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Surgical Penis Enlargement Mini Forum ~ Penis surgery

I figured this out well Rheinschild’s, okay they attach the grafts at the base of the pubic bone and the other end at the glans, so if you do stretching excercises it will grow with your penis! Rheinschild says that he has no preference for alloderm or dermal grafts. Either one is good, it is just that Alloderm has a rare occurence of infection usually from patient not giving good care. The infection rate is around 1%, not bad that is lower than some normal surgeries. Anyways they are both good surgeries but if you wanna have sex a bit quicker dermal graft is better, but if you don’t mind the wait then go for the alloderm! Good luck guys!

Alloderm sounds best to me, money spent on your dick is not money wasted. You only get one of them, it’s more important than a pretty house or a fast car or a big tv.

Hello to all it’s your surgical godfather, crash. It has rececntly become my oppurtunity to offer those that are considering the surgery an excellent monetary break. The only thing is you’d have to go with me when I get my second procedure done. This includes dual augmentation, 6 sheets of alloderm, the release of the suspensory ligament, as well as glandular enhancement. The surgery will be preformed by world renown surgeon Gary Rheinschild. Rheinschild has the reputation of being the best phallo surgeon available. I back that with personal experience. The surgery center is located in Beverly Hills. Those interested please PM me, or respond in this thread. I’m talking a reduction of thousands.

"Crazy dancin! Making my penis sore!"

- Dave Chapelle

I know you listed Dr Alexander Krakovsky as a recommended Dr., but what have you heard about him? What makes you recommend him?

As I asked on the other thread with the same post. Crash what to you get from this offer? I hope you at least get a discount

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

The facts are that Dr. Krakovsky was trained by Dr. Rheinschild but has done less that a handful of surgeries by himself. Personally I would want someone with more hands on experience just in case there were complications. He is from Russia and did not do any penile surgery until his association with Total Life. So far he has only written an unpublished paper on Male Cosmetic Surgery. Make sure you pick a doctor who is well qualified with a proven track record and patients who will talk to you about their experience.

Originally Posted by infiniti1
The facts are that Dr. Krakovsky was trained by Dr. Rheinschild but has done less that a handful of surgeries by himself. Personally I would want someone with more hands on experience just in case there were complications. He is from Russia and did not do any penile surgery until his association with Total Life. So far he has only written an unpublished paper on Male Cosmetic Surgery. Make sure you pick a doctor who is well qualified with a proven track record and patients who will talk to you about their experience.


"Crazy dancin! Making my penis sore!"

- Dave Chapelle

Originally Posted by crashhex
Hello to all it’s your surgical godfather, crash. It has rececntly become my oppurtunity to offer those that are considering the surgery an excellent monetary break. The only thing is you’d have to go with me when I get my second procedure done. This includes dual augmentation, 6 sheets of alloderm, the release of the suspensory ligament, as well as glandular enhancement. The surgery will be preformed by world renown surgeon Gary Rheinschild. Rheinschild has the reputation of being the best phallo surgeon available. I back that with personal experience. The surgery center is located in Beverly Hills. Those interested please PM me, or respond in this thread. I’m talking a reduction of thousands.

Did you get some sort of “2 for 1” surgery coupon in the mail? Seriously, a surgeon of any kind offering discounts to previous customers who bring new customers in is highly unethical. What is going on?

Originally Posted by penismith
Did you get some sort of “2 for 1” surgery coupon in the mail? Seriously, a surgeon of any kind offering discounts to previous customers who bring new customers in is highly unethical. What is going on?

I would agree if it was knee surgery. If you are not aware, cosmetic surgery is more of a business than any other medical procedures. I have an oppurtunity that I would like to share with somebody. Usually when you combine procedures you get a discount, this is not unethical, it’s common business.

"Crazy dancin! Making my penis sore!"

- Dave Chapelle

Originally Posted by crashhex
I would agree if it was knee surgery. If you are not aware, cosmetic surgery is more of a business than any other medical procedures. I have an oppurtunity that I would like to share with somebody. Usually when you combine procedures you get a discount, this is not unethical, it’s common business.

Yes, combining procedures for one individual is common business. The idea is, one surgery where you do more is less time consuming than two separate visits. The idea of offering a reduced price to past customers who bring new customers in is fine for gym memberships and checking accounts. It is a little shady when we are talking about going under the knife, especially for a procedure with such a storied past.

“I have an opportunity that I would like to share with somebody.”

What is the deal? Do you get a discount if you can bring in customers?


Is it conceivable that permanent girth gained through PE is actually a build-up of scar tissue, like with Lee Hang-Fu’s procedure?

I don’t find it unethical or uncommon for any of the male enhancement clinics (or any other elective surgical procedure)to offer reduced pricing during certain times of the the year. From a marketing point of view it also helps to keep them competitive with one another which is an advantage for prospective patients. Nice share crashhex.

Originally Posted by infiniti1
I don’t find it unethical or uncommon for any of the male enhancement clinics (or any other elective surgical procedure)to offer reduced pricing during certain times of the the year. From a marketing point of view it also helps to keep them competitive with one another which is an advantage for prospective patients. Nice share crashhex.


This is an email from Dr. Reed regarding Alloderm vs. Dermal Grafts:

Many thanks for your E-mail inquiry
And visiting our web-site

We hope you can relate to our photo gallery
Of befores and afters.

Having done all 3 methods of girth
Enhancement, liposuctioned fat,
Dermal grafts and AlloDerm, my
Preference is for AlloDerm. Dermal-fat
Grafts being living must take fully
To remain as soft and non-contracted as
It appears from the harvesting site.

If the take is not 100%, while there may not be
Necrosis, still the graft will harden and
You’ll be having touch ups on the installment

Also the dermal-fat grafts there is a
Harvesting scar and with some patients the
Healing is not especially pretty.

The disadvantage of AlloDerm, is of course
The cost, and that the girth effect is not
As large as with dermal-fat, but still
Less can be more if the results are
Otherwise acceptable. With AlloDerm
Think about 3/4” (+/-) increase in
Circumference. Overpacking the penis with
AlloDerm is not wise as the adjacent
Circulation will be compressed and
Healing will be compromised.

Surgery dates are secured with
A 50% deposit which is non-refundable
But could be applied to another date
In the event of a legitimate cancellation.

If you are over 40 and or on certain
Types of medications, please call the
Office before scheduling surgery, as a
Letter of medical clearance will most likely
Be needed.

No aspirin or aspirin products, blood thinners such as Plavix,
Coumadin, no anti-inflammatory drugs such as Motrin, Advil,
Alleve, or Cox 2 inhibitors such as Celebrex or Vioxx for
A week before surgery. No Vitamin E or excessive alcohol
Or spices for a week before surgery as this may promote
Bruising. Bruising can be reduced (many believe) with
Bromelain 500 mg 1 twice a day, Arnica montana dose
30C (take 4 small tablets sublingually, 4 times a day),
Vitamin C 500 mg (3 times a day) starting 1 week before

With kindest regards,

Harold M. Reed, M.D.

NOTE: Reed says that Dermal Grafts need to take 100% or it will harden on you. That line bothered me alot.


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