Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

The Size at which a Penis is Too Big: Info from 3rd Channel 4 Documantery


The Size at which a Penis is Too Big: Info from 3rd Channel 4 Documantery

I’ve included info on the thread-title topic from the 3rd Channel 4 Documentary below.

The reason I’m interested in this topic is that I’m trying to establish how much bigger I can get without having problems with ‘bottoming out’

By bottoming out I mean getting so big that I’m no longer able to fully penetrate the average women (by “fully penetrate” I mean penetrating deep enough that our pelvises press together in the missionary position)

I’m also planning on posting to the large penis support group forums to try and get some information on the above, so if there are people at Thunders who post there I’d really appreciate some input on how I should approach the question…

(e.g. advice on whether I’d get kicked off of their forum for asking that kind of question, or what search-terms or threads I could search for to find information on the topic that might already have been posted.)

The clearest information I’ve been able to find at LPSG (admittedly I didn’t look very far) on what’s considered big: 8 inches is considered big. An 8 inch penis normally has a 5.5 inch girth, anything over 5.5 inches girth is considered big.

I’m currently just about 7.5 BPEL (although if I stop PEing I’m guessing I’d loose that length because it’s not been cemented). I’m worried that if I go for an extra inch in girth my girth-work could very well add an inch to my length, putting me above 8.5 BPEL and after watching the ‘perfect penis’ documentary I’m not sure if that would be good or bad.

Here\’s the info from the Channel 4 documentary:

Dr. John D. Moran (A consultant in sexual medicine)

Stated that average penis size is between 5 and 7 inches (i.e. average size is 6 inches)

He also said:

“an ‘extra large’ penis can cause more problems than benefits (presumably extra large is “anything over 8 or 9 inches”)

He went on to say:

“I think in terms of length anything over 8 or 9 inches could perhaps cause a problem. For instance the average length of the vagina is probably more like 5 or 6 inches, so that could be a problem but the girth of the penis is even more relevant, I think, in terms of perhaps causing a problem for penetration.”

Dan (A 25 year old college graduate from L.A.)

Length 8.5 inches

Dan said “There’s definitely a negative consequences to having too much length and not being able to fully penetrate a woman”

He goes on to say that women tend not to like it because there’s no pelvic stimulation and so for him sex becomes like a chore. The documentary also stated that he’s been “forced” to use the large penis support group to find women.

Lennie & Lesley (A married couple from South Carolina.)

Lennie’s length is 8 inches

Lesley stated that she loved having a man with a large penis and that she couldn’t get her hand all the way around the base of Lennie’s. She also said that she had friends who had partners with large penises and that they’d often wish they didn’t have to have sex, and hoped that the guy would ‘come quickly’.

She said that the first time she had sex with Lennie that she had thought “Oh boy what am I gonna do with this. Am I gonna get hurt by this?”

She also said “I don’t think that there’s anything that’s shut off as far as sexually; there are things that are more difficult”

Omar (A U.K. Porn-star)

Length 11 inches

Omar stated that “bigger is better” in terms of what’s better for making porn. He also said that in his private life women “either love it or hate it” and that women have “put off” having sex because it’s hurt them.

Some questions to get the thread started:

1. Please give your thoughts on whatever aspect whether covered or not covered by the following questions…

2. Is 8.5 inches too long for full penetration with the average woman?

3. Is 8 inches too big for full penetration with the average woman or might it be the ‘upper limit’ or close to the ‘upper limit’?

4. What length is the ‘upper limit’ for full penetration with the average woman?

5. What are your experiences with full penetration and bottoming out? (if you’re 8”BPEL or longer, have you had trouble achieving full penetration?)

Last edited by Mr. Fantastic : 02-06-2006 at .

Also relevant would be positions- which ones permit deepest coitus, as well as how much foreplay and a ‘slowhand’ impact coital depth. Finally, does ‘mind-sex’ change a woman’s depth capacity?

I’d rather have an inch too much than an inch too few- I believe that given enough time and warm-up, most women can take far more than we can conceive.

I’ve met many [internally] ‘smaller’ women who can only take one, maybe two fingers at the start of the evening’s festivities, but by an hour or two in we’re at all four up to the thumb web. While there are obviously some limits, and I understand that my example is more illustrative of girth, it only stands to reason that given enough care and earnest prep the first time with a new woman, she’ll take more than if you simply spit on your cock and shove it in.
And I wear an XL glove.

