Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

The *NEW* Authentic Women’s Penis Size Preference Chart

Well said Crabman.

Fucked up but logical. I would say that is my attitude toward PE, and the reason why I don’t tell my wife.

I wonder how big my wife thinks I am sometimes, but have no need to have that conversation with her. I know she’s never said anything about my growth over the past couple of years, but she made that OK sign with her hand in regard to my girth one time with a big smile on her face, and that’s enough for this boy.

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

Thanks a-unit, always nice to see that there are more fucked up logical people :)

I had sex with a former swinger (she’s now anti-swinging) today and she has had all sizes. We had a great time and I must say that my dick was much bigger than usual (in my head that is) just because I knew she had bigger ones but prefers to have sex with me. It probably helped that she is a small woman with a slim (and perfect in my eyes) body. Her small hands made me feel big. Her tight ass made me feel big. And her screaming did not hurt either ;)

She might be the best thing that have happened to me concerning my own view of my dick, and the worst concerning my PE discipline.

Crabman, I assure you, as a therapist, that there a lot more fucked up people out there than you could possibly imagine.

I call PE my mental health!

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

If nothing else, this chart has made us all do a little thinking about why we PE in the first place and that there is value in setting our growth goals based on realistic values. My experience is that volume is the most important factor and 25 is a good value.

CWCLARK; Begin_11.11.2010: BPEL=6.5; BEG=5.2

Current: BPEL=7.87(20.00cm); BEG= 6.06(15.39cm): MSEG=5.75(14.61cm). Volume=20.9 (53% increase)

GOAL: BPEL=8.0; BEG= 6.5: MSEG=6.0

My whole intake on the matter is, that if some women can have a whole fist shoved up there va jay jay, then it is not unrealistic for them to handle a cock with a circumference of 6.5 inches. It all depends on the women and what they like. Not all women like a guy with a big penis. Don’t believe everything you see in porn. Try and find the cut reels for some of those porns and you will see those women bitching and crying cause they don’t want to finish the scene cause the guys dick is to big and hurting them. Then on the other hand you have the size queens who love their pussy stretched to the max. My advice is whatever size your dick is as long as your getting laid then make the most of it. I have a 6 1/4” x 5 1/4(tip of my shaft) - 5 3/4 (bottom of my shaft) and the women I have been with wanted to have sex all the time. They wanted it more than me. Now whether it was because it took that many times for them to be completly satisfied or whether it was because they enjoyed the multiple orgasms they got I will never know, whatever the reason I got laid and in the end thats all that counts.

Just picking one thing salvatti said and making a statement: Fisting is my number one enemy! Make fisting illegal for crying out loud!! Burn fisters on a stake!

Bah, I bet all fisters just do that shit to make me feel inadequate. Who the hell want to go as number two after an arm?

@Salvatti— in fact it was fisting that broke me of my dick dysmorphia— under pretty much the analysis that if she can spew out a baby or take my XXL gove fitting hand, then I’m NEVER going to be a challenge to her with girth.

@Crabman99 — I know, right? A hot chick with mileage who knows what she likes liberates one from size insecurity. That was my sex worker trap— when they liked fucking me for free I knew size was NOT a problem.

This chart is old news and affiliated with the “Ladder Theory” guy— I don’t know that I’d dismiss his info out of hand, as I got far better unfakeable response— blush response primarily- when I was ~8-ish*6+ . Most notable was just how wanton they would become, as if a larger cock was permission to let their inner harlot come out to play.

Originally Posted by northmiamitop
Also, women want to have deep, meaningful emotional talks with their men so it would be no surprise that men want to have deep, meaningful, emotional talks with men.

Men just want to drink beer and watch football on the weekend so it would be no surprise if women just want to drink beer and watch football on the weekend.

No need to go on. Men and women are VERY different. Men want big dicks, that implies nothing about what women want. Nothing at all. Instead of crunching numbers (a very male approach), ask a woman what she thinks (a very female approach). Since people have a rough time talking about dick size in abstract numbers, grab some house hold items to see what size she prefers in her vagina: a wine bottle, a can of pringles, your shaving cream, or a banana. Even girls who see 8x6 as a fun challenge will generally admit that a little smaller is better for daily use, especially if they like quickies or giving head and anal.

Or if you prefer numbers, check into the size of the most popular dildos women buy. That will give you a much more honest answer.

Co sign— one of the ladies who I’d been fucking over the course of my serious PE ‘career’ had always commented favorably on the size of my cock, but when I noted that a toy [7.5*5.5] she said was too big was smaller than me, she become horrified at just how much cock she’d been taking.
And then the harlot came out.

And when she finally asked to actually measure, since I claimed I didn’t know my actual numerical size, I slightly cheated her hand holding the ruler along the side instead of Thunder’s Place standard on the top, well let’s just say that she came up with a measurement of 9+ that all her girlfriends heard about.

To this day when we text/ phone/ fB flirt she mentions size, not numbers.

