Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

The Time Factor


uncut4big, Ya your most likely right. I was assuming that you would increase heat with time. (i.e. after 5 minutes add more heat, after 10 add more, until you can’t stand it anymore )

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson

Originally posted by Dino9X7
I agree with you on the extreme exercises being not all that productive, I really don't see anybody that's doing them getting huge gains at least not any better gains than guys just doing regular jelqing.

I agree 100%.


Observe... learn from other people's mistakes.

I agree about using wet heat and longer application. I made a 1/4” girth gain while using wet heat. I started with moderately intense jelqing then built up to hard jelqing and squeezing. This was after a long layoff from frustration. The gain is solid. It measures the same every time. I thought my mind was just playing tricks on me when I started thinking that the wet heat may have helped in some way. I used wet heat at the time only because I was doing my PE at work and I nuked a wet washcloth in the microwave(didn’t want to carry a rice sock in my lunchbox). Reckon I’ll throw the rice sock in the trash.:)

Today I will take negative thoughts and turn them into positive and productive actions. 7.00 BP x 4.75 GOAL 9.0 x 6.5

Originally posted by remek
If this is true, then maybe the longer you have been PEing, the longer a warm up you should do, or maybe even a hotter warm up.

Interesting. This might have direct relevance in terms of working those tissues. However, temp is going to have a very real limit - you obviously can’t keep using hotter water until you’re soaking your unit in a pot of boiling water.
But it may well be that as we progress we need longer hot wraps and (slightly) hotter wraps.

Someone here once posted about “plastic deformation” happening efficiently at temps of 104-108 degrees (can’t remember exactly - maybe 106). I know that when I used to hot wrap religiously my unit would get so gummy & stringy. I used to hot wrap before & after workouts (sometimes even “during”). I will definitely be going back to that…..and to regularly scheduled recovery breaks.

Thanks for a lot of great ideas, guys.
- wad

Looking back, I got my 1st inch EL in under 6 months, and I always used damp heat - and a lot of it. But I started drifting away, thinking it wasn’t so important (I even heard DLD say that he didn’t use wraps anymore & still was making gains). However, in the next 12-13 months, I saw only 0.5” EL - my growth was cut in half.

Here I am thumping on the podium and, yet, 2 very obvious, simple concepts are right under my nose - heat therapy & scheduled breaks, yet I step right over them looking for something “more complex.”

Thanks for boucing ideas back & forth. That’s whats so great about this forum. I’m going back to the beginning, where I used damp heat for about 15 minutes each session, as well as regular breaks. Combined with my much greater experience with PE over the past 18 months, I believe I’ll have some new gains - hopefully that last 1-1.5” EL that I want.

>>Here I am thumping on the podium and, yet, 2 very obvious, simple concepts are right under my nose - heat therapy & scheduled breaks, yet I step right over them looking for something “more complex.” <<

Don’t fool yourself about the “more complex” issue, That is probably a big factor in it as well. So I would still follow your routine, I mean you did spend so much time on research, why not give it a shot?

>>Someone here once posted about “plastic deformation” happening efficiently at temps of 104-108 degrees (can’t remember exactly - maybe 106). I know that when I used to hot wrap religiously my unit would get so gummy & stringy. I used to hot wrap before & after workouts (sometimes even “during”). I will definitely be going back to that…..and to regularly scheduled recovery breaks. <<

I am not familiar with exact temperatures and what burns you and what does not, but my guess is that at 106 degrees you would have to “work up” to that before you burn yourself? or no? Any idea’s?

I use a heating pad, and it feels like it is dam near burning my dick if I put it on the hottest temperature.. But like you mentioned your dick was very stringy when you heated it up to the fullest, That is what mine does. I bet this plays a big big part in long term PE as well.

P.S. Get that new routine done! :D

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson


ow wadzilla it is:

Meine Fleischstange ist härter WIE Stahl.


I like to be a little bit bigger

I love to play my guitar!

Originally posted by Stratoblaster

ow wadzilla it is:

Meine Fleischstange ist härter WIE Stahl.


Ist daß in Holländisch oder Deutsch?

That’s German…

Here in Holland we have a decent language, without that many Capital Letters and without the “ß” …


Kijk, dit is iets geschreven in het Nederlands. Duidelijk toch?


I like to be a little bit bigger

I love to play my guitar!


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