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CDS Length


CDS Length

Does anyone know how long CDS’s are?

Ever been in a CDS and not made her have a CDS orgasm?



Quite naturally, depth varies from one woman to another. It also varies with degree of arousment.

With my close to 8” I reach cds’s from time to time, but almost always that adds the womans excitement, and then it’s out of my reach. Another inch will definitely be useful for cds play.

What am I hitting with my near 7 inches when I think I feel the bottom?

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson


should be mr 7 inch updated girth 4 7/8 7.25 BPEL 4.75 girth Penis to Height Ratio: 1:8.96

5 1/8 girth 9/21/11

What is the CDs acronym? I have a lot of CDs since I got rid of my 8tracks.

Yes, that’s almost certainly the cervix. When the woman is aroused enough, the cervix retracts from the vaginal tunnel. Lubrication alone does not necessarily indicate that she’s ready for cds stimulation; cervix retraction does, in physiological terms.

>Yes, that’s almost certainly the cervix. When the woman is aroused enough, the cervix retracts from the vaginal tunnel. Lubrication alone does not necessarily indicate that she’s ready for cds stimulation; cervix retraction does, in physiological terms.<

Meaning she is not stimlated enough? She is sometimes near her orgasm when I hit it, so I do not see how this could be possible. And when I hit it, it usualy makes her feel really good… Does the cervix feel good when hit?

And whats up with all the BS Ive always heard about a woman only being 5-6 inches deep?

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson

Originally Posted by remek
>Yes, that’s almost certainly the cervix. When the woman is aroused enough, the cervix retracts from the vaginal tunnel. Lubrication alone does not necessarily indicate that she’s ready for cds stimulation; cervix retraction does, in physiological terms.<

Meaning she is not stimlated enough? She is sometimes near her orgasm when I hit it, so I do not see how this could be possible. And when I hit it, it usualy makes her feel really good… Does the cervix feel good when hit?

Degree of stimulation does not necessarliy equal degree of arousment. The cervix is hard, and the cds stretchy; hitting the cervix usually doesn’t feel good to women.
Nothing conclusive can be said about her being near orgasm while you’re hitting her cervix; there are many ways to stimulate a woman, as I’m sure you know.

And whats up with all the BS Ive always heard about a woman only being 5-6 inches deep?

5-6” depth sounds about right for an average non aroused vagina. I will get significantly wider and deeper when she’s in the mood for lovemaking.

cds orgasms myth or reality?

What are cds? I can’t find the terminology in the PE Glossary. And what is a cds orgasm? Women I’ve known only describe pain when their cervix is bumped. Folks who study anatomy say there are no nerve endings that could produce orgasm in the vagina beyond the g-spot. Beyond the g-spot women can feel only pressure and or pain produced by hitting the cervix. Where did this cds stuff come from?

Remek, I experience the exact same thing with my current sex partner. I hit the bottom even when she’s close to orgasm, and she loves it. I’m also 7 inches. I have no idea what I’m hitting though. Maybe we should attach small videocameras on our dicks to find out.

Will someone answer the question: What the hell are CDS?

Originally Posted by Alrdybig
Will someone answer the question: What the hell are CDS?

Cul de sac

"Vaginal satisfaction, stimulation from penis length"

Scroll down for illustrations (with comments).
Longer Penises Cause More Vaginal Satisfaction

A site with good entertaining value if you have a grain of your favourite salt handy. I particularly enjoyed the vagina talk for the illustrations, numbers and infos.

>Remek, I experience the exact same thing with my current sex partner. I hit the bottom even when she’s close to orgasm, and she loves it. I’m also 7 inches. I have no idea what I’m hitting though. Maybe we should attach small videocameras on our dicks to find out. <

Not a bad idea. How much money will the goverment sponsor us with? It is worth finding out. I am hoping I can go past this. Because it feels like I am hitting something, but it doesnt feel like a wall. Is that the same feeling your getting?

>Will someone answer the question: What the hell are CDS<

Cul de sac.. If you can reach it you can supposibly give limitless orgasms and the girl will be you to stop because she can’t handle the orgasms. ** or atleast that is what it is in my dream :D ** I am sure with my 10 x 8 I will be able to reach the cul de sac.

>Degree of stimulation does not necessarliy equal degree of arousment. The cervix is hard, and the cds stretchy; hitting the cervix usually doesn’t feel good to women.
Nothing conclusive can be said about her being near orgasm while you’re hitting her cervix; there are many ways to stimulate a woman, as I’m sure you know. <

What do you mean then by degree of arousal? I hit it almost every time, and she is very AROUSED. Never been this aroused in our year together. I tribute her new found arousement to PE.

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson

The anatomical term for the CDS is the vaginal fornix.

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