Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Surgical Penis Enlargement Mini Forum ~ Penis surgery

Originally Posted by Big Dipper
I read that procedure was put on hold. I could be wrong but I heard there were a number of complications. Anyone with more knowledge care to chime in?

I heard that too, but I think they were reffering to the procedure carried out in Thailand, which is actually slighlty different. I think the procedure carried about by Dr. Perovic himself, is still available. He does mention in one of the artcles posted on the various PE forums, that that are key differences between what he does and what the Thai surgeons are doing. I think the info posted the yahoo group baord is slighlty misleading, in that it suggests Dr. Perovic’s procedure is on hold.

Originally Posted by petitfaun
Have you tried a search for VY plasy.

There are a few mentions in the forum search which might help, Or, you could try a Google search.

I have looked many places. I have only found a few that had the vy process done. I am looking for someone that had the vy reversed.

Hey, thought I add something I couldn’t find in the search function, and that is injections with “PMMA” ? After doing some research it only looks like a surgeon in Brazil does this procedure (which either indicates that its an unreliable method OR that he is pioneering into something new and promising - only time will tell).

It is interesting because PMMA is synthetic, so it is unlike a free fat transfer and probably wont be reabsorbed. Its related to acrylics and so I wonder whether it would have more realism than fat when you are hard. After some initial reading, it looks like PMMA is used in other cosmetic procedures and is apparently human tissue friendly. This would be a bonus over silicone injections I would imagine.

The procedure pretty much would work like a FFT or silicone procedure, the surgeon probably injects it right under the shaft skin and fills it until its even and uniform throughout the penis.

I just can’t find much more information on it, which leads me to believe this is a new and pioneering method -or I could be wrong, anyone have info?

If you're ever considering a surgical (or non-surgical) route for penis enlargement:

PhalloBoards: A Forum Devoted to Penis Enlargement Surgery & Non-Surgical Procedures

Has anyone heard about anyone getting surgery from Dr. James Elist? I’ve been doing a lot of research on phalloplasty and only recently did I come across his website. I have not heard any testimonials about him. The reason he interests me so much is that he has a different method for girth enhancement which addresses most of my concerns regarding FFT and dermal grafts. I e-mailed him with a few questions which I will quote for you -

Thank you so much for your inquiry. We appreciate your questions, and certainly understand you concerns. Please find my responses in red below:

Do you have any statistics on the number of people who return to you due to complications whether it be for infections or otherwise?

The possible risks and complications such as infections, perforation, and others are about 3% to 5% nationally. We consistently perform below this national average (2-3%). Patients with diabetes, smokers, or who are HIV positive or with other immune depressive diseases tend to have a higher risk of complications.

You claim your "ELIST PROSTHESIS" is permanent and has very little chance of rejection by the body. This is the main reason I am leaning towards you. I have heard many unhappy stories about FFT (free fat transfers) and dermal grafts. How natural does your implant make the penis look?

The shape of the penis is very natural. Patients have reported that their partners are often unaware that they have had any procedure at all. This is truly the ultimate test.

How does it effect erection quality?

The procedure improves the quality of the erection both in terms of length and duration. Some of our patients who previously reported early loss of erection have reported significant improvement on maintaining their erection following this procedure.

How does recovery time compare to other widening techniques?

The recovery time from this procedure is 4 to 6 weeks to resume sexual activity. However, patients can begin normal activity within 24 to 48 hours. Upper body exercise within one week and other activities within 4 to 6 weeks.

What is the cost of the widening and lengthening procedure?

The breakdown of the cost of this procedure is as follows:
Prosthesis - $3,500
Use of operating room - $2,500
Anaesthesia - $1,000
Surgeon and surgeon assistants - $3,000
Therefore, the total is $10,000. In some cases, you may qualify for a significant discount. If you would only like to pursue lengthening, the cost for the procedure will be $5,500 with possible discounts.

Thank you again for your inquiry. I hope these responses have been helpful and have addressed many of your concerns. Please contact me directly at +1(310) 666-4177 for any further questions or please call the office at +1(310) 652-2600 for an appointment.

We look forward to meeting you in the near future for a confidential, complimentary consultation either by phone or in one of our offices located in California (Beverly Hills), the Middle East (Dubai), or Europe (Hamburg) where I am available to meet with you personally.

If you would like testimonials or the contact information of patients who have recently worked with me, please inquire upon contacting our offices.

We appreciate your confidence and we look forward to seeing you soon.

Best regards,

Dr. James J. Elist, MD, FACS, FICS

His website is Elist Clinic - Elist Clinic.

Here is some of what he has for information on his technique.

GIRTH ENHANCEMENT Presently, the only treatments available for girth enhancement are insertion of dermal graft, or injection of fat under the penile skin. Both methods have severe drawbacks, and possible risks and complications. These include lengthy operating time and patient recovery period, severe pain and discomfort at the site of the graft removal and/or the liposuction, formation of hard lumps and nodules under the penile skin, penile deformity resulting from partial absorption of the fat, and formation of large scar at the site of removal of the graft. Any of the aforementioned complications requires further multiple surgical procedures and patient inconvenience. I use a patented sub cutaneous penile implant (ELIST PROSTESIS) made of a proprietary silicone material, designed specifically for treatment of impotency and penile enhancement.

The girth enhancement (increase in width) as mentioned above comes from using a patented sub cutaneous penile implant (ELIST PROSTESIS) made of a proprietary silicone material.

