Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Surgical Penis Enlargement Mini Forum ~ Penis surgery


Got a question for you. I understand group rates, the courses I have to attend often say two or more registering at the same time can get $10.00 off regular price (yeah my courses are expensive). Now, part of what I do around here is to try and make sure that our members are taken care of, and chew butt if I gotta, and I don’t like doing that. Now, bringing this back to where I was headed in the first place.

Lets say that oh 5 members decide to go to this doctor and have the procedure done, they get a good rate, what do you get? I am not suggesting that you are trying to scam anyone, not in the least, but what you are stating here sounds too good to be true. And I’m a little skeptical, so can you tell me, no one else has to read it, what you get out of this agreement?


sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:


To be fair you say that you are here to educate, but, I believe it is less than a year since you had your surgery so it is unlikely that you will have come into contact with any of the problems associated with Alloderm. Alloderm is not new and has been used in other areas of cosmetic surgery for years. In general it is not considered permanent. I think if you read back through the mini forum (excellent idea by the way), of the guys that have posted who have actually had PE surgery, more are unhappy with their results than happy. I am really pleased you are so delighted with your results but the more I read of your posts I begin to think that your expectations for the operation were more realistic than most others will be. You have great girth as things are yet you want more, so it would seem to me that size is more important to you than a pleasing natural look. I think most guys planning the surgery will be expecting a penis that looks the same as it does now only bigger, like looking through a magnifying glass. Most are unaware how much the surgery changes the appearance of the penis and this will come as a shock to most. The only two members I recall being happy with their results are yourself and Mindseye. I think most guys would agree that both of your pictures look unnatural. I think the Doctor research you have done is really positive and helpful, and from what research I have done I totallt agree with your recommendations, however, I don’t think surgery itself should be recomended by you or anyone else to anyone. For you the surgery was a success so it seems normal to pass on your good news, but you must be aware that another guy with different expectations could be mortified with the exact same results that pleased you.

I may be wrong, but without reading the last 12 pages of posts, I don’t recall anyone saying they were unhappy with the results achieved as the result of an alloderm operation?

Who cares if someone gets a discount because he brings business to a RESPECTED PRACTICING SURGEON. It’s not like he was going to bring the interested person(s) to some “quack” in a back alley for a finder’s fee. If I am going to save thousands I really don’t give a shit what he is getting out of the deal. Business is business, and everyone wins in this deal.

And as far as what the other guy is expecting out of a surgery, that is his problem. If he isn’t smart enough to research what he is getting into, and face the realization that the success rate isn’t 100%, then he shouldn’t be considering it.

You guys are reading way too far into this. A deal was offered, take it or leave it.


Last edited by fooshack : 08-01-2005 at .

This thread is unwanted.

"Crazy dancin! Making my penis sore!"

- Dave Chapelle


Nobody cares if he gets a discount if he’s honest about it and no one is saying the doctor isn’t good. It was a simple question I asked many pages ago “What do you get out of this?” and if it was answered right away the thread would have been right back on course and crash would not be on hold.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Originally Posted by tps
And Thunder’s is the one place in the world you can go for the straight scoop on everything PE because he requires accountability and isn’t trying to sell you anything.

I wasn’t selling anything.

"Crazy dancin! Making my penis sore!"

- Dave Chapelle

Originally Posted by fooshack
I may be wrong, but without reading the last 12 pages of posts, I don’t recall anyone saying they were unhappy with the results achieved as the result of an alloderm operation?

Who cares if someone gets a discount because he brings business to a RESPECTED PRACTICING SURGEON. It’s not like he was going to bring the interested person(s) to some “quack” in a back alley for a finder’s fee. If I am going to save thousands I really don’t give a shit what he is getting out of the deal. Business is business, and everyone wins in this deal.

And as far as what the other guy is expecting out of a surgery, that is his problem. If he isn’t smart enough to research what he is getting into, and face the realization that the success rate isn’t 100%, then he shouldn’t be considering it.

You guys are reading way too far into this. A deal was offered, take it or leave it.


