Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Surgical Penis Enlargement Mini Forum ~ Penis surgery

Kcee, what were ur results

You said you had a consultation on lengthening 10 years ago- what were ur results? Did you go through with it, and if so, how much did you gain and did ur erection angle or erection for that matter lose stability?

A little obsessive aren't we

Does it really matter if I spell it “ur” or “your”?

To quote the man himself, “It’s my name on the door.” So yes, it does matter. :)

Why does it matter

Explain if you will, why it matters to spell the whole word instead of shortening your to “ur”-

We have tons of international members who have no idea what “ur” means — nor do their online translators.

I still don't get it

Because that’s the way it is here. Always has been, always will be.

— I’ve seen other posting where a moderator tells them to use capital letters.everyone I know on I’m/ internet lingo uses ‘you’ or ‘ur’ or ‘ttyl’ .. I think it’s silly for someone to point that all.. I mean, yes if someone is writing trash, bringing down the forum then moderate. BUT THIS IS NOT ENGLISH CLASS.. Get a life!

If anyone wants to place wagers on chitownstud’s life expectancy here, PM me. :D


NOW HEAR THIS——if you chose not to follow the guidelines of this forum, you will be escorted to the door and promptly kicked out.

You have been asked nicely by the boss himself to follow the rules here. You come back with this isn’t english class. You are right, it is not, however, you are to abide by the guidelines and rules set forth in the agreement you said yes to.

As one of our other members pointed out, this is an international forum, chat speak is not allowed, deal with it.

Thank you, you have been warned twice, the third time results in a swift kick out the door, do you understand me? Good.

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:


Can you erase all this, theres like 2 pages of arguing. What’s with the moderator parade the last couple of days here?

"Crazy dancin! Making my penis sore!"

- Dave Chapelle

Last edited by crashhex : 07-31-2005 at .

The poor guy went through perfectly punctuating everything, and using one slang. That’s pretty harsh.

"Crazy dancin! Making my penis sore!"

- Dave Chapelle


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