Thunder's Place

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Surgical Penis Enlargement Mini Forum ~ Penis surgery

I’m the one who had the macrolane girth procedure about two months ago. To anyone thinking about it, basically don’t bother. It’s not fixed to anything, doesn’t spread out evenly, feels soft and squishy, migrated to my scrotum, erect feels like unnatural, I could go on. Thank god it’s not permanent.

Has anyone fixed their penis instead of trying to make it bigger? Like possibly fixed mistakes? Like reversing the cut off ligament or something?

I’ve heard of many people having mistakes fixed that other surgeons have made. In fact, I think Dr. Reed does a lot work in this area. There have been so many people butchered by certain surgeons in this field that phalloplasty repair is a lucrative business. Did you have a negative experience with phalloplasty?

Originally Posted by sexythoughtsguy
Has anyone fixed their penis instead of trying to make it bigger? Like possibly fixed mistakes? Like reversing the cut off ligament or something?

I had fat and dermals removed 2 months ago. Healing up nicely.

Hey Big Dipper,

You are presently enhanced courtesy of FFT by Dr. Guinta, if I am not mistaken. How are you doing? Are you happy with the result? How does it look erect? And most importantly is it thick at the base?

Feel free to PM.

Many Thanks.

Hey there ThaiKhun!

Things are going well with my FFT. I’m well over three months post-op since my second FFT and am happy with the results. I’m well over 6” EG at mid shaft and more than that at the base. My base still isn’t perfect and I’ll be going back for another FFT in March to have it touched up. The problem is on the right side of my base. There is no fat in that one spot. If I grab onto my base I can feel an indentation. It’s not terrible as no girl has ever noticed it (at least they haven’t said anything), but I’ll still be going back to have it fixed.

My penis looks great when erect. I was looking at it in the mirror the other day and was amazed at how far I’ve come. I’m hoping the next FFT will be my last but I’m not worried about it. I’ve really been working on my length lately and have recently made a gain in NBPEL. It’s funny because the girl I’m currently hanging out with made a comment that my penis looked longer.

That’s great news Big D!

I think I will make an appointment with Dr Giunta, at least to hear what he thinks he can do for me. I will explain my situation of course. I really think you were smart to go with fat over dermals. I had both and I think the dermals are associated with loss of girth and length, at least in the long term.

I feel bad for anyone, including those on this forum that feel so desperate, you actually get surgery done. I’m not passing judgement, I’ve actually considered it myself and statistically I’m average (ex-girlfriend who I broke up with went around telling people I had a small dick, I believed it and became insecure about it, so I looked into surgery), but I’ve just read so many of these horror stories, after reading the success stories of natural PE, which doesn’t require a huge investment of money (but a lot of sweat equity), it just doesn’t make sense to me.

I didn’t read all the posts on this thread, but to anyone who was left very disappointed in their procedure, my heart goes out to you. One thing I’ve learned in life, unless surgery is a medical necessity, it’s probably not worth having done. Surgery is not a magic bullet, so please think long and hard about it before you get it done.

Thanks for that insightful post. I hope you feel better about yourself.

Originally Posted by ThaiKhun
Thanks for that insightful post. I hope you feel better about yourself.

If my post offended your or hurt your feelings, then I am truly sorry and my deepest apologies to you. I went back and read your story, I hope everything goes well for you. While my post didn’t add a whole lot, the title caught my attention. I simply posted in an attempt to help persuade people not to get surgery to begin with (like I said, I seriously considered it at one point), but I realize it was an unnecessary post.

My goal is to be the best me, mind, body and soul, PE is part of achieving the best me.

There is a couple of guys who had their surgery done by Elist recently who are reporting their stories on another forum, mynewsize (a formerly defunct forum that is being resucitated) or something like that. I just read their story, including pics. They are happy with the results.

Originally Posted by Nostalgia
Has anyone heard about anyone getting surgery from Dr. James Elist? I’ve been doing a lot of research on phalloplasty and only recently did I come across his website. I have not heard any testimonials about him. The reason he interests me so much is that he has a different method for girth enhancement which addresses most of my concerns regarding FFT and dermal grafts. I e-mailed him with a few questions which I will quote for you -

His website is Elist Clinic - Elist Clinic.

Here is some of what he has for information on his technique.

I would appreciate very much any and all information you guys might have on him.

Doing the Elist procedure (silicone girth enlargement) later this month. I’ll keep y’all posted as to the results. Should have some nice meaty, vascular pictures of my pre-op meatstick in a few, once I settle on a good digicam.

Speaking of which — anyone got any good suggestions for a sweet digicam thats capable of capturing professional quality pics in nearly all lighting conditions?

Originally Posted by drkegels
Doing the Elist procedure (silicone girth enlargement) later this month. I’ll keep y’all posted as to the results. Should have some nice meaty, vascular pictures of my pre-op meatstick in a few, once I settle on a good digicam.

Speaking of which — anyone got any good suggestions for a sweet digicam thats capable of capturing professional quality pics in nearly all lighting conditions?

Have you seen any erect photo’s of Elist patients? He and his technique seem very dodgy to me. He claims to have been doing the procedure for 8 years, yet has never published any results. He was totally unknown until he was linked with MyNewSize. And MyNewSize deleted a thread of a where a patient posted photo’s of a disaster caused by Elist’s implant. Also MyNewSize claim to under new ownership, yet the old owner still seems to moderate the site. Why sell the site if you are still going to do all the work?

An update on the surgical results of the original poster in this thread (Crashhex) can be found over here:

I most strongly advise anyone considering surgery to check out the address that Para-Goomba has given above.

Crash is an experienced registered nurse and did a level of research that can only be described as heroically OCD. His current situation is a penis smaller than he started with that may never work properly again. Reading his account of what happened and looking at the pictures will give you nightmares.

I hope it goes well for you drkegels, both the initial procedure and long term. Please do keep us posted, either in this thread or start a thread to chronicle your experience if you wish.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Oh my god.

I can not believe that is a hole in his penis.

Goal: None, PE for life


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