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Venous leak from lengthening surgery


Venous leak from lengthening surgery

Would severing the superficial dorsal vein during penis lengthening surgery cause a venous leak, or would the vein eventually seal off or fuse? I’ve had short lived erections for the longest time after surgery.Viagra helps but I’ve been trying not to rely on it.Doppler flow voids have been within normal limits, a few years after surgery,but I don’t know if borderline normal would isolate SDV involvement?

I know and have read in other posts that the deep dorsal vein is responsible for the majority of venous outflow,but does the superficial dorsal vein play a role in any emission of the CC or the glans?

I’ve googled SDV and regular vein severence with no answers so I thought I would post in a thread related to venous leaks/damage.Thanks .

Sorry I can not answer you specifically, but I am curious if you know any data about the effects of erection quality in general, after a surgery like that?

Horny Bastard

I have never heard of any doctor severing the dorsal vein as part of the surgery. Every one that I’ve talked to only separate the ligaments.

But he cut it on purpose I take it? Then I assume you weren’t the victim of some new kind of experimental surgery, so there must be a history of this kind of surgery and statistics on the results?

Horny Bastard

Ok. Hopefully someone can answer this because I’ve been wondering for the longest time:

True or False:

The Superficial Dorsal Vein only drains the blood from the skin of the penis?

In which case it shouldn’t cause venous leakage because it has nothing to do with what goes on within the Tunica Albuginea? The Deep Dorsal Vein is what drains the CCs?

Your erection problems may have a mental cause, for instance from a new/different feeling of having the ligament cut. I find the mental factor to be very strong. Give it time.

Though I can’t imagine why a doctor would cut the Superficial Dorsal Vein. It makes no sense.

:monty: Don\'t forget your KEGELS! :monty:

Sorry. I just realized that a great part of my previous post was already dealt with in the original post. My apologies. But the question still remains unanswered.

I have another question:

Is the Deep Dorsal Vein visible, buried as it is beneath Buck’s Fascia?

:monty: Don\'t forget your KEGELS! :monty:

Arteries branch into smaller arteries, split and split until they are at the capillary level delivering newly-oxygenated blood to tissue cells, whether skin or deep tissue. It is the job of all veins, large and small, to remove the de-oxygenated blood and pump it back to the oxygen center. The deep dorsal vein is the largest conduit out of the penis, it already having collected de-oxygenated blood from all the smaller veins and capillaries which feed them.

The skin is drained through a system of small capillaries which course along until they connect with larger veins, then the deep dorsal.

The deep dorsal is not visible.

Nor would it be severed if the ligs were during surgery. (But maybe SC had a different kind of surgery?) If it were severed, it would have been micro-sewn back together at the time of the surgery. You can lose an erection through venous leakage from relatively small vessels.



Originally Posted by avocet8
Arteries branch into smaller arteries, split and split until they are at the capillary level delivering newly-oxygenated blood to tissue cells, whether skin or deep tissue. It is the job of all veins, large and small, to remove the de-oxygenated blood and pump it back to the oxygen center. The deep dorsal vein is the largest conduit out of the penis, it already having collected de-oxygenated blood from all the smaller veins and capillaries which feed them.

The skin is drained through a system of small capillaries which course along until they connect with larger veins, then the deep dorsal.

The deep dorsal is not visible.

Nor would it be severed if the ligs were during surgery. (But maybe SC had a different kind of surgery?) If it were severed, it would have been micro-sewn back together at the time of the surgery. You can lose an erection through venous leakage from relatively small vessels.

Thanks very much for clearing that up. I think I understand mostly, but not quite all… thanks for bearing with me, I find this knowledge would benefit many by being made explicitly clear.

The Deep Dorsal Vein is the important one which drains the blood from the interior of the penis, correct? By important I mean it has most to do with erections.

But regarding the Superficial Dorsal Vein, that one which you see more or less clearly on many penises (this, not the Deep Dorsal Vein, is the one which SC claimed was snipped):

1) What is the purpose of this vein? I thought it drained the skin.

2) Does it have anything to do at all with erectile function? (This question actually bears on my own situation, as I injured (pulled) the Superficial Dorsal Vein a while back.)

3) Would the veins which would potentially be involved in venous leakage be located outside the Tunica Albuginea, or Buck’s Fascia, ever in any way? I only ask because for a while I thought I had this problem, but thankfully I don’t think I do. I suffer from penile hypochondria.

Sorry for being so very long-winded here. Somehow I feel these things should be known. I wish I knew all this years ago, personally.

:monty: Don\'t forget your KEGELS! :monty:

Last edited by Cernunnos : 03-20-2008 at . Reason: iffy grammar!

Originally Posted by Cernunnos
…I suffer from penile hypochondria.

