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Surgical Penis Enlargement Mini Forum ~ Penis surgery

Whoa Rachmunas, I didn’t say anything about believing you or not. I was just mentioning that there are snakes in the grass. Not all of them real visible. If a guy looks closely enough he will eventually see them for what they are though.

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That guy who Dipper claims was a mod guy on mynewsize wasn’t. His only post was made to me to say that Dr. Giunta was great and I was wrong. I PMed that guy after he was making those comments and I tried to get though to him that I didn’t work for anyone but he didn’t bite.

This was not the person I was speaking of. It was truly a Mod on that said your story was bogus and I’m going to leave it at that. If you did go through those events, then my heart goes out to you. I also had a bad experience, but once again, I have a real hard time believing anything that is said on that board. There is an excessive amount of competition bashing and the neutrality of the board has been seriously compromised. I have no doubt that you had surgery with Dr. K, and the results look great so far. Your girth is huge. I hope to have your measurements someday.

The only reason I went to Dr. Giunta in the first place was my friend at my local gym who used to do phallplastys (Dr. Sheldon Burman) told me how big I can be without complications. I later heard that he was getting sued after googling it. But that was too late for me. He’s a neighbor and I’ve been to his house a few times where he gave me the sales pitch about everything being perfect on fat transfer’s. I’ve only been on Thunder once or twice. On mynewsize I just googled it. Then finally did my homework and chose Dr. K. I almost chose Dr. Reed but he would only talk to me if I went to Miami, so I didn’t choose him. Dr K at least spoke to me through free phone consultations.

Dr. K actually gave me as a souvenir with the FFT (fat injections) that he took out. I’ve got it in a jar. It looks like brains. Want me to post that, haha?

“How bad did he F you up?”

Rheinschild does what he wants to do. He did not do what I wanted. I had a nice butt before he touched me. My girl friend at the time was shocked when she saw the scars on my ass. He had a lot of staff turnover in the three years or so I was going to him too. That’s a red flag in my book. But looking back there were many red flags with that guy from the get go. He didn’t listen for one. He liked to say that he did, but he didn’t.
My penis originally had a huge head and skinny shaft. I had fat transfer in 1992 from a Dr Samitier in FL, and it actually wasn’t that bad. Got some reasonable looking girth out of it. Of course it was no where near perfect, but I was satisfied. Was quite the proud owner the first time I used it lay pipe with the ol’ GF..
Then in 1995 I hear about Dr Elist in Beverly Hills. He did Length surgery and added more fat. I got an irregular area on my abs where he harvested the fat but not really that noticeable. I can’t remember if it was one or two procedures.I think it was one.. Anyway Wow! Talk about big and I went from 5 1/2” TO 7” erect. He put fat all around it. Elist said mine was “one of the best” he had done. But the girth didn’t extend ail the way to the base where mr penis meets mr body. Where the new length was it was still skinny. (I never had any lumps, btw). So in ‘97 I go to Rheinschild, asking if he could put more fat around the base. He did say that he could take the fat out completely but that would have meant an additional initial surgery. Taking all the fat out was offered but I declined. In fact his assistant strongly encouraged me to do that but I decided I wanted to be the “Jolly Green Giant” as Rheins put it. Instead, I had three surgeries: one for length, after which he said Elist had not cut the ligament (Funny then where did the length gain come from?), one for girth and one where he tried putting a dermal strip horizontally around the base. That got infected and did simply did not work. Well I lost all erect gain I had from Elist and was so wide I couldn’t f- anybody.
Now, I want to see if fat could be transferred into the butt crease scars where the dermal grafts were taken. I don’t think the scar tissue will react like normal tissue so I am not optimistic. Also interested in fixing the dick, MAYBE.

Last edited by ThaiKhun : 10-29-2007 at .

Dear God.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Well since this is a mini forum thread about Surgical procedures and since you fellows have some experience I need your honest advice.

I am nineteen and have saved a bit of money which isn’t enough to cover the surgery yet, but in a few months I will.

I don’t hang when flaccid like some members do and to be honest I am quite small..

I am probably about 1 and a half inches flaccid and 5 max erect.

Do you in honesty recommend surgery and do you think it’ll help me better then P.E. Will because so far it hasn’t.

Any messages whether Private or posted in this thread for my situation would be greatly appreciated.

I know it may seem dumb but if you read what I wrote in the Is It In Yet thread you may understand.


I am sorry to hear that you went through such a horrible ordeal. I would go to see one of big players in the field today and have them take a look at you. I’m sure a lot can be done to fix what Dr. R did to you. You could probably regain the 1.5” you lost and have a much better result with the girth. It won’t be cheap but it will definitely be worth it.

What is the condition of your penis at this present time? Can you have sex?

Originally Posted by Creedence
Well since this is a mini forum thread about Surgical procedures and since you fellows have some experience I need your honest advice.

I am nineteen and have saved a bit of money which isn’t enough to cover the surgery yet, but in a few months I will.

I don’t hang when flaccid like some members do and to be honest I am quite small..

