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Surgical Penis Enlargement Mini Forum ~ Penis surgery

Opps, sorry. I didn’t realize. Send me a PM and I’ll provide the link - it really is interesting for those that wants silicone injection.

Originally Posted by monkeybar
This thread is godsend as I refer some people to this thread. CrashTex is doing a wonderful service.

I found an interesting video (its porn) - it looks like guy had a silicone injection?

Its on pay per minute porn site (yeah I’m a perv) - here would be the link if porn was allowed to be linked
Maybe try searching “greatest girth earth” on “hot movies” or something. Sorry MB.

Originally Posted by monkeybar
Opps, sorry. I didn’t realize. Send me a PM and I’ll provide the link - it really is interesting for those that wants silicone injection.

What are the risks of injecting silicone? I’ve read horror stories. Silicone breast implants were pulled not too many years ago because the crap leaked out and caused all sorts of health problems. Why would a person want to inject the stuff directly into his balls or penis?

I haven’t checked into the matter.

Originally Posted by hobby
What are the risks of injecting silicone? I’ve read horror stories. Silicone breast implants were pulled not too many years ago because the crap leaked out and caused all sorts of health problems. Why would a person want to inject the stuff directly into his balls or penis?

I haven’t checked into the matter.

Here’s a recent CNN July 12, 2005 article on death from illegal silicone injections. While these weren’t done into the penis, the article highlights the fatal risk factors of silicone injections. From what I’ve researched, many of the illegal silicone injections into the penis or ballsac for quick size are performed over the border in Mexico.
Procede at your own risk.


Forum Guidelines PAST: 5.25"L x 4.75"G (base),EBP (January 2001) / PRESENT: 7.50"L x 7.00G (base),EBP It doesn't happen overnight! Commitment! Focus! Patience!/ Main Routine = Pumping/Jelqing/clamping + Homedic TheraP or ACE Wrap TheraP or ACE Wrap

Originally Posted by crashhex
“Natural” does not stop after surgery, why can’t I have both? … Stay ugly, that’s your choice.

“Ugly”? I thought all penises were naturally beautiful.


Forum Guidelines PAST: 5.25"L x 4.75"G (base),EBP (January 2001) / PRESENT: 7.50"L x 7.00G (base),EBP It doesn't happen overnight! Commitment! Focus! Patience!/ Main Routine = Pumping/Jelqing/clamping + Homedic TheraP or ACE Wrap TheraP or ACE Wrap

Originally Posted by hobby
What are the risks of injecting silicone? I’ve read horror stories. Silicone breast implants were pulled not too many years ago because the crap leaked out and caused all sorts of health problems. Why would a person want to inject the stuff directly into his balls or penis?

I haven’t checked into the matter.

Not sure about the risk. Actually only reason that I know about this is because of this thread. You really have to watch this movie - its really freaky.

It looks like this is one of those guy that went with hugh amount of silicone. The head is very small compared to his girth (he not that long, but girth is enormous). It appears that silicone was spilled into his testicle. Again, I would of believe it unless I saw it.

By the way, I’m not affiliate with that porn site - I’m just a perv who can’t have adult dvd at home. unfortunately you have to join to see the video - but they have a free 10 minutes trial so you could see it.

Originally Posted by 67Mustang
The feeling you get with gains you worked for far surpasses any feeling some doctor could give.

The sense of accomplishment gained by walking from one side of Australia to other may be great, but it makes far more sense to catch an airplane instead.

Originally Posted by 67Mustang
How about we all just stop trying to surgery our way to greatness. Why dont we try working for something for once. Lazy society today makes me sick. Sure im lazy sometimes and it makes me sick.

Oh, jeez. How about respecting other people’s priorities instead? I’m completing a Ph.D. while working a full-time job; I decided these things were more worthy of my time than devoting hours a day to PE. My choice to undergo surgery wasn’t made out of laziness; instead, it allowed me to be productive in other ways. Your post sounded really judgemental and ill-informed.

Originally Posted by Peforeal
Here’s a recent CNN July 12, 2005 article on death from illegal silicone injections. While these weren’t done into the penis, the article highlights the fatal risk factors of silicone injections. From what I’ve researched, many of the illegal silicone injections into the penis or ballsac for quick size are performed over the border in Mexico.

There’s more to the story than what CNN included in the article. The silicone used on Ms. Gonzalez was not surgical grade. As a result of the FDA ban, surgical-grade silicone can’t be obtained in the US (where she was injected) without a license.