I’ve gone dildo shopping with a few platonic lady friends who know that I’m neither insecure about size or small and I’ve watched them consistently pick out toys in the 5.5*4.5 to 6*5” range— and when I point out the larger toys they consistently decline with comments like “too much”, meaning for daily use.

At the end of the day most women love the cock of the man they are attracted to because it’s his cock.

WE are the 99% 'WE are the people you depend on; we cook your meals, we haul your trash, we connect your calls. We drive your ambulances. We guard you while you sleep. Don't f&ck with us'-- Madame DeFarge

"Rope trades @$10 a yard. I wonder if they even know that?"- Capitalist

I find that unless a woman is generally satisfied in her life, she has the potential to make a bloke’s life a misery, and if he’s insecure about his dick, or anything else for that matter, she will find that insecurity an easy target.

My ex could talk me right out of an erection, until I stopped giving a good god-damn and left her.

It’s funny to think back now, but she was really quite tight and even when I was less than 6x5 I had to take it slow at first or she would feel pain.

I would rip her apart now, not that I would even begin to think about doing that, because she was so unhappy in most areas of her life, and so my insecurity about my size made me really despise her big dick comments, and I met and married a woman who knows how to be happy and I merely add to that when we are together.

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

“At the end of the day most women love the cock of the man they are attracted to because it’s his cock.” - AndroNYC

Adding that to famous quotes on Thinkexist next to quotes by JFK and V Lombardi.

So a-unit, you are a therapist? Here’s a challenge for you.

A guy I know… wants to try a threesome with his lover and an extra man. Since my friend is fucked up and thinks normal sized dicks looks ridicoulus he wants the extra guy to be hung as a horse. Sexy in fantasy, but as he is a bit unsecure as well he don’t know how to cope if the woman likes the horse man. And she will. She likes all sizes. But he will get turned on like hell and also jealous as hell. My friend is a secure guy. He is a speaker and an former athlete. Looks good etc. But this is making him insecure. How should he get over this/cope with the jealousy and insecurity?

Originally Posted by a-unit
I find that unless a woman is generally satisfied in her life, she has the potential to make a bloke’s life a misery, and if he’s insecure about his dick, or anything else for that matter, she will find that insecurity an easy target.

My ex could talk me right out of an erection, until I stopped giving a good god-damn and left her.

It’s funny to think back now, but she was really quite tight and even when I was less than 6x5 I had to take it slow at first or she would feel pain.

I would rip her apart now, not that I would even begin to think about doing that, because she was so unhappy in most areas of her life, and so my insecurity about my size made me really despise her big dick comments, and I met and married a woman who knows how to be happy and I merely add to that when we are together.

Incredible come back story after a soul-drainer of an ex. Many of us have had them, as so as I. My only wish is that I got the hardest lesson much earlier in life so I know what to avoid.

Originally Posted by Crabman99
“At the end of the day most women love the cock of the man they are attracted to because it’s his cock.” - AndroNYC

Adding that to famous quotes on Thinkexist next to quotes by JFK and V Lombardi.

Thanks kindly.

WE are the 99% 'WE are the people you depend on; we cook your meals, we haul your trash, we connect your calls. We drive your ambulances. We guard you while you sleep. Don't f&ck with us'-- Madame DeFarge

"Rope trades @$10 a yard. I wonder if they even know that?"- Capitalist

Originally Posted by Crabman99
So a-unit, you are a therapist? Here’s a challenge for you.

A guy I know.. Wants to try a threesome with his lover and an extra man. Since my friend is fucked up and thinks normal sized dicks looks ridicoulus he wants the extra guy to be hung as a horse. Sexy in fantasy, but as he is a bit unsecure as well he don’t know how to cope if the woman likes the horse man. And she will. She likes all sizes. But he will get turned on like hell and also jealous as hell. My friend is a secure guy. He is a speaker and an former athlete. Looks good etc. But this is making him insecure. How should he get over this/cope with the jealousy and insecurity?

He may well be exploring a cuckhold fantasy, wherein he wants to see his woman with another man. Each man deals with this ideation differently and most never actually physically act it out for the obvious reasons, some of which you indicated in your post.

Only a discussion between your friend and I could begin to resolve this conflict for him, as there are parts to this that only he knows about.

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

Yes of course women can be aroused to orgasm with a little finger. Hell, I could probably blow my load to an unattractive chick doing certain things the right way. But a huge penis has a certain allure, no? In essence, we can become a !0 out of 10 on the scale of attraction. Provided we develop a bit of personality, drive, independence and fitness, the giant dong just completes things and makes us so.alpha.

Start: 5.75 x 4.5 Current: 7 x 5.25

Such Spartan training is for the champ. -Bruce Lee

But that ‘his’ (YOUR) shit, not so much hers.

WE are the 99% 'WE are the people you depend on; we cook your meals, we haul your trash, we connect your calls. We drive your ambulances. We guard you while you sleep. Don't f&ck with us'-- Madame DeFarge

"Rope trades @$10 a yard. I wonder if they even know that?"- Capitalist


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