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Surgical Penis Enlargement Mini Forum ~ Penis surgery


You need to do massages to help the fat to take. This also helps the fat from clumping up. In addition to this, there is some bandaging that needs to be worn for about a month so that the penis doesn’t “telescope”. Telescoping would increase the chances of clumping.


There has been no difference in the erect state. It feels a s firm as it did before. At least my wife says so. I could see that doing too much might not be a great idea. The nice thing about Dr. Giunta, is that he does it in stages. This allows you do control what you want. Not too much at a time. Some don’t even go in for additional treatments, but I probably will.

I am not looking to be a large man. Actually, I don’t think I have the choice. LOL. Luckily for me, my head was always of good size. The additional gain in girth looks very natural. Condoms aren’t a problem for me since I am married and had a vasectomy.


when you say telescope, do you mean shrivel so all the fat congiles in one place. If so what are the bandages you have been given as I am looking for something to wear when I am sleeping that keeps my penis stretched but without risk of injury through cutting off the blood supply.

It is actually a foam tube that is slit on one side. It should be long enough to go from the base to just behind the head. I used a few pieces of medical tape to keep it closed. Just a caution, erections at night, when your member is restrained, might cause discomfort.

As long as it doesn’t restrict the blood flow it should be okay, as erection discomfort shouldn’t be any different to having an erection whilst sleeping on your front. I have some foam see will try it tonight. Thanks.

Hi emma7769.

How about posting some pics of your enhanced member? Both flaccid and erect would be good.

Whats up Emma! Did you research here before choosing a surgeon? I’m very glad your part of the community, welcome! If you have any post-op questions, feel free to ask. Do you plan to kick your natural PE into gear now? If so, what routines are you interested in?

"Crazy dancin! Making my penis sore!"

- Dave Chapelle

Just came across this on the web, found the part about grafting veins for girth enhancement very interesting , this may possibly be something similar to what lee hang fu does.any thoughts?sure wish more guys would chime in with stories,findings,questions here. Iam resolved that if my dick is one mm less than 8x6 on my 35th birthday , (3 years to go) I am going this route.and I need all the info I can get.

Http://’phalloplasty%20success%2020 05’

I’m on a roll here fellas, just found this on the same surgery.

Surgeons have developed another technique — albugineal surgery with bilateral saphenous grafts — that involves grafting blood vessels from elsewhere in the body to the penis in order to increase blood flow and penis width during erection. An Italian study of 39 men who underwent the surgery for cosmetic reasons found that it increased width by an average of one-half inch without complications. These men may have been lucky.

Ok,this is the last one I’ll post ,but I hope I have gotten the attention of any fellow girth seekers out there, this one sounds to have real promise and this last article is straight from a european urology says the procedures were done in I beleive 94-97 , so the procedure has been around for approx 11 years now.anybody else looked into this?

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1: Eur Urol. 2002 Sep;42(3):245-53; discussion 252-3. Related Articles, Links

A new technique for augmentation phalloplasty: albugineal surgery with bilateral saphenous grafts—three years of experience.

Austoni E, Guarneri A, Cazzaniga A.

Division of Urology, University of Milan, Ospedale S Giuseppe, Via S Vittore 12, 21123, Milan, Italy.

OBJECTIVES: Penile augmentation surgery is a highly controversial issue due to the low level of standardisation of surgical techniques. The aim of the study is to illustrate a new technique to solve the problem of enlarging the penis by means of additive surgery on the albuginea of the corpora cavernosa, guaranteeing a real increase in size of the erect penis. METHODS: Between 1995 and 1997, 39 patients who requested an increase in the diameter of their penises underwent augmentation phalloplasty with bilateral saphena grafts. The patients considered eligible for surgery were patients with either hypoplasia of the penis or functional penile dysmorphophobia. All the patients included in our study presented normal erection at screening. The average penis diameter in a flaccid state and during erection was found to be 2.1cm (1.6-2.7 cm) and 2.9 cm (2.2-3.7 cm), respectively.Before surgery the patients were informed of the experimental nature of the surgical procedure. The increase in volume of the corpora cavernosa was achieved by applying saphena grafts to longitudinal openings made bilaterally in the albuginea along the whole length of the penis. RESULTS: No major complications and specifically no losses of sensitivity of the penis or erection deficiencies occurred during the post-operative follow-up period. All the patients resumed their sexual activity in 4 months. A measurement of the penile dimensions was carried out 9 months after surgery. No clinical meaningful increases in the diameter of the flaccid penis were documented. The average penis diameter during erection was found to be 4.2 cm (3.4-4.9) with post-surgery increases in diameter varying from 1.1 to 2.1cm (p<0.01). CONCLUSIONS: The penile enlargement phalloplasty technique with albuginea surgery suggested by the authors definitely is indicated for increasing the volume of the corpora cavernosa during erection. Albuginea surgery with saphena grafts has been found to be free from aesthetic and functional complications with excellent patient satisfaction.

