Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Surgical Penis Enlargement Mini Forum ~ Penis surgery

Originally Posted by orion
I have a consultation with Dr. Rosethal from Beverly Hills Surgical next month. I am seriously considering having the lengthening and alloderm widening procedures done. Are you satisfied with the Alloderm? My only concern is that I will contract some sort of disease from the donor tissue. How is Lifecell’s quality control?


I encourage you to stage the procedures, length first. I am very satisfied with the natural feeling quality of the alloderm. Also I am pleased with the size gain. I am not aware of any occurance of disease transmission from lifecell’s alloderm. Here’s a link to Lifecell, where they explain the quality process.

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"Crazy dancin! Making my penis sore!"

- Dave Chapelle

Originally Posted by Motivated
(1) How much of this gain is really due to the “release” of the suspensory ligaments? And how much is due to the weights?

(2) Would the men who have gained length this way have gained as much if they just did the hanging for six months without the surgical releasing of the suspensory ligaments?

(3) If someone has found it hard or impossible to gain anything even with investing time and effort into hanging, would he also find it hard or impossible to gain anything with the surgery + the post-operative hanging?

Good questions! I share your curiosity. Hence my question to 789 about whether he has done hanging alone. If he has put in lots of time doing “normal” hanging, and hasn’t gained (or has stopped gaining), and if he goes ahead with the lig-cutting surgery and proceeds to gain through hanging afterwards, then that would constitute some preliminary evidence on the topic. Without running a full-blown study with different groups (lig-cut + weights vs. weights alone…), hearing from folks who have tried hanging before and after the surgery would give the best evidence on whether the cut really facilitates lengthening. (I’m pretty much done with PE myself and wouldn’t have considered surgery anyway — having started, luckily, with a fairly large penis — but I think it’s an interesting topic, and the length surgery seems benign. Only question is whether it actually helps with gains.)

Originally Posted by Para-Goomba
Good questions! I share your curiosity. Hence my question to 789 about whether he has done hanging alone. If he has put in lots of time doing “normal” hanging, and hasn’t gained (or has stopped gaining), and if he goes ahead with the lig-cutting surgery and proceeds to gain through hanging afterwards, then that would constitute some preliminary evidence on the topic. Without running a full-blown study with different groups (lig-cut + weights vs. weights alone…), hearing from folks who have tried hanging before and after the surgery would give the best evidence on whether the cut really facilitates lengthening. (I’m pretty much done with PE myself and wouldn’t have considered surgery anyway — having started, luckily, with a fairly large penis — but I think it’s an interesting topic, and the length surgery seems benign. Only question is whether it actually helps with gains.)

What you say makes a lot of sense. I hope 789 responds to your question. From the brief bit of research I’ve done, I also get the impression that the length surgery is relatively benign. Personally, I’d be much more frightful of the girth proceedures.

So to answer my own questions, it may be that cutting the ligs facilitates, and merely facilitates, gaining length by hanging. If true, it would be of benefit to hard length gainers. But it also suggests that one shouldn’t consider the length surgery until one has given hanging on its own its fair chance.

Some of the doctors’ sites that Crash recommends even say that one might need to use weights on a daily basis for six months or more after the actual surgery. So the surgery is no quick and easy road to a longer manhood. I’d really like to know what kind of equipment is used post-surgery, for how long each day, an with what weights. If anyone can shed some light on this, please do. Wouldn’t it be funny if all those doctors are selling Bib hangers to their patients?

Yeah I’ve also been curious about their hanging protocols; it does seem, from most reports, that many patients gain at least one inch over the ~6 months of hanging.

Guys, be careful:

From the San Diego Union-Tribune :

SAN DIEGO – A woman accused of giving five people illicit cosmetic silicone injections in University Heights, leaving two of them gravely ill, may have fled to Los Angeles County, authorities said today.

The two hospitalized patients remained on life support, according to San Diego police. At least one of them is not expected to survive.

Getting bigger isn’t worth dying over. If you’re considering surgery, take the time to locate a qualified, licensed practitioner.

Originally Posted by mindseye
Guys, be careful:

From the San Diego Union-Tribune :

Getting bigger isn’t worth dying over. If you’re considering surgery, take the time to locate a qualified, licensed practitioner.

