Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Surgical Penis Enlargement Mini Forum ~ Penis surgery

Originally Posted by iamaru
I most strongly advise anyone considering surgery to check out the address that Para-Goomba has given above.

Crash is an experienced registered nurse and did a level of research that can only be described as heroically OCD. His current situation is a penis smaller than he started with that may never work properly again. Reading his account of what happened and looking at the pictures will give you nightmares.

I hope it goes well for you drkegels, both the initial procedure and long term. Please do keep us posted, either in this thread or start a thread to chronicle your experience if you wish.

The sad thing is that Crash left this site after getting into arguments over trying to broker surgeries. If you read further back he claims the surgery is pretty straight forward. Unfortunately that proved not to be the case and months later he was posting on the yahoo surrgical enhancement group saying the Alloderm had hardend and in the end had it replaced. He stopped promoting Dr Rhienschild as a Dr and then got into a new brokerage set up with another Dr named Krukovsky. Yet interestingly in this very thread he warns againt use of Dr K, saying he isn’t experienced enough. But as soon as there was a buck in it for Crash, he “forgot” Dr K’s inexperience. Unfortunately as the link Para has provided shows it soon proved that Dr K wasn’t the surgical genius Crash had been promoting him as. But it gets worse. There were rumours posted at the yahoo group that Crash had started working with another Dr named Elist. Then suddenly Crash’s site became inundated with patitents of Dr Elist’s, though Crash claims there is no relationship between them and it’s all a coincidence. Yet when a guy posted photos’ of a surgical disaster involving Elist, Crash deleted the photo’s. He claims he no longer owns the site, yet he still moderates it.

I feel sorry for what has happened to him, but it has to be said his behaviour is at times unaccetable. He seems to care more about money than the well being of other guys penis’s. Given the fact he’s had 2 botched surgeries you’d think he’d warn people against PE surgery, but instead he seems happy to continue to promote it. Removing the photos of the botched Elist surgery was unforgivebale, but if anyone asks questions on his forum, they get deleted and the posters banned.


If you know the person who had the botched Elist surgery, he is welcome to post his stories and photos in this forum if he would like.

We welcome all sides of the story with regard to surgery here. It is pretty remarkable, though, that our two most prominent members who went into surgeries ultra-informed and optimistic — 8-ball and Crashhex — still ended up with awful (and, in Crashhex’s case, disfiguring) results, with stories that sound as if they were fiction written by anti-surgery propagandists. My impression is that dick surgery is still extremely risky and not especially effective.

If anyone is interested in what happened I’ll share the story of what this rip-off dude was doing.

Second Dr. Elist has nothing to do with Crashhex nor did he botch any surgery. That was all a set-up by Crash.

I know personally 2 guys that had surgery with him and they had great results.


You should post whatever you might know to help those who are considering surgery have the most information possible.

Crash .a.k.a. Chad has ripped off a bunch of people. His second surgery with Dr. K was a complete failure, but more on that later!!!

In any event Crash, BTC Killer, or Chad (what ever name you know him by) knew Dr. Rheinschild was messing up but still pushed the surgeries because he made a profit. The he switched to Dr. K. He was pocketing $3000 to $5000 per surgery for a “referral fee”. Even after his “botched surgery” he still continued to shill for him.

Chad did try and use Dr. Elist, but he would NOT work with him. Then the dreamed up “botched” surgery from Dr. Elist was invented to slam him for not allowing him to refer people and charge $3000 for nothing.

Crash has received up front surgery fees from people who ended up never having the surgery because he pocketed the money and the surgeon wasn’t paid, he also accepted thousands of dollars of up-front fees for his P.E devices and never sent them out.

My friend was owed thousands by Crash and his associate.

Crash continued to shill for Dr. K after his graft failure because he was;

1.) making money

2.) hoping to get another surgery for free

As to his failure Crash has only himself to blame. His graft failed because he;

1.) had sex just a week or so post-op.

2.) he smokes heavily ( a huge no-no)

3.) and is obese.

He did everything wrong

Plus he was already huge, he just wanted more and then didn’t follow the rules.

What makes me angry is all the people he ripped off and his attempted smear at Dr. Elist.

I also know that he also invented another story to slam Dr. Guinta. He had a friend (who then ripped him off talk abut karma) post some made up story about Dr. Guinta to steer people to Dr. K. I knew it was a lie because the dude didn’t know what state Dr. Guinta was in plus other things he said, but he removed my post then got angry because I told the truth.

