Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Surgical Penis Enlargement Mini Forum ~ Penis surgery

Its not posted on the web, but TME uses Dr. Krakovsky. Dr. Rheinschild is with Original Male Enhancement.

Oh no not traded. More like he didn’t like how TME was doing things, so he started his own.

Does anyone know of any trustworthy UK surgeons performing penis enhancement surgery? Or any UK message boards on the subject?

I guy.

I made phalloplasty in 2003, in Italy (lipofilling: transfer my body fat at my dick). But I’m very sad about it.

I just called my Doctor to ask about remove the filler. It’s very unnaturally, too soft, like a wurstel. Sure it’s more girth.

Maybe with PE only..

But I think that dermal graft it’s better than lipofilling. I will ask about it.


HI Crashex,

I sent you a private message asking for your contact info please. Thanks

How did you manage that?

You might want to try MOS, if he’s still around there.

Apologies if this has been mentioned; what is Reinchild’s website? is just a parked domain, and I do remember seeing his site because the before/after photos were the exact same as Krakovsky’s site, which led to my second question; why 2 doctors are posting the same pics as their work? I doubt they were both in there during the surgery.

JackN, Crashex is an X-member. You may well have sent him a pm but he will never get it. If he can’t be reached at MOS hopefully some of the pro-surgery guys here have kept in touch and will help you out or hook you up with him, (hint, hint, guys.)

Originally Posted by JackN
Apologies if this has been mentioned; what is Reinchild’s website? is just a parked domain, and I do remember seeing his site because the before/after photos were the exact same as Krakovsky’s site, which led to my second question; why 2 doctors are posting the same pics as their work? I doubt they were both in there during the surgery.

Lol, that is funny. Rather like the various pay-PE sites sometimes using the same before and after pics. I know “Jack” about this stuff and just check the active surgery threads to make sure none of the rabidly anti-surgery guys are running rampant.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Thanks for the info, iamaru. Too bad about crashex, he seemed well-informed. So if anyone here has his email, would you be so kind to pass it along.

Gentlemen, much has changed in the strangely wacky, dangerous and expensive world of surgical penile enhancement. Recently on another forum, a Dr. Wineland’s name appeared with the address of 1211 W. La Palma Ave. #307, Anaheim Ca. This is the former and present address of the infamous Dr. Gary Rheinschild, the eccentric mad doctor of phalloplasty. The reason for Rheinschild’s departure from Total Male Enhacement/ San Luis Obispo involved both money and competency, and I’ve received emails which hint that the California Medical Board may be taking some action regarding his medical license. As of today, Rheinschild’s website is off-line and Dr. Wineland (who I have no knowledge of) may be taking Dr. Rheinschild’s patient load. To date, Dr. Rheinschild has been involved in a number of malpractice lawsuits and a legal team in Santa Ana, Ca. Has been preparing a case that could leave the seventy-something walking softly into that good night.

I haven’t visited Thunder’s Place in over a year but I would go easy on crashhex. The man seemed to be satisfied with the results of his operation and if that is the case he is in the minority of Rheinschild patients. When Rheinschild left SLO, I had heard that he was essentially practicing “out of a suitcase” and heavily discounting surgeries like a used car dealer. If a patient brought in a second patient, then his next enlargement operation was at half price. Blood tests were being performed in hotel rooms and Rheinschild was picking patient up at airports and dropping them off at flea bag hotels in Fullerton and Anaheim. This is not how a medical practice should be run. Contrast this with the only physician I would ever allow to perform an operation on my genitals, E! Channels “Dr. 90210” Dr. Gary Alter of 435 N. Bedford Dr. In Beverly Hills.

As for myself, I was forced to endure a final two surgeries under the capable scalpel of Dr. Alter. My long but slender penis was pretty damaged and scarred up by Rheinschild’s wildly enthusiastic dermal graft from Hell. If one sums up all the phallic and butt surgeries I’ve undergone the total comes to seven, or approximately the cost of a new Corvette ZO6. Think carefully before you embark upon phalloplasty.

Originally Posted by highflier92660
I had heard that he was essentially practicing “out of a suitcase” and heavily discounting surgeries like a used car dealer. If a patient brought in a second patient, then his next enlargement operation was at half price. Blood tests were being performed in hotel rooms and Rheinschild was picking patient up at airports and dropping them off at flea bag hotels in Fullerton and Anaheim. This is not how a medical practice should be run. Contrast this with the only physician I would ever allow to perform an operation on my genitals, E! Channels “Dr. 90210” Dr. Gary Alter of 435 N. Bedford Dr. In Beverly Hills.


That’s ridiculous though, reminds me of that episode of Nip/Tuck where Sean hunts down his old mentor doctor to get him to stop performing butchering his gender-reassignment patients from a hotel room.

Anyway, I live in New York, and getting the surgery done would be a pretty cool endeavour, I’d be stoked to go from 8x5.5 to a solid 9x6.5 or greater.

I’ve read about Dr. Alter and he seems great, and the good thing is he practices in New York, too, right?

Is he any better than Harold Reed in Florida?

PE should, in my opinion, be a health thing, like brushing our teeth and working out.

Obsessing about gains will only lead to disappointment for most people. - babbis

Originally Posted by hobby
Thanks. I’ll take this opportunity to advertise.

Please buy the official Thunder’s Place PE Program. Or the Thunderjelq device. Or the Thunderclamp. Or the Thunderhanger, Thunderzinger or Thundersurgery. Maybe a DVD will come out soon.


I gotta say, though you guys are hard-asses, you’re very funny.

Keep up the good work.

PE should, in my opinion, be a health thing, like brushing our teeth and working out.

Obsessing about gains will only lead to disappointment for most people. - babbis


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