Yes. :)

Maybe try to think of the penile venous system as if it were the Mississippi River system, which drains the entire center of the United States. In this analogy, the mighty Mississippi is the deep dorsal vein. You’ve got your little, tiny brooks and streams (capillaries) coming from all over the place (way up in Minnesota, over in Pennsylvania, Arkansas, Tennessee and other areas) which drain into creeks, then rivers, which in turn drain into the Mississippi. Many of these tiny streams drain the “skin,” if you will, in their own areas. Think of the superficial dorsal vein as maybe the Arkansas River, or the Allegheny farther north, both of which flow into the Mississippi.

Abandoning our river analogy, in the penis all these veins have to do with erectile function, even the little ones. As an erection builds, because arteries are pumping blood in, the CCs expand which causes the tunica to become tighter. The tunica clamps down on all the veins (or most of them) and keeps them from draining out. More blood comes in than drains out. If the veins in one area are not clamped down on enough that they are are leaking, the erection will not proceed farther, or will not occur at all, or will be lost after it gets up there if the leakage somewhere is sufficiently greater than the arterial flow in.

The best test we have to determine if there is venous leakage anywhere in the penis is the Doppler Color Sonogram. This simple test can pinpoint if there is leakage anywhere in the penile vascular system. In cases where leakage is moderate, but still sufficient to prevent a good erection, there are drugs which will counteract the drainage and do that well. A cock ring will usually help in moderate cases. When leakage is severe, though, surgery is the only option. Unfortunately, the surgery is not always failsafe (up to 80 percent success with experienced doctors). The condition may return sometime down the road, or not work well enough following surgery to cure the issue.

Does this help?

Meanwhile, worry less and enjoy this wonderful process more. Even though it is pretty far away, during waking hours the brain controls a lot of what happens in the penis. When you worry, you cause these surges of adrenalin. Adrenalin is a sure erection killer.



Originally Posted by avocet8

Nor would it be severed if the ligs were during surgery. (But maybe SC had a different kind of surgery?) If it were severed, it would have been micro-sewn back together at the time of the surgery. You can lose an erection through venous leakage from relatively small vessels.

The ligaments were severed close at the anterior surface of the penis,where the suspensory ligaments go from a somewhat verical position to where they circumscribe buck’s fascia.My urologist who has seen the surgeon do the procedure,has told me that he adheres tight to the anterior surface,to try to possibly prevent ligaments from reattaching.The superficial I think was cut because of lack of prominence half way and to the base.

Erection engorgement has never been the same after surgery.

Is this a small vessel Avocet? and if it was cut like I speculate,would it create a venous leak if it was ignored or didn’t get tied up? Thanks.

Can you please go over my thread?

When erect my head isn’t that full need a little help.
And my last post,
OS_q - When erect my head isn’t that full need a little help.

Thanks a lot!

To urologist also mentioned that if the leak is local it is treatable, he didn’t talk about severe or not, he knows that the problem is in the head of my penis.

What is your opinion? Do you think that they will manage to find the problem and treat it?

Thanks again.

Conquering my goals.


I can’t tell from what you wrote whether you already had the Doppler Color or not. If you did, your doctor can tell if there is a leakage problem once he reads and analyzes the results.

As you may know, the blood supply to the glans is not the same as that to the shaft. A suggestion? When you have sex, use a cock ring and see if you don’t get the same expansion in the glans as you do with a PE clamp on.



Thanks avocet, that does indeed help. Wonderful analogy, with images of landscapes of lakes and rivers going through my head. Nice.

Is it safe to say that if you wake up with strong erections, you don’t have a problem with veous leakage or any other forms of ED?

Thanks again.

:monty: Don\'t forget your KEGELS! :monty:

Originally Posted by Cernunnos
Thanks avocet, that does indeed help. Wonderful analogy, with images of landscapes of lakes and rivers going through my head. Nice.

Is it safe to say that if you wake up with strong erections, you don’t have a problem with venous leakage or any other forms of ED?

Thanks again.

It’s safe to say that your plumbing works. But nocturnal erections and actual intercourse are two different animals. When asleep, your parasympathetic nervous system is in command. That one encourages erections. While awake, your sympathetic system is in control, meaning that your conscious brain is also involved and various inhibitions can come into play. This opens the door to many orgres, like Performance Anxiety - a form of ED. Trick is, figuring out what the heck is going on with the individual when there are problems that tests seem to rule out.



Originally Posted by Snakecharmer
The ligaments were severed close at the anterior surface of the penis,where the suspensory ligaments go from a somewhat verical position to where they circumscribe buck’s fascia.My urologist who has seen the surgeon do the procedure,has told me that he adheres tight to the anterior surface,to try to possibly prevent ligaments from reattaching.The superficial I think was cut because of lack of prominence half way and to the base.

Erection engorgement has never been the same after surgery.

Is this a small vessel Avocet? And if it was cut like I speculate,would it create a venous leak if it was ignored or didn’t get tied up? Thanks.

How long ago was the surgery?
And do you still have discomfort from the surgery?

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

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