You are correct to say that no one has said they are unhappy with the results of Alloderm, but you must remember that only one person has had Alloderm surgery, and this was less than a year ago so it is too early to say it has been a success (long term). As concerns expectations being the other guys “problem”, I think you are missing the point of being a member of Thundersplace. Guys will use this mini forum as a means of research so I think it is very important to express the fact that it is unlikely after surgery that the penis will look totally natural. It should be obvious through the number of questions and replies in this thread that researching this area of surgery is vey difficult. Infact I think so far there has been a link to only one erect picture, and this is what most are interested in. As concerns success rate not being 100%, this isn’t what I was pointing out. I was saying that alot of the time guys are unhappy with successful surgery as the final look and feel is different to what they expected. I do agree with you about the deal, too much is being read into this. Lay of Crash, as I for one am very greatful to him for starting the mini forum and he has always taken the time to reply to everyone’s questions.

I never said you were Crash. I even bolded the word for you. There’s no point going round and round on this. A mod, doing his job, asked for full disclosure and you failed to give it. End of story. The point of my post was to explain to Foo why accountability is so important and what sets Thunder’s apart, making it the most valuable resource around.

Originally Posted by Joey55
I for one am very greatful to him for starting the mini forum and he has always taken the time to reply to everyone’s questions.

I am grateful for that also; I have supported Crash’s mini-forum from the start, as have many other mods, I’m sure.

As we’ve said before, the reason we wanted him to lay out the deal explicitly is so that readers would be aware of any potential conflicts of interest (an important issue when they’re evaluating information about a serious surgery like this). He is being held to the same standard as any other member in his shoes would be.

Joey, thanks for sharing your perspective about the aesthetic results of surgery. That seems like an important consideration to keep in mind.

This thread is godsend as I refer some people to this thread. CrashTex is doing a wonderful service.

I found an interesting video (its porn) - it looks like guy had a silicone injection?

Its on pay per minute porn site (yeah I’m a perv) - here would be the link if porn was allowed to be linked
Maybe try searching “greatest girth earth” on “hot movies” or something. Sorry MB.

Last edited by tps : 08-02-2005 at .

How about we all just stop trying to surgery our way to greatness. Why dont we try working for something for once. Lazy society today makes me sick. Sure im lazy sometimes and it makes me sick.

Stop trying to plastic surgery your way pretty and shit. Work on NATURAL penis enlargement. The feeling you get with gains you worked for far surpasses any feeling some doctor could give.

Originally Posted by 67Mustang
How about we all just stop trying to surgery our way to greatness. Why dont we try working for something for once. Lazy society today makes me sick. Sure im lazy sometimes and it makes me sick.

Stop trying to plastic surgery your way pretty and shit. Work on NATURAL penis enlargement. The feeling you get with gains you worked for far surpasses any feeling some doctor could give.

“Natural” does not stop after surgery, why can’t I have both? it’s a nice feeling to do girth exercises to be up around 7” in girth. Stay ugly, that’s your choice.

"Crazy dancin! Making my penis sore!"

- Dave Chapelle

Originally Posted by 67Mustang
How about we all just stop trying to surgery our way to greatness. Why dont we try working for something for once. Lazy society today makes me sick. Sure im lazy sometimes and it makes me sick.

Stop trying to plastic surgery your way pretty and shit. Work on NATURAL penis enlargement. The feeling you get with gains you worked for far surpasses any feeling some doctor could give.

If I had the balls and the bucks like Crash, I’d fecking do it in a hearbeat, along with natural PE, and would be happier than a pig in shit, the hell what anybody else thinks. I know where you’re coming from 67’stang, but you’re off base a bit here. There are many ways to get to the same destination, and there are risks taken and sacrifices made for both the surgery route and the exercises route. Neither way is best for every single individual.

I think this is a great thread with some great information, just because it’s not right for me doesn’t mean I don’t find value in it and appreciate being able to read it. Hope you keep updating it Crash and anyone else who goes this route.

"It's ALL in your head. You just have no idea how big your head is." - Lon Milo DuQuette "The mind's role in P.E. is more important than the hand that touches the penis." - Mr. Nine Just ignore the crazy old man in his tinfoil-lined pyramid hat, smelling of EVO and muttering Ohhmmm my penis growwwws. He's not always to be taken literally.


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