I read about a guy called Dr Roo who increased girth without injecting or wrapping anything around the penis. I think he used a similar technique to Lee Hang Fu, however, this was back in 1996 in an old copy of FHM. I have searched for him on Google a few times but can’t find anything. He also claimed to be able to increase the erect length by performing the surgery on an injection induced erection.

Originally Posted by gottaget8x6
CONCLUSIONS: The penile enlargement phalloplasty technique with albuginea surgery suggested by the authors definitely is indicated for increasing the volume of the corpora cavernosa during erection. Albuginea surgery with saphena grafts has been found to be free from aesthetic and functional complications with excellent patient satisfaction.

Agreed, this sounds great, but the fact that it hasn’t been developed any further in the last 10 years must say something. If any one method of penis enlargement surgery was really so great, there would be MILLIONS of men having it done. The doctors who invent such a procedure would be rich beyond their wildest dreams.

It would seem logical to conclude that the options currently being sold really are the best options available.

That remains to be seen, this procedure as best I can find has only been documented in europe , and it sounds like it was done by real urologist not cosmetic surgeons ,on guys who really were cursed with small girth , 2.9cm erect width is pretty damn small .so all I am really saying is , maybe this is not a mass marketed money maker , but thus far only done as a bonefide medical procedure. You google penis surgery and you get the same handful of doctors pushing their procedures over and over again , they aren’t actual urologist ( I am not positive of this) and are unlikely to have the extensive knowledge required to operate on the internal workings of the penis.they have a money making procedure that guys are willing to pay big bucks for,so why change a good thing.maybe this procedure will in deed turn out to be total bunk , but I intend to research it through and through , and if surgery is the way I eventually decide to go , this will likely be my option based on what I have read so far.It is a given that the current procedures are ineffective and often dangerous, I have read and read all I can find on alloderm and fat grafts and I am yet to find any unbiased reports of it being a good solution for girth far as I am concerned ALLODERM , FAT GRAFTS AND FAT INJECTIONS are a fools option, your playing russian roulette with your dick and everything out there recommends against it.But please,any information you can find on this new procedure,good or bad,I and I am sure everyone else would love to hear it,after all we are here to learn all we can good or bad about all procedures out there.

Originally Posted by gottaget8x6
But please,any information you can find on this new procedure,good or bad,I and I am sure everyone else would love to hear it,after all we are here to learn all we can good or bad about all procedures out there.

Agreed. I would like to thank Thunder and Crash for setting up this great forum so that reliable information on this subject can finally surface.

The info just keeps trickling in , just found this also

  Two kinds of surgical procedures of penile cavernous corpora augmentation  YANG Bin, LIU Xiaorong, WU Bin, et al. (Dept. Of Plastic Surgery, Sun Yant-Sen Memorial Hospital, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou 510120, China)
【Abstract:】 Objective To investigate the effect of augmentation of penile cavernous corpora by implanting autogenous saphenous grafts or eP TFE vessel patches. Methods Thirteen cases were underwent operations in which bilateral longitudinal incisions were placed on the tunica albuginea and the penile cavernous corpora were extended by means of implanting saphenous grafts or ePTFE artificial vessel patches. Results All cases obtained satisfactory surgical results without serious complications such as infection and fistula. Of 17 operated cases, 14 married cases restored regular and satisfactory sexual activities one month after operation without any functional limitation. The penile corpus circumferential measurements after operation immediately and at the 24 month follow-up showed increase of 1~2c m. Conclusion These two kinds of procedures for augmenting penile cavernous corpora were proved to be effective and reliable with few complications. Both saphenous grafts and ePTFE artificial vessel patches were excel lent materials for reconstructing tunica albuginea. But the long-term outcomes of these surgical procedures need further follow-up survey. 【Key word:】 Micropenis; Penile augmentation; ePTFE artificial vessel; Saphenous grafts


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