Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Surgical Penis Enlargement Mini Forum ~ Penis surgery

Originally Posted by Foo
who do you think is more credible, the surgeons/urologists or a bunch of guys on a website?

In this case, I’ll take the bunch of guys on the website. :) The medical community that is not making thousands of dollars off the surgery — including most urologists — tend to condemn the penis surgeries. With the exception of a few Commercial Members here, no one at Thunder’s Place is making a cent off of this shit, so I can’t really see any reason not to trust them — at least insofar as safety goes. (And it’s because of the tremendous volume of testimony to the safety of PE here that I entrust my dick to hanging, contra the opinions of, again, most of the mainstream medical community)

One reason I really liked this thread was that it would be somewhere besides the phalloplasty surgeons' websites (or the fairly dogmatic declarations of the rest of the medical community, who simply do not consider penis size to be a legitimate medical issue) to acquire information about the safety and efficacy of PE surgery — i.e., a relatively unbiased source of info where no one had any money to make. That’s why I was disappointed when the best contributor of information — Crash — suggested that he was hoping to get other guys to go get surgery with him so that he could save money. But I certainly hope he still continues to provide info here, including info about possible risks (according to the surgeon he sees).

By the way, Thunder is right that if you’re looking to gain length from surgery, you will need to hang weights afterwards. From the info I’ve gathered, the lig-cutting surgery seems to be fairly safe and routine; the open question is whether it really facilitates hanging gains (compared to what could be had without it). If you decide to get it, be sure to let us know the hanging protocol prescribed and the results that you see. Motivated and I exchanged a few thoughts on the matter here: /forum/showthread.php?p=482141#post482141

Post op

I have read that thread, thanks.

I appreciate the advice and noticed that about on all doctors websites they say there is some post op device required for maximum gains.
I’m pretty sure this is what DR. Whithead preferred to reccommend at one point;
But I’m not sure.
(I have one of those devices)

Last edited by fooshack : 08-03-2005 at .

Has anyone here had the lig cutting surgery and noticed gains?

And has anyone here who had the lig cutting surgery noticed that their rate of gain from hanging has increased (I figure that I am gaining about 1/8” per 200 hrs of hanging at 8 lbs). It would be wonderful if lig cutting would dramatically increase that rate


I was communicating w/ Crash abt the discount surgery rate, and I assume he can now no longer post here. Is there any way to forward an e-ml to him outside of here? I don’t mind giving him my personal e-ml addr privately.


I’m here.

"Crazy dancin! Making my penis sore!"

- Dave Chapelle

That was Spooky…….

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.


Originally Posted by ThunderSS

I just put your account on hold, you have anything to say to me, do it in a PM. Your attitude doesn’t help your “message” at all.

Sorry Thunder, I read this statement and thought it meant his acct was suspended and he couldn’t log in any longer.


I sent you a PM w/ a couple questions regarding the surgery. I’m still interested in more info if the offer is still out there.

Also, I was reading a bit on Dr Giunta’s site. He made some points as to why he still uses the Fat Transfer instead of Alloderm. So, I was wondering what your thoughts were on why he still uses it. Just that it’s cheaper? I’d think they would use the best procedure even if it cost a bit more. Especially considering he appears to have a large practice offering many procedures. After all, a plastic surgeons rep is quite important, so why would he risk bad press on using a bad procedure? Just curious. Thanks.

Originally Posted by ThunderSS
You don’t get banned for having an opinion, you get banned for acting like an asshole when you present your opinion.

Is this rule still in effect? You know, maybe we should talk about suspending the asshole/opinion/banning rule once in a while just for fun to see what would happen.

You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG

Originally Posted by penismith
Sure, but that isn’t really the issue, is it? What we are talking about are incentives for previous customers to bring in new customers. This may alter the way the previous customers discuss this potentially very dangerous procedure, hence the problem.

Crash now has a conflict of interest as he may be less willing to speak on the downsides of surgery if he benefits from the recruitment of new customers. This is why it is important that Crash disclose the deal. If he is being rewarded for talking favorably of this doctor here at Thunder’s, we have a problem.

I had surgery 2 and1/2 months ago. I did it through Gr. Giunta. I see that he was bashed on this site, but he has done thousands of these procedures, so something must at least OK. Here were my thoughts. First, I looked at all of the sites you have mentioned. The determining factor for me was this. I felt as though there was less risk in something going wrong, if it was my own tissue. I also scar pretty easily, so I wanted a procedure that could address this. Fat injections seemed to be the answer for me.

He is an update. I have gained about 1.5 inches in the flaccid mode and just over .5 inches in the erect state. While these are not huge gains, I am hoping for 2.5 flaccid and 1.5 erect. Stretching will be the key to get to this.

As far as girth, I have improved, but not as much as I would like. I expected this though. My particular procedure is done in stages for girth gains. I will go back in a few months for additional fat injections. Recovery from this will only be 10 days, but I will need to do things to help the fat take. I should add 1 to 1.5 inches in girth by the end.

No lumps so far, keep your fingers crossed.

Also, I just wanted to say that surgeons that need sales people to make their practice successful, are questionable. I don’t want to be sold on changing my body. Especially my penis. I would rather be informed and allowed to decide on my own without sales tactics.

Originally Posted by emma
but I will need to do things to help the fat take.

What sorts of things?

Thanks for sharing your story.


How does it feel when erect, as the most common complaint with the fat injection is that the penis feels unnaturally soft. Any more than a one inch gain in erect girth with this technique is unadvisable no matter what your surgeon says even if he has a good reputation and has done 1000’s of these surgeries. Remember fat is fat no matter where you transfer it to, so it will remain soft, if the surgeon puts too much in it will feel strange, the shaft will be much bigger than the head so it will look strange and wearing condoms will become very difficult as it has been likened to putting one on a flaccid penis. On the plus side this is a much less risky procedure to perform, as like you say it is minimally invasive, and takes much less time to perform meaning less time under anesthetic and thus less chance of complication. Also if things don’t work out it is easier to reverse than alloderm or fat wrap.


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