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The Size at which a Penis is Too Big: Info from 3rd Channel 4 Documantery

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It’s a good question Mr. Fantastic. I hope this thread gets a lot of replies.

Although I’m only a bit over 7” BP right now, I too am of the opinion that too much length is counterproductive. I really want to be able to grind into a woman, all the way to the fat pad and then some! And I want to be able to do this with some force. So, I would not want a length that cause women discomfort. I see the question this way: What is a good length for hitting most women’s CDSs? That’s the length I want. Anything more is potential waste, in my opinion. I’ve seen flicks with very long guys who couldn’t get the whole thing in—or if they did, the women usually had a look of utter pain on them (and not the pleasurable kind of pain!).

I’d say 8” NBP is plenty. This may already be too much for a fair number of women. Anything more is risky, I suspect. Really, somewhere between 7” and 8” NBP is probably the place. Once you are at a length to hit the CDS in most women, why would you need any more length? Ego? That’s a stupid motivation.

As for girth, women very rarely give specific measurements. They say things like, “thick,” “really thick,” “amazingly thick,” or “I can’t get my fingers around it,” etc. I suspect 7” is a definite upper limit, and more than likely 6.5”, or possibly even less, is already pushing it for a number of women. Yes, with some effort, the vagina can accommodate almost any thickness. After all, as we often hear from men, a baby can pass through that thing! But think of how painful childbirth is for most women. I don’t think I’d want my gal to need an epidural when we are doing the nasty! There are some women who are gluttons for punishment. But I’m more interested in the routine vaginas.

So, 7” to 8” NBP and 6.5” to 7” EG! After that, I’d spend all my effort on improving erection strength and stamina, and my love-making skills generally.

My experiences tell me that vaginas are very, very long: “Deeper!!”

On the other hand, I think 6-6.5” girth is more than enough. As motivated said, “I don’t think I’d want my gal to need an epidural when we are doing the nasty!”

Not to come in and step on anyone’s pecker, but after a certain length, chasing a particular NBP measurement can’t really be about the CDS.

That certain length will obviously vary from woman to woman. But everyone who has taken a BPEL knows that that fat pad is very malleable. So if it’s about reaching the CDS, NBP would not be relivant. If say 7” reaches a specific girl’s CDS, 7.25” BPEL would easily do the job - with extra.

7” NBP, with the about average 1” fat pad, would leave about an inch too much dick. That’s if the above scenario about the CDS is the thought process.

Chasing a certain NBP measurement for the CDS, is like tracking NBP for gains. It is unrelated. Too variable and ever changing, based on overall body fat, to be taken seriously as an indicator of anything other than body fat.

If a certain NBP is desired simply for it’s appearance - then that’s what it would be. But NBP is irrelevant in the pursuit if the CDS.

If a baby can come out, 8” can go in. Bosh, job done!

Im 8.5x6inch bone pressed.My wife is 5.2 at 110 lbs.She has no problem.

I’m at 6.5-.75 in girth and right at 8.0 in length. I’ve had more problems with length than anything else. I find that arousal level and the time of month dictate if I can go all the in or not. The girth has been really welcomed. The past weekend I did a marathon clamping session. I still had some residual left the next day when I hooked up with my girlfriend. She appreciated the extra girth. I would think that 7.5 in girth would present some challenges, but then again who knows.

Just my $.02.


Thanks everyone who’s posted so far, and thanks MX & PG for the linked threads.

Part of my own confusion was that I was thinking of the term “Bottoming out” as being negative (probably because I found the definition at the LPSG forum)

As far as I can tell the LPSG interpretation of “Bottoming out” is the point at which the penis is too long to allow full insertion and the pressing together of pelvises (having said that, I only found one post on the topic)

It seems there’s another interpretation (the Thundersplace definition): “Penetrating deep enough to stimulate the CDS”

Unless I’ve totally misread the above posts & links it seems it’s entirely possible to “Bottom out” and still press pelvises together for clitoral stimulation.

A further question:

How flexible is the CDS? How much ‘give’ does it have? (i.e. how much will it stretch when pressed into?)

Last edited by Mr. Fantastic : 02-08-2006 at .

Originally Posted by Mr. Fantastic
it seems it’s entirely possible to “Bottom out” and still press pelvises together for clitoral stimulation.

How flexible is the CDS? How much ‘give’ does it have? (i.e. how much will it stretch when pressed into?)

All of this is fluid, depending on a specific woman.

>>it seems it’s entirely possible to “Bottom out” and still press pelvises together for clitoral stimulation.

Depends on her depth vs the length of the penis.

With my ex it was possible. I just had sex with a really petite girl today and I bottomed out with probably 3+” extra. She loved it. But there was obviously no pelvis to pelvis contact.

In a side note it seems that Latinas really love to be bottomed out with intense CDS pressure. Whit that much extra, I was able to not only reach it, but put a lot of force on it. She grinded it while moaning. I haven’t been with a Latina who didn’t like it deep (if it’s possible to generalize a group).

But I have been with girls who didn’t like it deep. Depends on the girl.

>>How flexible is the CDS? How much ‘give’ does it have? (i.e. how much will it stretch when pressed into?)