I know two people who had surgery with Dr. E. both received the silicone implant. Both gained nearly 2 inches in girth. Permanent girth increase.

Bottom line is Crash is a crook, Dr. Elist never worked with Crash, Crash’s graft failure was a result of his post op mistakes rather than Dr. K being a butcher. Having said that I don’t respect Dr. K for one second. They’re both in it for the money and will do anything.

How do you know he had sex just a week or so post-op?

Obese? The pictures of his groin and belly shows someone maybe 20-30 lbs or so overweight - is that obese?

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

Originally Posted by thethickone
Crash .a.k.a. Chad has ripped off a bunch of people. His second surgery with Dr. K was a complete failure, but more on that later!!!

In any event Crash, BTC Killer, or Chad (what ever name you know him by) knew Dr. Rheinschild was messing up but still pushed the surgeries because he made a profit. The he switched to Dr. K. He was pocketing $3000 to $5000 per surgery for a “referral fee”. Even after his “botched surgery” he still continued to shill for him.

Chad did try and use Dr. Elist, but he would NOT work with him. Then the dreamed up “botched” surgery from Dr. Elist was invented to slam him for not allowing him to refer people and charge $3000 for nothing.

Crash has received up front surgery fees from people who ended up never having the surgery because he pocketed the money and the surgeon wasn’t paid, he also accepted thousands of dollars of up-front fees for his P.E devices and never sent them out.

My friend was owed thousands by Crash and his associate.

Crash continued to shill for Dr. K after his graft failure because he was;

1.) making money

2.) hoping to get another surgery for free

As to his failure Crash has only himself to blame. His graft failed because he;

1.) had sex just a week or so post-op.

2.) he smokes heavily ( a huge no-no)

3.) and is obese.

He did everything wrong

Plus he was already huge, he just wanted more and then didn’t follow the rules.

What makes me angry is all the people he ripped off and his attempted smear at Dr. Elist.

I also know that he also invented another story to slam Dr. Guinta. He had a friend (who then ripped him off talk abut karma) post some made up story about Dr. Guinta to steer people to Dr. K. I knew it was a lie because the dude didn’t know what state Dr. Guinta was in plus other things he said, but he removed my post then got angry because I told the truth.

I know two people who had surgery with Dr. E. both received the silicone implant. Both gained nearly 2 inches in girth. Permanent girth increase.

Bottom line is Crash is a crook, Dr. Elist never worked with Crash, Crash’s graft failure was a result of his post op mistakes rather than Dr. K being a butcher. Having said that I don’t respect Dr. K for one second. They’re both in it for the money and will do anything.

I know for a fact Crash never made up the botched Elist surgery. It was Chad who took the pictures down and claimed he was “investigating” the case. However, all he did was delete any posts reffering to this case. Why would he do this if he wanted to slam to Dr Elist? The fact is since Chad was linked with dr Elist that site has become inundated with Elist patients in the same way it used to be with Krakovsky patients. Also many of these patients post for the first time just before surgery despite having old accounts. It’s as if someone (Chad) has for years had multiple accounts, which seeing as he is the moderator and former owner is highly likely. When it’s in Chads interest to slam a Dr or method of PE he goes all out. As you mention he made up stories about Giunta and on the front page of the site posted warning about FFT. Yet there is no warning about Elist’s implant depsite the fact all other Dr’s seem unanimously against the use of silicone implants and that EList has never published any results. In fact as far as I know, no one has ever posted an erect photo of an EList surgery. There have been numerous claims made against Drs on MyNEwSize over the years and he’s never deleted them before, so why suddenly protect Elist if he isn’t working with him?

You say Chad isn’t working with Elist and 8Ball (the new site owner) says the same, but I just think he’s being really sneaky this time and has sold the site, but still using it to promote Dr Elist. Obvioulsy he can’t let even 8Ball and Dan Salas (the other owner) know this, as they’ve paid good money to own the site and they work with Dr Ehr and Dr Wineland. They wont want their site used to promote a rival surgeon. Also he clearly isn’t taking a refferal fee this time as he is denying working with Elist and therefore can’t be seen to reffer patients to him. But he is clearly supporting Elist via the site, so there must be some sort of sponsorship going on. BTC had admitted he is going to use Elist for his reconstruction, so it’s probably so he can get this done for free. He’ll turn the main PE surgery forum on the web into a very pro Elist forum and return get free reconstructive surgery. Otherwise wouldn’t any normal person go to Gary Alter or even one of the MyNewSize Dr’s? Why would he go to a Dr no one had really heard of a year ago?

