Thunder's Place

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The Girth vs Length War

The Girth vs Length War

My PE routine has been dominated mainly by extender use with about 150 hrs in. Merely judging by appearance, it seems there has been some increase in girth but not so in length. However the flaccid stretched length has gone from 6.675 to 7.25. Which leads me to a supposition. Consider that the tissues stretch out lengthwise as a result of PE yet also the tunica undergoes possible stress changes also. However, when erection time comes, I wonder if the expansion pressure of the worked tissue could overtake the the lengthening effect. Similar concept as in squeezing a long balloon. If you hold the end, it will balloon in the middle. And vice versa. Perhaps it varies with the individual due to differences in density or composition of the tissue that determine length or girth so that in one person he may see more increase in girth and another, length. Maybe we will never know…

What say ye?

It seems plausible since when jelqing or clamping some of the engorged pressure is felt below the grip or clamp. So logically the best way to test that is to start clamping progressively with the entire hand as the jelq travels up towards the glans.

Another issue that might be a factor is the bulbospongiosus muscle in relation to clamping off the bulb of the corpus spongiosum too soon or too tightly. Thus not allowing for the extra blood to flood in. Considering the muscles more likely have a “set timer” which is set for the former size. So reverse jelqs and reverse clamps combines with kegels might help with this.

Like I said, I’m just throwing out possibilities based on how that part of the anatomy works.

That is certainly worthy of consideration also.

Sorry, folks. I noticed my error in the title. It should have been Girth vs Length. Can’t edit the header now though. Maybe Mods can.

Had an idea that that’s what you meant in the title.

“Sometimes, just sometimes, we need to be trailblazers in order to move past stagnation.. Even if the path seems a bit scary and unfamiliar.”

Starting size: 6.25" BPEL (5.5" NBPEL); 6.5" BPFSL; 5.0" MEG (3/2014)

Goal: 6.5" NBPEL (7.25" BPEL); 5.5" MEG

Current size: 6.50" BPEL (5.75" NBPEL); 7.5" BPFSL; 5.25" MEG (11/25/2015)

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