Again, depends on the girl. Her depth vs the guy’s length. He may be able to get in to it, but not be long enough to stretch it. Then she may not like a guy in the CDS, let alone long enough to stretch it…

I find what Omar said here to be true.

Originally Posted by Article
He also said that in his private life women “either love it or hate it”

By the way, even though Omar is a Brit, I have seen a few of his clips. He’s pretty big, I don’t know if I’d say he is 11, ” though.

Originally Posted by UlcasterDropout
They don’t know how good they got it.

Too fucking true. Any guy who complains about his penis being “too big” needs to get a headcheck. You don’t have to put it all the way in, you know. If you have a short cock, you can’t adjust to cure the problem. There simply isn’t enough of it. It’s humiliating. just seems to me like a place for guys with big wangs to mouth off about how well hung they are and increase their sense of status and self importance. Either that or pick up guys/girls.

At 8.5bp I can hit bottom pretty easy now and have to be careful I think anything more would be silly but I’m still trying for 9bp max because I’m a f-ing silly bastard.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

So going off what has been said so far, it seems as though the ever-famous 8x6 measurement defends it’s title as “the perfect unit”.

However, with some girls this may be too much and additional expansion (via additional foreplay) would be required if you want to go “balls deep”. With the few girls that would be exceptions, it seems as though 8.5x6 would then really be pushing it (as if it wasn’t already being pushed enough) and even with much expansion this would then be beyond the maximum in the great majority if women (95%+?). It seems as though it would be safe to say that anything over this would be ridiculous as even if the girl is really expanded (which would already require ‘more than average foreplay’, to say the least), she simply wouldn’t be able to take the whole thing.

Again, 8x6 seems to be the max that the great majority of women can take (95%+?). With the few exceptions that it wouldn’t (~4%?), it seems as though 8.5x6 is then the max. Beyond 8.5x6, and you’d have to hope that you have some rare woman who can actually take more, especially “balls deep” (1%?)

So… it breaks down like this then, according to consensus in not only this thread, but many other threads I’ve read on this same topic:
95% of women would have a max of 8x6 (give or take 1/4-1/2” girth at most)
4% of women would have a max of 8.5 x 6 (give or take 1/4-1/2” girth at most)
1% of women would have a max of over 8.5 x 6 (give or take 1/4-1/2” girth at most)… keep in mind that the very few women who actually have a max beyond that measurement, which would only be relevant with only 1% of women, could just as easily have a max of 9x6.
If I was to actually record this it’d likely then look something like:
.5% = a max of 9x6 (give or take 1/4-1/2” girth at most)
.3% = a max of 9.5 x 6 (give or take 1/4-1/2” girth at most)
.15% = a max of 10 x 6 (give or take 1/4-1/2” girth at most)
.05% = a max of anything over 10 x 6 (give or take 1/4-1/2” girth at most)

Hope this helps! :up:

No dedication + No self-discipline = No Gains. This goes for working out as well. It\'s elementary math kids.

Starting Date: 1-17-05 - EL: 6 in. EG: 5.125 in. ... or 5 2/16 in. ..FL: 4.5 in. ... or 4 8/16 in. FG: 4.5 in. ... or 4 8/16 in.

14th Check-In Date (much 'rest time' so far): 10-01-06 - EL: 7 1/16 in. EG: 5 9/16 in. ................ FL: 5.00 in. ... or 5 in. FG: 4.75 in. ... or 4 12/16 in....1st Goal: EL: 7 in. EG: 5.75 in ... or 5 12/16 in.

Originally Posted by oratom
If you have a short cock, you can’t adjust to cure the problem. There simply isn’t enough of it. It’s humiliating.

Actually you can.

Welcome to Thunder’s Place Free PE Forums- We can grow them long and strong.

T’ain’t easy, but little worthwhile in life is.

Quote just seems to me like a place for guys with big wangs to mouth off about how well hung they are and increase their sense of status and self importance. Either that or pick up guys/girls.

Or all of the above.

And I’m looking forward to joining them when I reach my meta-goal.

WE are the 99% 'WE are the people you depend on; we cook your meals, we haul your trash, we connect your calls. We drive your ambulances. We guard you while you sleep. Don't f&ck with us'-- Madame DeFarge

"Rope trades @$10 a yard. I wonder if they even know that?"- Capitalist

Originally Posted by androNYC
Actually you can.

Welcome to Thunder’s Place Free PE Forums- We can grow them long and strong.

T’ain’t easy, but little worthwhile in life is.

Indeed we can. :)

I meant the guys who have small dicks and don’t do PE. Seriously, thank God for PE. Thank God.

Originally Posted by androNYC
And I’m looking forward to joining them when I reach my meta-goal.

Y’know what…me too… I might just make a couple of posts as a signifier to myself I have arrived in hungdom. However, based on my current rate of growth, that day is at least a year off.

Originally Posted by oratom
Originally Posted by UlcasterDropout
They don’t know how good they got it.

Too fucking true. Any guy who complains about his penis being “too big” needs to get a headcheck. You don’t have to put it all the way in, you know. If you have a short cock, you can’t adjust to cure the problem. There simply isn’t enough of it. It’s humiliating.

I’d like to give them a headcheck with my foot. They have it made, and they know it.


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