Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Surgical Penis Enlargement Mini Forum ~ Penis surgery

Yuck. I hope I never have to consider such options.

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

Originally Posted by 9_in_richard
http://www.natu … l/3901217a.html

Take a look at this one. It’s an interesting read.

Notice both patients were African American. They have high risk for scar formations and adhesions after surgery. Keloid scars are seen 15 times more in highly pigmented ethnic groups rather than Caucasians.

Originally Posted by thethickone
Chad did try and use Dr. Elist, but he would NOT work with him. Then the dreamed up “botched” surgery from Dr. Elist was invented to slam him for not allowing him to refer people and charge $3000 for nothing.

Bottom line is Crash is a crook, Dr. Elist never worked with Crash, Crash’s graft failure was a result of his post op mistakes rather than Dr. K being a butcher. Having said that I don’t respect Dr. K for one second. They’re both in it for the money and will do anything.


I am a new member here and I read mynewsize also. Can you comment on the dreamed up surgery disaster and how you know this to be true?

This makes me very VERY nervous.

I recently had penile enlargement with Dr. Elist and a PE patient recommended I check this site out. So far things are going very well but I’d like to know more about people who have had positive and bad experience with Elist for my own personal well being. To be honest, BTC (I didn’t realize his name was Chad) didn’t give much weight to my decision on the surgery, but postings of other users did. Some of those postings (both good and bad) didn’t seem very believable. I do know of two people that had the implant removed because of infection. It seems consistent with infection rates of women who have breast implants who have to have them removed and replaced a few months down the line. I think both of these guys will have the implant replaced in around the same time.

Are there any members on here that had surgery with Elist? If you care to comment via pm or on here please do.



Last edited by muscledogg : 05-23-2009 at .

Originally Posted by muscledogg

I am a new member here and I read mynewsize also. Can you comment on the dreamed up surgery disaster and how you know this to be true?

This makes me very VERY nervous.

I recently had penile enlargement with Dr. Elist and a PE patient recommended I check this site out. So far things are going very well but I’d like to know more about people who have had positive and bad experience with Elist for my own personal well being. To be honest, BTC (I didn’t realize his name was Chad) didn’t give much weight to my decision on the surgery, but postings of other users did. Some of those postings (both good and bad) didn’t seem very believable. I do know of two people that had the implant removed because of infection. It seems consistent with infection rates of women who have breast implants who have to have them removed and replaced a few months down the line. I think both of these guys will have the implant replaced in around the same time.

Are there any members on here that had surgery with Elist? If you care to comment via pm or on here please do.



I don’t think we have any members here who have openly come out and posted that they have had surgery with Dr. Elist. It’s too bad, because Thunders is a great forum with no loyalty or financial relationship with any of the PE surgeons. You should also check out the Yahoo Surgical_Enlargement_Forum which is a good, non-biased website for PE surgery discussions. I haven’t been there in awhile but I think they have a few members who had surgery by Dr. Elist.

"If you can conceive it, and you can believe it...then you can achieve it."

Formerly known as Gandolf

Originally Posted by joey999

I understand what you say about the use of silicone in other forms of surgery, but the penis is a dynamic organ. I assure you that it would have been the first implant material considered when surgeons first tried to enlarge the penis. I’m sure dr Elist is a good surgeon, but I’d be interested to hear what he has to say about his success rate when he trialled the implant in Serbia 7 years ago. I don’t want to mention him by name but one of the two famous Serbian PE surgeons told me personally that they had to remove 23 of the 24 implants. Also this isn’t even the first time Dr Elist has tried to use a silicone implant. He previously had a patent for a silicone implant in 1994, but stopped using it and reverted back to FFT.

When you say that 23 of 24 implants were removed, can you be more specific? Why were they removed, at what time period? When statements like this are made I am not sure what good they are. I understand you had a surgery issue yourself so bringing these things up is a good thing, but I’d like to know more.

I know of two guys that had the Elist implant removed recently because of infection (I found this out AFTER I had mine put in recently). However, the fact that the implant can be removed quickly and more easily compared to Alloderm was a big positive point for me.

From my research, you are correct that Dr. Elist performed surgery using silicone many years ago (more of the harder silicone for impotence) and then stopped, and then went back to it. The difference (form what I understand) is the type of silicone material he is now using for the past several years is the “gummi” bear implant (was not available 10-15 years ago) which is now FDA for breast implants also. It’s manufactured differently, doesn’t leak, responds under pressure better than older silicone materials, and scar tissue forms more easily around it. And again, it can be removed relatively easily and the penis intact and functioning (I know this to be fact from another patient I had talked to). Most of the other guys seem to be happy with it that I spoke with. These were the reasons I went ahead with it. If it was the older hard silicone I would not have gone for it.

But to be honest, with all this game playing about moderators working with Dr’s bothers me. If I can’t get detailed info or if posts are tainted for non-objective reasons it helps no-one.

I am certainly NOT recommending anyone getting surgery. Shit, I am worried myself after hearing this kind of stuff. Dr. Elist did discuss rejection and all that but I was told that is wasn’t that common. Say a prayer for me that everything works out fine.