At the end of the day don’t you think it’s a massive coincidence that Jeffrey from Rheinchilds’ office said Chad was working with Dr Elist, just before Chad’s site became inundated with Elist patients?

Why are claims against Dr EList taken down and not thise against other Dr’s?

Why is Chad still moderating the site if he sold it?

Why when the story of the Elist botched surgery fiorst broke was Chad the first person to pm and ask to see the photo’s.

Why depsite the fact he’s been doing the surgery since 2002 had there never been an EList patient post on MNS, but since Chad fell out with Krakovsky has there been about 30?

Why did Chad never expalin why he deleted the Elist investigation thread and why does he ban members who ask questions about it?

Clearly Chand isn’t working with EList as a broker in the way he was with Krakovsky, but at the same time it’s blatantly obvious he stands to gain something by promoting Elist on MNS.

I don’t trust any of these doctors and I never trusted Chad”Crash”, with that said I still wouldn’t wish what happened to his dick because of the surgery on anybody.

The success rate for penis surgery is low and the chance for disfigurement high.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Is it possible that expensive surgery is totally risky, and often a sham?

I’m thinking yes.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:


Don’t be a hater bro!


Running a Massive Co-Front.

Originally Posted by joey999
I know for a fact Crash never made up the botched Elist surgery. It was Chad who took the pictures down and claimed he was “investigating” the case. However, all he did was delete any posts reffering to this case. Why would he do this if he wanted to slam to Dr Elist? The fact is since Chad was linked with dr Elist that site has become inundated with Elist patients in the same way it used to be with Krakovsky patients. Also many of these patients post for the first time just before surgery despite having old accounts. It’s as if someone (Chad) has for years had multiple accounts, which seeing as he is the moderator and former owner is highly likely. When it’s in Chads interest to slam a Dr or method of PE he goes all out. As you mention he made up stories about Giunta and on the front page of the site posted warning about FFT. Yet there is no warning about Elist’s implant depsite the fact all other Dr’s seem unanimously against the use of silicone implants and that EList has never published any results. In fact as far as I know, no one has ever posted an erect photo of an EList surgery. There have been numerous claims made against Drs on MyNEwSize over the years and he’s never deleted them before, so why suddenly protect Elist if he isn’t working with him?

You say Chad isn’t working with Elist and 8Ball (the new site owner) says the same, but I just think he’s being really sneaky this time and has sold the site, but still using it to promote Dr Elist. Obvioulsy he can’t let even 8Ball and Dan Salas (the other owner) know this, as they’ve paid good money to own the site and they work with Dr Ehr and Dr Wineland. They wont want their site used to promote a rival surgeon. Also he clearly isn’t taking a refferal fee this time as he is denying working with Elist and therefore can’t be seen to reffer patients to him. But he is clearly supporting Elist via the site, so there must be some sort of sponsorship going on. BTC had admitted he is going to use Elist for his reconstruction, so it’s probably so he can get this done for free. He’ll turn the main PE surgery forum on the web into a very pro Elist forum and return get free reconstructive surgery. Otherwise wouldn’t any normal person go to Gary Alter or even one of the MyNewSize Dr’s? Why would he go to a Dr no one had really heard of a year ago?

At the end of the day don’t you think it’s a massive coincidence that Jeffrey from Rheinchilds’ office said Chad was working with Dr Elist, just before Chad’s site became inundated with Elist patients?

Why are claims against Dr EList taken down and not thise against other Dr’s?

Why is Chad still moderating the site if he sold it?

Why when the story of the Elist botched surgery fiorst broke was Chad the first person to pm and ask to see the photo’s.

Why depsite the fact he’s been doing the surgery since 2002 had there never been an EList patient post on MNS, but since Chad fell out with Krakovsky has there been about 30?

Why did Chad never expalin why he deleted the Elist investigation thread and why does he ban members who ask questions about it?

Clearly Chand isn’t working with EList as a broker in the way he was with Krakovsky, but at the same time it’s blatantly obvious he stands to gain something by promoting Elist on MNS.

You make several assumptions. I knew of Dr. Elist long before he was ever mentioned on Mynewsize. He is not working with Chad/Crash/BTC Killer. Call him and ask him.

You yourself admit Dan and 8-Ball say that Chad isn’t working with Dr. Elist, but you want to believe something else. The bottom line in this whole thing is Crash is a crook.

