Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Surgical Penis Enlargement Mini Forum ~ Penis surgery

Gosh Cecilwick, you really got me there. That sure does hurt my feelings.

Starting stats NBPEL 6" x EG 4.125" --> Mar 2008 NBPEL 7" x EG 5.25" Current Stats 6" NBPEL x 6" EG (Post 1st Round PMMA)

My noose style extender modification

My jelq routine

Originally Posted by cecil
I came here because you’re all bashing crash where he can’t defend himself.

:rolling: Link please, to me badmouthing the guy. You will find that while I have little to say about crash when I do talk about him it is to thank him for sharing his story.

Originally Posted by thethickone
Dude that’s psychotic. You should use the screen name Sybil instead of cecil.

Hey now, don’t be badmouthing my peeps Sybil.

Originally Posted by cecil
I have noticed while viewing your posts - that you post all over this forum - at all times of day and night so 1. You are unemployed and 2. Your idea of a good time is putting in a solid 8 hrs at a penis forum.

Posting all over, at all times, day or night? That is pretty common behavior for lots of the seniour members.

Originally Posted by 8-Ball
And we’re expected to believe this?

Yes, damn it! Why are you trying to ruin the drama for me?

Originally Posted by lil12big1
So cecil is actually chaddwick, the former owner of MNS and a very good friend of banned member crashhex? He sold MNS to crashhex (aka BTC of “surgery that went really horribly wrong but lied about it here” fame) who now makes a living from referrals to surgeons and selling PE devices from the MNS web site?

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Originally Posted by cecil
We are both 31. We went to school together. I told you I’ve known him for along time. I joined the army - he stayed home. I lost track of him while stationed at Tripler army community hospitol in honolulu, because I kept moving and he also moved. Cell phones weren’t as popular then so we didnt have permenant Numbers yet. Geez 8 ball - how many of your chums from 1rst grade have you stayed in contact with? You can’t beleive I fell out of touch for 2-3 yrs? And I am not a salesman. I don’t work for my new size. I came here because you’re all bashing crash where he can’t defend himself. I keep telling him no one in gives a dang what you are all spewing over here.

And oh hey 9 in Rich - I am not an astronaut - thats true. Mock my career if you want.but I have noticed while viewing your posts - that you post all over this forum - at all times of day and night so 1. You are unemployed and 2. Your idea of a good time is putting in a solid 8 hrs at a penis forum.

By the way Crashwick, do they teach grammar in the medical school that you attended?

Perhaps you’re the proud owner of a certificate from the correspondence course version at the prestigious University of Phoenix online? Isn’t that one listed right between plumber and TV/VCR repair?

“I keep telling him no one in gives a dang what you are all spewing over here.” <—-Wow, you are smart!

By the way, apparently, your mentioning of my posting at Thunders was meant to be a feable attempt at a slam for people who post on PE forums? Excuse me if I’m wrong, but, don’t you belong to more than one forum and hang around with phalloplasty patients yourself? Sounds to me like the old “pot calling the kettle black”!

So honorable of you though, I mean, taking time away from your busy medical practice to come here on a PE forum and defend yourself, oops, I mean Chadd,Chadwick,Cecil,Crash,BTC!

You are indeed my PE hero! Have a nice day Rainman! By the way, I’m at work now actually and getting paid very well to sit in my office and write this response. Isn’t life grand!

Starting stats NBPEL 6" x EG 4.125" --> Mar 2008 NBPEL 7" x EG 5.25" Current Stats 6" NBPEL x 6" EG (Post 1st Round PMMA)

My noose style extender modification

My jelq routine

If 9_in_richard is employed or not is not related with the point, cecil. Avoid going personally.

(Nor is if They teach grammar in medical schools - avoid repeating his same error, mike ;) ).

All this mudslinging is ridiculous. I came here looking to speak with other Elist patients and all I hear is people attack each other and make fun of each other. Even go as far as making fun of people who decide to go ahead and get surgery (and this is a surgery forum!). Even more ridiculous is that most of the people here don’t even want to get surgery and can offer nothing positive.

No wonder there aren’t any other people coming forward.

I’m not promoting it either.

Anyway, just delete my profile from here. Thanks

Originally Posted by cecil
And Joey - come to my house and crap on the rug.I’d delete your posts too. Thats a no-brainer. Sounds like you’re trying to screw with a guys paycheck - a guy with bills and a family. Whats wrong with you? He Is helping people. Ok.well.this has been fun. Peace out. :)

I didn’t crap on the rug. I was always polite and respectful.

Chad either avoided my questions or told lies. He claims to have sold MNS and said he has no relationship with Dr Elist, so how would I be screwing with his paycheck? He is after all simply trying to help people out of the kindness of his heart. How can I be preventing him paying bills and supporting his family if he doesn’t earn anything from MNS? Unless of course he was lying?