In Mexico, these injections are legal (contrary to what you wrote). My own injections were performed by a surgeon, using surgical-grade silicone. That’s not to say the procedure still isn’t risky — all medical procedures are — but the risks described in the CNN article are clearly heightened when the procedure is done illegally by an unqualified practitioner, using industrial-grade silicone. Ms. Gonzalez’s death, while unfortunate, was avoidable.

FYI, metabolism is not permanent. It can be changed with your activity level. The more active you are, the higher your metabolism.


Originally Posted by 67Mustang
How about we all just stop trying to surgery our way to greatness. Why don’t we try working for something for once. Lazy society today makes me sick. Sure I’m lazy sometimes and it makes me sick.

Stop trying to plastic surgery your way pretty and shit. Work on NATURAL penis enlargement. The feeling you get with gains you worked for far surpasses any feeling some doctor could give.

I like to fish a lot. Do you think the other people fishing will think it is strange when I’m standing on shore with 20 or 30 pounds hanging from my dong? Maybe I’ll get a boat and just hang the anchor off my dick so no one will notice. Hahahaha
I wish I had the time, patience and will power it takes to sit around wanking 20 different ways for 3 or 4 hours a day. I’m not knocking those who do, I just don’t.

As far as working for gains goes.bull shit. If you pe for 2 years and gain an inch and a half and 30% in girth you will feel great about 2 years except for the carpal tunnel. I could go in for surgery, be knocked out for like 2 hours, I would feel great about it when I woke up, with a bottle of pain killers I might add.hahaha

People keep saying, “only 1 guy on this site has had the alloderm surgery, so we don’t really know.blah, blah, blah.”
Thousands of these surgeries have been performed, if the alloderm surgery had a high rate of people being unsatisfied, we would be hearing about it, the media would be all over it.

“Foos, your not getting the point of being a member of this forum. We are here to keep each other informed.” Please, oh, “lets rally against Foos, hoo ra!” If you have something to say, say it, don’t try to get a bunch of people on your band wagon. I think I said something about it being the persons problem who is getting the surgery done. I’ll stick to that statement 100%. Lets see, on one hand you have some guys on a website who tighten hose clamps to their dicks and sling 20 pound dumb-bells from them, on the other you have a surgeon who has done possibly thousands of surgeries giving you advice (of course someone is going to talk to the surgeon before going under the knife). I never said someone shouldn’t be informed, I just think censoring for not revealing the details of how one was benefitting was ridiculous, un-American and an abuse of a mods power, or was it his attitude that got him suspended? That’s bs.lighten up. C’mon were all here talking about making our dicks bigger, can’t we be smart asses once in a while? “Hey, lets all hang 20 pounds off our dicks and yank on them until they turn black, it works for me and after like a year (if your dick doesn’t require amputation) you’ll probably be about an inch longer.” Yeah, who do you think is more credible, the surgeons/urologists or a bunch of guys on a website? “Hey, but don’t worry, if it does turn black we have this snake oil concoction that will cure everything and will make your veins pop out like garden hoses!”

If none of that made you laugh, you have bigger problems than the size of your penis.

People make mistakes, and in this case it is the mods.

How many people on this site have injured themselves?

This is all my opinion, am I going to get banned for it?


Last edited by fooshack : 08-03-2005 at .


This website is awesome and clearly is helping many people, physically and mentally. If the people who read my last post, think it was a big slam on peing, they should read it again. I never said people shouldn’t hang or pe, I was just pointing out (among other things) the irony of certain peoples atitudes and the fact that injuries are probably more likely from what members on this site are doing then from surgery. And also the relevance of from who and where we receive advice. If it works for you, makes you feel good and you have the time, keep at it.

Originally Posted by ThunderSS

Are you going to make time to hang after you have the surgery?

How do you know I’m not hanging now?

If the doctor tells me to hang I’ll take his advice.

My intention wasn’t to slam this site, the members or the practices.


Last edited by fooshack : 08-03-2005 at .

I don’t know if you are hanging now. I asked a simple question and was looking for a simple answer. You should listen to your doc, as a few guys that have had the surgery and were not informed, or did not pay attention to the doc, are trying to do now, what they should have done after the surgery.

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I thought you were being sarcastic. I wasn’t trying to be an asshole and in my opinion what I said in my last reply to you wasn’t at all offensive.

Last edited by fooshack : 08-03-2005 at .

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