy is talking it up to be more than it is,if something like this were really out there then it would be much better known and there would be more people doing this instead of alloderm sheets or grafting fat.

Originally Posted by gottaget8x6
Anyone seen pics or know of anyone who underwent Lee Hang Fu’s procedure. It sounds damn interesting and the best way to go I’ve come across , but I’m not up for being a guinea pig here,especially with something as cherished as my dick.I’d be interested to hear more about his procedure and see pics of his patients results. I hate to be so damn pessimistic , but can’t help but think the guy is talking it up to be more than it is,if something like this were really out there then it would be much better known and there would be more people doing this instead of alloderm sheets or grafting fat.

That is exactly, what I was thinking. Why is this procedure not well known? I have only heard about 3 procedures that being FFT, Dermal Graft, and Alloderm. From what I read and researched all these procedures are pretty good as long as a competent surgeon is doing it. Absorption happens with FFT, but supposedly if done right, the absorption would be minimal.

For any of these girth procedures it would make sense not to do any lengthening PE after surgery because wouldn’t there be an area where there is no filling (alloderm, dermal graft, or fat). Any ideas on this?


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