Originally Posted by 8-Ball
I don’t think we have any members here who have openly come out and posted that they have had surgery with Dr. Elist. It’s too bad, because Thunders is a great forum with no loyalty or financial relationship with any of the PE surgeons. You should also check out the Yahoo Surgical_Enlargement_Forum which is a good, non-biased website for PE surgery discussions. I haven’t been there in awhile but I think they have a few members who had surgery by Dr. Elist.

Thanks 8ball I will check that out. I’ve only be reading mynewsize just because thats what comes up in searches for the most part on this surgery

Originally Posted by muscledogg

Thanks 8ball I will check that out. I’ve only be reading mynewsize just because thats what comes up in searches for the most part on this surgery

I guess it’s a mute point now that it’s a done deal, but I wouldn’t worry unnecessarily unless some type of a problem develops. The feedback I’ve heard from Dr. Elist patients has been very positive compared to most other doctors. A doctor named Krakovsky was, for years, built up to near God-like status on that forum where the owner was profiting heavily from referals. I just recently learned that there is now a MyNewSite discount for Dr. Elist, so you have to consider the source of the information when you read there. Good luck, and I’m always here if you have questions about the healing phase of the surgery.

"If you can conceive it, and you can believe it...then you can achieve it."

Formerly known as Gandolf

Hi 8-ball.

Actually that really isn’t a discount per se except that he will pay for 2 nights stay and transportation. The price is what it is. It ain’t cheap! If all goes according to plan I will be very happy though.. I’ll keep it updated. Thanks

Muscle brother, I’m hoping everything goes well for you! If you don’t mind my asking, how much did the surgery with Elist set you back? Did you have length and girth done?

I used to work with a guy, who at 28 or so, got burned on a stack pipe and had to get an implant for erection issues. They implanted the inflatable type sleeve. I would imagine that his implant is not that much different than the phalloplasty implant in terms of being an invasive procedure and a foreign material implant. He has had no problem with it and he has had it for upwards of 10 years.

Starting stats NBPEL 6" x EG 4.125" --> Mar 2008 NBPEL 7" x EG 5.25" Current Stats 6" NBPEL x 6" EG (Post 1st Round PMMA)

My noose style extender modification

My jelq routine

Last edited by 9_in_richard : 05-24-2009 at .

Hi 9.. The surgery went up to $10,000 per year I think in January. I had it at the old price which is $8500 as I had it scheduled from last year. The $10,000 price has been active since January I think as I know other guys had paided that. As I said, it is not cheap.

And I would agree, a positive of the implant is that is never need gbe removed and will be with me for life. The older silicone material for some reason had to be removed every 10 years but that was because of ir being fluid filled.

10k for implant only or for lengthening and implant? Sorry for all the questions bro.

Starting stats NBPEL 6" x EG 4.125" --> Mar 2008 NBPEL 7" x EG 5.25" Current Stats 6" NBPEL x 6" EG (Post 1st Round PMMA)

My noose style extender modification

My jelq routine


can you post a photo of your penis, next to a newspaper with todays (of the day you post’s) date on it, or even your computer screen in the background, with this thread displayed? I don’t want to respond to any posts regarding Dr Elist or that mention MNS as I know for a fact that the guy who runs the site (Chad) has a business relationship with Dr Elist and posts under numerous false names claiming to be people who have had the surgery. Your post has all the hallmarks of a Chad forgery. He likes to pretend to be objective and uncertain. Sorry for being so suspicious of you, but given what I know, I’d prefer that you prove you have nothing to with Chad or MNS, before I respond. I hope you understand and don’t take offence. I know you are asking questions that show you are genuinley concerened, but this is typical of a Chad style forgery. At the same time you are making people more aware that Dr Elist has a silcone procedure, that is widely discussed at MNS and that member of that site can get free accomodation.

Joey999 - sounds like you are still bitter about being banned from MNS. I know for a fact that the Elis posts are 100% accurate because I have talked to a few of them personally. Perhaps with proper form etiquette you could have spoken with them yourself. I have also talked with the webmaster BTC, and unless he is a master voice impersonator - then he is not the same several people that I have spoken with. I don’t know how, or why, or to what your gain is, but you certainly have BTC wrong. The information he puts out is objective and free. The dude takes PE very seriously - he has had some great results, and horrible ones - he shared with me all that he learned despite the fact that it must be quite embarassing what happened. Just coming on here and saying you know for a fact this-and-that when clearly you don’t - well that’s defamation. You need to grow up and stop with all the conspiracy theories. And NO JOEY- I’M NOT SHOWING YOU MY DICK.

Originally Posted by joey999

Can you post a photo of your penis, next to a newspaper with todays (of the day you post’s) date on it, or even your computer screen in the background, with this thread displayed? I don’t want to respond to any posts regarding Dr Elist or that mention MNS as I know for a fact that the guy who runs the site (Chad) has a business relationship with Dr Elist and posts under numerous false names claiming to be people who have had the surgery. Your post has all the hallmarks of a Chad forgery. He likes to pretend to be objective and uncertain. Sorry for being so suspicious of you, but given what I know, I’d prefer that you prove you have nothing to with Chad or MNS, before I respond. I hope you understand and don’t take offence. I know you are asking questions that show you are genuinley concerened, but this is typical of a Chad style forgery. At the same time you are making people more aware that Dr Elist has a silcone procedure, that is widely discussed at MNS and that member of that site can get free accomodation.


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