I am probably about 1 and a half inches flaccid and 5 max erect.

Do you in honesty recommend surgery and do you think it’ll help me better then P.E. Will because so far it hasn’t.

Any messages whether Private or posted in this thread for my situation would be greatly appreciated.

I know it may seem dumb but if you read what I wrote in the Is It In Yet thread you may understand.

If you are going to go the surgical route, I would wait a few more years. You probably have some natural growth left. I grew an inch naturally between the time I was 21 and 23. If you do decide to go through with the surgery, just recognize that it requires a lot of work. All the lengthening procedure does is sever the suspensory ligament, which makes it easier to gain length through hanging. You will not gain any erect length immediately after the surgery. You must be prepared to undergo a rigorous hanging regimen for at least 6 months. You will most likely gain flacid length immediately. I gained about 1.5” of flacid length from my surgery.

You have a few choices when it comes to girth enhancement. I am personally thinking about Alloderm for my second try. Just be sure to choose a surgeon with a good track record, and there are only a few. You will have to shell out a lot of money for a good one, but it’s worth it.

Thanks Big D,

Oh yes I can have sex, there isn’t any problem in that regard-function wise. It has just been an aesthetic issue. It is still skinny at the base and the added erect length is gone, as is some of the girth (I think dermals reabsorb too.) I appreciate your words of encouragement. I am fortunate to live in San Diego with some of the recommended docs here in So Cal. I realize that post makes me sound like a real whiner. Actually I was able to get things into perspective.. I try to post a pic. Give me a few days.
Thanks again.

Originally Posted by Big Dipper
If you are going to go the surgical route, I would wait a few more years.

I would second that also on the basis that, it looks to me like there may be major advances with approaches like static stretching, or others like chemical PE, in the very near future. Enhancement surgery has always been problematic, and could soon be obsolete.


Starting, summer '06: 6" EL, 6.5" BPEL, 5.5" EG / Currently: Approximately .4" length and .25" girth gains / Stretched ligs .5" - .6", increasing PBFL and flacid hang

Goal: 7.25" BPEL x 5.75" EG, currently over HALF WAY THERE! on length and ACHIEVED GIRTH!

Piercings: 4 Gauge PA (currently not wearing), Two 4 Gauge upper frenums, other non-genital

It seems the chemical PE movement has died. I hear nothing on that front and have not in a very long time. Too bad.

Doctor reviews at mynewsize

Originally Posted by Big Dipper
Dr. Krakovsky is another surgeon who seems to be doing a great job. From what I’ve read, he has an outstanding girth enhancement technique. The only problem about his results is that I can’t be quite sure of them. All the information I’ve received is from a website sponsed by his group. They seem to be on the up and up and are very helpful, but they have a financial incentive. They have a great site but seem to do a lot of bashing on other doctors in the field.

I assume you are referring to Specifically, http://www.myne … opic.php?t=3715 where I simply make an observation about a trend in former Rosenthal patients, I may have been a bit brash with the "are you high" comment. I couldn’t believe you were saying he was a good dr, in the same thread where at least 4 other patients were experiencing poor Alloderm technique and results E.G., no graft below the had and, or short at base. One guy said he went back 3 times for Rosenthal touch-ups! Just sounds like somebody is trying to make some extra money

Originally Posted by ballpark
I assume you are referring to Specifically, http://www.myne … opic.php?t=3715 where I simply make an observation about a trend in former Rosenthal patients, I may have been a bit brash with the "are you high" comment. I couldn’t believe you were saying he was a good dr, in the same thread where at least 4 other patients were experiencing poor Alloderm technique and results E.G., no graft below the had and, or short at base. One guy said he went back 3 times for Rosenthal touch-ups! Just sounds like somebody is trying to make some extra money

Do we really need to go here Ballpark? You are one of the people I am speaking of, but not the only one. Once again, I was simply reporting honest feedback from people who had used Dr. R.. I wasn’t aware that liked to censor positive feedback about other doctors besides what has been said about Dr. K. Let’s speak your four patients compared to the numerous others who have had a good experience. In no way am I an advocate of Dr. Rosenthal, but on the other hand, I am well aware of what you and the rest of the Dr. K crew are doing. I know you claim you are not involved, but I don’t believe you. As I said in our last pissing match, I know a few people on a personal level that have had great experiences with Dr. R, as opposed to your four people who have posted negative experiences (which may or may not be real). I simply don’t believe a thing that is said about any other surgeon on a website that is financed by Dr. K and company. It even deepens my suspicions when you feel it necessary to come on other websites and bring up the very thing we were arguing about a month ago. WTF???

So your telling my that the erect fat transfer picture that I have on my thread on the other site looks normal? I looked deformed! Dr. K was the only doctor I could find that did reconstructions to get rid of all the fat. I downed over $25,000 of my hard earned money and I’m only 24! I post on that site because it’s just a site. Would you care for me to move that thread all together on this site or matterofsize and praise Dr. K there? If so would you still call me a liar?


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