One of the many questions I asked, which he deleted, was, does he gain financially from MNS, and has he really sold the site? I also asked why he never deleted any of the accusations made against other Dr’s, just those made againt Dr Elist? I asked him why he and Rachmanus4life didn’t explain that Rach was working with Chad and Dr K all along. I was tipped of weeks before they eventually confessed. Well they never confessed, they claimed that Rach had suddenly deceided to start working for them. The guy (Big Dipper, a well respected member of this very site) that tipped me off weeks before, must have been a fortune teller. A bit like the guy on the yahoo group who said Chad was working with Dr Elist, just before Chad’s site became inundated with Dr Elist patients. I’m sure it was just a massive coincidence. Also Chad was never able to explain where all the Dr K posters went. It’s not like thye just stopped posting, but half of them seemed to delete the positive accounts of their surgery. Why when Chad was working with Dr K, did so many of his patients just happen to stumble across MNS? There are just so many questions that Chad wouldn’t answer, i can’t be bothered to go through them all. But to claim the guy is helping people is a joke. He’s helping himself.

Originally Posted by iamaru
Posting all over, at all times, day or night? That is pretty common behavior for lots of the seniour members.

I find myself on this site for a ridiculous amount of time. I can safely say I have an amazing (and busy) life full of enjoyment. So really, spending a lot of time on this site, it’s not AT ALL “sad”. It’s interesting and incredibly informative, and I seem to learn new things here all the time.

Originally Posted by man-of-10
I find myself on this site for a ridiculous amount of time. I can safely say I have an amazing (and busy) life full of enjoyment. So really, spending a lot of time on this site, it’s not AT ALL “sad”. It’s interesting and incredibly informative, and I seem to learn new things here all the time.

Well said!

Marinera, my friend, you have my apologies. Sometimes I enjoy a good sarcastic joust fest, but will try to contain myself! As for the grammar comment, I didn’t think it was any more personal/inappropriate than many of the spelling and grammar comments made before, but I get your point and will simply post a link to the forum guidelines in the future! You are after all, the boss!

As far as muscledog, there is a history here, from the thread starter mostly,that preceded you and, unfortunately, all mentions of MNS’ newest Dr of the month that they are promoting brings the high eyebrow right away. Don’t take that as being derogatory towards you or surgery in general. Kind of the whole adage that “it takes one bad apple to ruin it for the bunch”.

As I myself said, I never exclude any PE possibility. If the implant proves to be a success then I may even consider dropping the cash on it. As for you, I hope that whatever you choose, it is a success! Knowledge is power.

As for being unemployed, too much time here, etc, I’m fortunate because I work in the oil industry, have a great deal of time to myself, don’t work to hard and make a pretty good living doing so. This freedom allows me time to visit the web more than most and at odd hours. I recently decided that my weight lifting needed more attention, so I gave up PE, but frankly, I still enjoy the community here on occasion. This is a great group of intelligent, caring and supportive guys. It is a very accepting and diverse sub-culture, so I make no apologies for spending some of my free time getting to know it’s members. They don’t sell you anything here but hope and support.

Muscle, don’t judge the forum by this surgery mini-forum. Surgery and this threads history is not a good example of Thunder’s place as a whole by any means.

Just my .02

Starting stats NBPEL 6" x EG 4.125" --> Mar 2008 NBPEL 7" x EG 5.25" Current Stats 6" NBPEL x 6" EG (Post 1st Round PMMA)

My noose style extender modification

My jelq routine

By the way Marinera, you will have to forgive me, I have been drinking coffee all morning. As your avatar says, I just do stupid things faster!

Starting stats NBPEL 6" x EG 4.125" --> Mar 2008 NBPEL 7" x EG 5.25" Current Stats 6" NBPEL x 6" EG (Post 1st Round PMMA)

My noose style extender modification

My jelq routine

Already forgiven. :)

Originally Posted by muscledogg
All this mudslinging is ridiculous. I came here looking to speak with other Elist patients and all I hear is people attack each other and make fun of each other. Even go as far as making fun of people who decide to go ahead and get surgery (and this is a surgery forum!). Even more ridiculous is that most of the people here don’t even want to get surgery and can offer nothing positive.

No wonder there aren’t any other people coming forward.

Bro, I posted my own experience with PE surgery here almost 4 years ago and many of the mods/admins/oldtimers here are the first to jump in and reprimand the occasional heckler in my thread who make disrespectful comments about the (bad) results I had from it.

"If you can conceive it, and you can believe it...then you can achieve it."

Formerly known as Gandolf

Originally Posted by 9_in_richard
I never exclude any PE possibility. If the implant proves to be a success then I may even consider dropping the cash on it.

Are you sure I can’t tempt you with my Rubber Mallet Therapy? Now comes with 3 different flavours of anaesthesia - Jack Daniel’s, Fosters or a cheeky little Beaujolais ….
Still working on the “aftercare” - having trouble getting the Band-Aids to stick …..

lil1 :lep:

BPEL (5") | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | *20cm* (8")

MTSL (5") | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | *25cm* (10") MTSL = Maximum Traction Stretched Length

"Pertinaciously pursuing a penis of preposterously prodigious proportions." What a mouthful!


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