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Surgical Penis Enlargement Mini Forum ~ Penis surgery

I do not believe that statement. Many doctors shy away from dermal grafts because they require a very concise method or technique of trim and handling. If enough of the fatty tissue is not trimmed away prior to implant this can cause problems with a lack of cell generation but otherwise they take very naturally and in most cases faster than AlloDerm which requires cell growth between each layer.

Sounds like Alloderm is the way to go if you’re into it. Havent really tried girth exercises much here yet. But I’ve got to ask myself how many women are going to be able to take 7 inches in circumference, so I’m not getting that surgery. Ill stick to hanging thank you . Good luck to you though who try and I would think research the topic to understand what you’re getting into.

Originally Posted by infiniti1
I do not believe that statement. Many doctors shy away from dermal grafts because they require a very concise method or technique of trim and handling. If enough of the fatty tissue is not trimmed away prior to implant this can cause problems with a lack of cell generation but otherwise they take very naturally and in most cases faster than AlloDerm which requires cell growth between each layer.

I agree with you. Rheinschild says that recovery time for dermal grafts are 6 weeks and for alloderm around 12 weeks. I think Rheinschild is pretty objective about this topic. He is for both. I really like the idea of dermal graft because it’s my own. You seem to know quite a bit on this topic, anything else you want to share? Are you more for dermal graft then alloderm (if both were done correctly)?

Damien9: This thread is the research. If you have read thru everything you would understand. Surgery is not for everyone and PE workouts are not for everyone. Good luck to you and hanging.

If both are done correctly I would say it is down to a personal choice.Alloderm has a slightly more rigidity to it which seems to me would allow for a slight increase in the flacid state. Women can accept a 7” circumference however foreplay must be increased to insure adequate lubrication which is a very good and pleasurable thing. Women can determine width much more than length. Past the vaginal opening there are viritually no nerve structures and most nerves are concentrated around and inside the major and minor libia. Length is more of a visual stimuli than functional aspect to women, but very important to the alpha male aspects for men.

Originally Posted by infiniti1
If both are done correctly I would say it is down to a personal choice.Alloderm has a slightly more rigidity to it which seems to me would allow for a slight increase in the flacid state. Women can accept a 7” circumference however foreplay must be increased to insure adequate lubrication which is a very good and pleasurable thing. Women can determine width much more than length. Past the vaginal opening there are viritually no nerve structures and most nerves are concentrated around and inside the major and minor libia. Length is more of a visual stimuli than functional aspect to women, but very important to the alpha male aspects for men.

I concur

Originally Posted by infiniti1
I don’t find it unethical or uncommon for any of the male enhancement clinics (or any other elective surgical procedure)to offer reduced pricing during certain times of the the year. From a marketing point of view it also helps to keep them competitive with one another which is an advantage for prospective patients. Nice share crashhex.

Sure, but that isn’t really the issue, is it? What we are talking about are incentives for previous customers to bring in new customers. This may alter the way the previous customers discuss this potentially very dangerous procedure, hence the problem.

Crash now has a conflict of interest as he may be less willing to speak on the downsides of surgery if he benefits from the recruitment of new customers. This is why it is important that Crash disclose the deal. If he is being rewarded for talking favorably of this doctor here at Thunder’s, we have a problem.

Originally Posted by penismith
Sure, but that isn’t really the issue, is it? What we are talking about are incentives for previous customers to bring in new customers. This may alter the way the previous customers discuss this potentially very dangerous procedure, hence the problem.

Crash now has a conflict of interest as he may be less willing to speak on the downsides of surgery if he benefits from the recruitment of new customers. This is why it is important that Crash disclose the deal. If he is being rewarded for talking favorably of this doctor here at Thunder’s, we have a problem.

Just because he is offering an opportunity for someone else to get the same thing as him? It’s like saying I can get a really good deal on a penimaster or a pump and I want to help out fellow thunder’s memebrs.I don’t see whats wrong with it. I think you are nit picking, just let it go.


Hey bro it’s our job as mods to nit pick. Let the truth be told does crash get a discount or not for our thunder members using this doctor, To me that seems like a conflict of interest on discussing the good and bad points of surgery.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Originally Posted by tobe9
Just because he is offering an opportunity for someone else to get the same thing as him? It’s like saying I can get a really good deal on a penimaster or a pump and I want to help out fellow thunder’s memebrs.I don’t see whats wrong with it. I think you are nit picking, just let it go.


That’s pretty aggressive for someone on his 13th post. Somehow I think there’s a huge difference in offering assistance on saving a few bucks on a manual device like a penimaster or pump versus $1000’s of dollars on risky life-altering body surgery.


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Originally Posted by Dino9X7

Hey bro it’s our job as mods to nit pick. Let the truth be told does crash get a discount or not for our thunder members using this doctor, To me that seems like a conflict of interest on discussing the good and bad points of surgery.

How is it a conflict of interest?

tobe or not tobe,

Sorry, couldn’t resist. Well if a guy was wanting a discount from a certain surgeon, would he talk down the surgeon if he needed talked down? Not saying crash is doing this, but others may be thinking that.

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Originally Posted by ThunderSS
Tobe or not tobe,

Sorry, couldn’t resist. Well if a guy was wanting a discount from a certain surgeon, would he talk down the surgeon if he needed talked down? Not saying crash is doing this, but others may be thinking that.

But it’s the same guy that did his inital surgery. Also he is not promoting JUST this guy. He promotes several others.

If you were serious about getting this surgery, what may be some of the most important questions to ask your doctor before going through with it?

my thoughts on Rheinschild

I have been researching this subject for 10 years, as I would really like to have it done for lengthening purposes. I would have to say that Rheinschild has by far, the best reputation of all surgeons in this area. I had a consultation with him almost 10 years ago, and I was impressed with him as being a very sincere, and knowledgeable physician. He took the time to visit with me personally and in no way put any pressure on me to have surgery.

He seems to be above reproach ethically. This is my honest opinion.

Originally Posted by tobe9
The disadvantage of AlloDerm, is of course
The cost, and that the girth effect is not
As large as with dermal-fat, but still
Less can be more if the results are
Otherwise acceptable. With AlloDerm
Think about 3/4” (+/-) increase in
Circumference. Overpacking the penis with
AlloDerm is not wise as the adjacent
Circulation will be compressed and
Healing will be compromised.

Anyone know if Reed means 3/4” (+/-) increase in circumference erect or flaccid?


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