I’ve also had women that might have been a little snug the first time out progress to where after a half-hour of non-contact [verbal] foreplay they are wet and open enough to accept all easily on the first thrust.

So perhaps you can address these factors in your thread on

Thanks Mr.F- you’re the best.

WE are the 99% 'WE are the people you depend on; we cook your meals, we haul your trash, we connect your calls. We drive your ambulances. We guard you while you sleep. Don't f&ck with us'-- Madame DeFarge

"Rope trades @$10 a yard. I wonder if they even know that?"- Capitalist

They don’t know how good they got it.

I have stopped working length just for the same reason. You will bottom out in most women with 8” NBP.

I was bottoming out in 50% of all women with a 7.25” NBP length.

:buttrock: The Peter Dick method :buttrock:

Then, BPEL:7.500"x5.500"

Now, BPEL:8.375"X6.750"

Damn PD, you’ve slept with a lot of women ;)

PD- home of the 8*8 cock ;)

WE are the 99% 'WE are the people you depend on; we cook your meals, we haul your trash, we connect your calls. We drive your ambulances. We guard you while you sleep. Don't f&ck with us'-- Madame DeFarge

"Rope trades @$10 a yard. I wonder if they even know that?"- Capitalist

God this place is so fucking depressing…..this PE shit just doesn’t work anymore….fucken BS…..

Originally Posted by Wanna7.5

God this place is so fucking depressing…..this PE shit just doesn’t work anymore….fucken BS…..

You’ve been a member for over 5 years and haven’t posted much. Have you considered asking for some help?

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

Originally Posted by ModestoMan
You’ve been a member for over 5 years and haven’t posted much. Have you considered asking for some help?

Yes, I have…and did for the first 2-2.5yrs. Now I’ve pretty much accepted it as a lost cause. There isn’t a chance in fucking Hell that I’m getting anywhere close to my goal (see SN) from my current size of just under 6”. Hell, I’d be ecstatic for .25” growth in the next few months. I still plug away at it, but have stopped being a naive fool like I was when I first started thinking that I (personally) can gain like some other people on here who bitch and complain about being 8”x6.5” :rolleyes: Fucking please….cry me a goddamn river.

Originally Posted by Wanna7.5
Yes, I have…and did for the first 2-2.5yrs. Now I’ve pretty much accepted it as a lost cause. There isn’t a chance in fucking Hell that I’m getting anywhere close to my goal (see SN) from my current size of just under 6”. Hell, I’d be ecstatic for .25” growth in the next few months. I still plug away at it, but have stopped being a naive fool like I was when I first started thinking that I (personally) can gain like some other people on here who bitch and complain about being 8”x6.5” :rolleyes: Fucking please….cry me a goddamn river.

These people bitch out of their own reality. Don’t let it take you down. Post the routine you have been doing and we will help you with PE.

<<< For instance the average length of the vagina is probably more like 5 or 6 inches,>>>

This doctor needs to fuck more women.

The following exerpts were culled from AndroNYC’s excellent post.

<<<Also relevant would be positions- which ones permit deepest coitus, as well as how much foreplay and a ‘slowhand’ impact coital depth. Finally, does ‘mind-sex’ change a woman’s depth capacity?>>>

In my personal experience, DRAMATICALLY. When my chick is totally aroused she can take about 1.5” more than it would usually take to “bottom out”.

<<<I’d rather have an inch too much than an inch too few- I believe that given enough time and warm-up, most women can take far more than we can conceive.>>>

HAL-AYE-FUCKING-LOO-YAH!!!! I’ll bet here we have a man who’s conducted extensive experiments on the subject. Sir, my data set confirms your observations and suspicions to a “T”.

<<<I’ve met many [internally] ‘smaller’ women who can only take one, maybe two fingers at the start of the evening’s festivities, but by an hour or two in we’re at all four up to the thumb web. While there are obviously some limits, and I understand that my example is more illustrative of girth, it only stands to reason that given enough care and earnest prep the first time with a new woman, she’ll take more than if you simply spit on your cock and shove it in.>>>


<<<And I wear an XL glove.>>>

Dude, me too- we’re even using the same lab equipment.

Awesome Thunder. But *what does it all mean*???? Just kidding. I think I’m going to manufacture some pretty stupid/unintelligible posts while trying to get my head around this stuff….

Is there an “idiot’s guide to posting on Thundersplace” out there anywhere?

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