Thanks for that Mindseye. I was just about to visit this woman who works out of a back ally in downtown L.A. to have her inject my knob with silocone! Boy, that was a close call. I tell you, this PE surgery is clearly for shit!

It’s only safe to use the silicone bathroom sealant, if they squeeze it up the hole in the end of your cock…. :)

Feb 2003: 7" BPEL x 5" EG. June 2006: 9" BPEL x 6.5" EG

(6" base girth)

Originally Posted by Para-Goomba
Good questions! I share your curiosity. Hence my question to 789 about whether he has done hanging alone. If he has put in lots of time doing “normal” hanging, and hasn’t gained (or has stopped gaining), and if he goes ahead with the lig-cutting surgery and proceeds to gain through hanging afterwards, then that would constitute some preliminary evidence on the topic. Without running a full-blown study with different groups (lig-cut + weights vs. weights alone…), hearing from folks who have tried hanging before and after the surgery would give the best evidence on whether the cut really facilitates lengthening. (I’m pretty much done with PE myself and wouldn’t have considered surgery anyway — having started, luckily, with a fairly large penis — but I think it’s an interesting topic, and the length surgery seems benign. Only question is whether it actually helps with gains.)


I have done hanging alone but no more than two months maybe two and half months. Not long by Hangers standards. I will give regular hanging another chance in July. But I dont want anymore discoloration than I already have. I am starting my wort remover discoloration therapy this week so I will begin shortly thereafter.

You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG

One misnomer I’d like to clear up. Vigorous PE does not have to stop post-op. I pump, hang, clamp, and jelq. I encourage all these methods after surgery. Actualy, some PE is required post-op. Man, I clamped today for the first time in several months, and my girth swelled up to over 7”, and over 2.5” across. PHAT, Phucking dick!

"Crazy dancin! Making my penis sore!"

- Dave Chapelle

Thanks for your reply Crash re: Aussie doctor.

Hey Crash.

Could you please show us a pic of your unit clamped?

My EG is the same yours was before surgery so I am very keen to see how my unit might look at 7” EG.

By the way, thanks for setting up this mini forum. It is very helpful.

Hello again Crash.

I have another question.

At what point during the erection process does the alloderm fill with blood?

Do you need to be aroused for it to fill up, like with the glans and CS?

When I imagine how a surgically enhanced penis might function, I fear the following scenario:

1) Get blow job from Hottie
2) Hottie works you to full erection
3) for whatever reason, start to lose erection
4) you panic - blood exits glans, CS and alloderm
5) Hottie is left holding a hard stick (CC) which has a squishy coating (bloodless alloderm)

I guess you could wear a cockring to get around this type of thing. Anyway, hopefully I’ve got it all wrong.

A particular concern I’ve always had about these surgery sites is that there are no references as to whether erection hardness is affected by the procedure. In my book, this would be an obvious question number two, following the mandatory “How much bigger can I make it”. Yet the major players all leave this issue aside in their FAQ. One of the sites even has DOZENS of FAQ. It defies belief that this question can be ranked behind all the other questions, let alone be left out entirely.

Having said all this, I’ll still probably get the surgery anway :)


The grafts are crafted on the penis, so that even the owner can hardly differentiate the grafts from the actual penis in either state.

Scenerio, girl gives you a blowjob and can hardly fit it in her mouth, and she looks a bit uncomfortable, you go soft and your still bigger than any other man shes seen before erect!

"Crazy dancin! Making my penis sore!"

- Dave Chapelle

That sounds better.

Okay I thought of another question.

What about when the penis gets cold and shrinks? Does it retain it’s shape or does it end up looking a bit weird?

Originally Posted by jakeman
That sounds better.

Okay I thought of another question.

What about when the penis gets cold and shrinks? Does it retain it’s shape or does it end up looking a bit weird?

It never looks weird, in the shower, watching tv, in an ice storm, fucking doggystyle, at the beach, in a condom, in whats her name, in a clamp, in a pump, dipped in water, or just hanging around the house.

"Crazy dancin! Making my penis sore!"

- Dave Chapelle


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