The prosthesis device especially designed so that:
Male health, male impotence, male infertility male injections, male libido, male penile male problems, male prostate, male stimulation

1. It can achieve enlargement in both radial and lateral direction of the penis.
2. The design of the prosthesis and the location of the implant in the penis do not interfere with the structural integrity and normal functions of the penis.
3. The operation be reversible, I.e., the implant could be removed (for whatever reason) without permanent damage to the structure of the penis or it’s function.
4. The procedure does not leave any perceptible scars or compromise in any way the aesthetic look of the penis or other parts of the patient’s body.
5. It’s results are permanent, or at the very least, permanency is achieved without any further surgical procedures, discomfort or undue expense to the patient.

I would appreciate very much any and all information you guys might have on him.

Start: 5" BPEL, 4" EG

Current Goal: 6" BPEL, 5" EG

Surgery Update

Hey guys,

I’m about to go back for my second stage FFT procedure. I’m 6 months post op from my first FFT. My former and current stats are as follows:


BPEL: 6.75
EG: 5


BPEL 6.75
EG (below glans): 5.25
(mid-shaft): 5 6/8
(base): 6

The second FFT is to touch up any imperfections from the first and to add additional girth. I’m hoping to acheive a 6.25” mid shaft girth and a 7” base when it’s all said and done.

Graft and Fat removal with Dr Elist

Hi Guys,

My question: Has anyone had dermal grafts and/or FFT removed by Dr James Elist?

If so how did it go? Are you happy with the result?

Thank you.

Originally Posted by joey999
I think the info posted the yahoo group baord is slighlty misleading, in that it suggests Dr. Perovic’s procedure is on hold.

Has anyone a link to this yahoo group ? I search to find some infos on this !


This, by the way, is about the threadstarter’s experiences: Phalloplasty Nightmare!

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

Originally Posted by wannabeseven

Yahoo | Mail, Weather, Search, Politics, News, Finance, Sports & Videos

Big Dipper,

Any photos? Would be good see photos:

a) before op
b) post op
c) 6 months after op (before touch up op)
d) after touch up op




I do have pre-op photos and I can take photos after my second FFT but I don’t have any after my first FFT. I’m leaving on vacation shortly but I’ll post when I get back next week. I’m going back one final time, so I’ll also post pictures after that. I’ll include measurments in all of them.

Graft Removal by Dr Elist

Actually this sort of a reposting of my new size posting:

I had my fat and dermal grafts removed by Dr Elist. 18 days post and still swollen. I am pleased with Dr Elist as a surgeon. The experience was very positive.

A guy PM’d me and wanted to know the actual percentage of material he removed. I didn’t ask him the percentage of the fat and dermals he removed. He got all that he had access to, I suppose. After surgery he did say it was more difficult than he anticipated. Apparently there was some suture material still present. I don’t know how he removed it. I didn’t ask him.

He did say he has removed a lot of grafts though, and that he does a lot of penis surgery.

I was at his office early and saw a lot of patients come and go. Everyone seemed happy. He has a busy practice. His staff is real nice. It’s like going to a regular doctor.

At this point he hasn’t voiced any concern about the result cosmetically and functionally which is, what is important.

I mentioned to him that I had consulted with Dr Alter. Dr Elist said: “he does mainly sex change operations”.. . I really don’t remember much else. I was still under the effects of sedation.

He gave the grafts to me. Yes I have them in a jar, lol! I can post a picture I suppose. The specimen consists of two large pieces and 4-5 smaller ones.

Probably make everybody hurl. Really gross.

You don’t hear much about him. But then, Maybe he doesn’t need the business. You hear a lot about that Russian guy Krakovsky, and his credentials are kinda dodgy.

Anyway.. Dr Elist charged me six thousand for the surgery. That included everything but the hotel. The consultation was $85. My Insurance covered the medications. Gee maybe they would covered the surgery. Wish I would have looked into that.

I considered addressing my main complaint IE narrowing of the shaft at the base, by adding more fat at the base. But felt confident that I could get a better result by removing everything. Hope I was right.
According to Dr Elist I am not a candidate for silicone implants. Perhaps due to the loads of scar tissue I probably have.

With the dermals and fat I was completely unable to do manual exercises or jelqing. The grafts would just wad up when I tried to do a routine. I was a religious hanger and stretcher post op and in spite of this I still lost length gains. I hope that changes.

Even though I was never really happy with them I waited until I was confident I could get a reasonable result by a credible surgeon who had some significant experience. I learned my lesson on jumping in early.

I think it is worth mentioning my reaction when I first took off the bandage/gauze wrap at 2 days post and looked in the mirror.
My initial thought was my god there is my dick.I had MY dick back. And I felt very good about it. I didn’t expect that.

As far as what’s next.. I am taking it one day at a time. Perhaps I am done. We will see after I heal some more.

I use coban wrap to compress it down and it is showing a net decrease in swelling. I am pleased at this point, it appears pretty smooth and regular but I don’t know how much of that is due to the swelling. Time will tell I guess.

I have not been back to Dr Elist yet. I am going to see Dr Giunta before I decide to do anything girth-wise. He still does FFT. I will need to see some pictures that include the penis body junction area. Better yet maybe I can see an actual one.

Unfortunately, I have not heard good things about macrolane which is what Dr Elist recommended I do.

What have you heard about macrolane?

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

I have heard that macrolane is a waste of money.

A poster at the MNS forum, had it done, and he told me If placed simply underneath the skin it can migrate as a lump forward to the foreskin and also further round to the underneath of the penis and even scrotum. He also said most of the filler had been injected nearer the base so the overall shape was not very pleasing. The texture was soft and squishy. Erect it looks and feels worse, unnatural. It collects in patches and doesn’t spread out evenly.

Last edited by ThaiKhun : 11-27-2008 at .

I think I’ve really turned the corner (knock on wood) on healing. The swelling/edema and tenderness are way down. It is feeling and looking normal again. In fact I did some manual stretches and jelqing last night. I ended up popping off. Not supposed to. “No Sex or Masturbation For Four Weeks”. Oh well.


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