As to mynewsize 8-Ball has quit working with them because of the screw ups.

As to the rest you need to ask Chad about it.

Originally Posted by mgus
How do you know he had sex just a week or so post-op?

Obese? The pictures of his groin and belly shows someone maybe 20-30 lbs or so overweight - is that obese?

Because he told Dan Salas and 8-Ball and was worried it had caused him an infection.

Second being fat and a smoker is a double risk.

Dude is fatter than you think.

Originally Posted by thethickone
As to mynewsize 8-Ball has quit working with them because of the screw ups.

Has 8-ball left that building?

Edit: I thought he was one of the new owners?

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

Geez, this all reads like a conspiracy theory. I thought I would chime in with a few facts.

1-Chad is not referring patients to Dr. Elist for a fee nor was he ever.

2-Last I spoke with Chad he was contemplating going to Dr. Elist for reconstructive surgery.

3-Apart from and regardless of anything Chad did or did not do after his surgeries, Dr. K used a new technique he was experimenting with without Chad’s consent where he created a pocket between the penis and pubic bone and filled this space with fat tissue. This was the main reason the results were so shitty. You can see in his pics (before they got REALLY bad) that there was a whitish gooey liquid seeping out which is the fat being rejected by the body.

4-For the time being I have stopped working at the MNS website due to a number of problems I encountered with the business and also a lot of things going on in my personal life. If the situation improves I would like to get back into it.

"If you can conceive it, and you can believe it...then you can achieve it."

Formerly known as Gandolf

Originally Posted by thethickone
You make several assumptions. I knew of Dr. Elist long before he was ever mentioned on Mynewsize. He is not working with Chad/Crash/BTC Killer. Call him and ask him.

You yourself admit Dan and 8-Ball say that Chad isn’t working with Dr. Elist, but you want to believe something else. The bottom line in this whole thing is Crash is a crook.

As to mynewsize 8-Ball has quit working with them because of the screw ups.

As to the rest you need to ask Chad about it.

So how do either you or 8Ball explain what is happening on MNS regarding Elist. I’m not saying he’s refering patients to Elist, but that he does have some sort of business relationship with Elist. You are clearly familiar with the site and know how BTC oppeartes, so surely you can see the incredible similairtes between the sudden mass of EList posters and those past Krakovsky posters. Obvioulsy you’ve been told otherwise, but answer these questions:

1.) Why on earth would BTC go to such lengths to protect Dr Elist? He was the first person to PM and ask for the photo’s (having not posted for weeks previously) and once the photo’s were posted on the forum he took them down giving a most bizarre reason. He claimed he was investigating the validity of the patients case and if they proved to be real he’d re-up them (I know for a fact they were real and knew the patient was having the surgery, as did other members of this site). Dr Elist himself confirmed to another poster at MNS (Azdutch) that the story was true, but BTC didn’t re up the photo’s. Instead he deleted the investigation thread and banned posters who asked questions. Now serioulsy why would anyone do that if they weren’t trying to protect the Dr concerned?

2.) Why have so many of these Elist “patients” got old accounts, but no posting history? Are we suppossed to believe they’ve been lurking all this time and have suddenly come out of the wood work? Why did none of them mention Elist before?

3.) Don’t you think it’s an absurdly massive coincidence that when Elist’s name first started being mentioned on forums, a poster at the yahoo group said BTC had told him that he was working with Elist and that since then MNS has become inundated with Elist patients? I asked BTC about this and he said he didn’t get along with that poster (Jeffrey Hall) and he’s made it up. But why would he make it up? He couldn’t possibly have seen into the future and known BTC’s website was suddenly going to inundated with Elist patients!

Obvioulsy you have repsect for Dr Elist and don’t believe he could be involved with BTC, so maybe it would be a good idea for some neutral posters from this thread to chime in and say what they think based on the points i’ve made. Could it be one huge (and it would have to be ridiculously huge) coincidence that all these things have happened or is it more than likley BTC stands to gain from promoting Dr Elist?

Oh and one final point. Knowing BTC’s history, why on earth would he waste his time moderating a forum if had nothing to gain from it? Surley this point alone should be enough to convince you. No atter how much you were convinced or perhaps don’t want to belive Dr Elist is involved with BTC, can you really imagine BTC doing something for nothing? Why would he go the effort of selling the forum and still spend time working on it? You have to ad it that makes no sense at all.


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