Thunder's Place

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The Zinger Poll

View Poll Results:

Whats your Zinger experience?

I’ve never used a zinger


I’ve used a zinger for less than a month and it had no real effect


I’ve used a zinger for more than a month and it had no real effect


I’ve used a zinger for less than a month and it had a bad effect


I’ve used a zinger for more than a month and it had a bad effect


I’ve used a zinger for less than a month and it had a good effect


I’ve used a zinger for more than a month and it had a good effect


What’s a zinger?

Total Votes: 220. You may not vote on this poll

The Zinger Poll

So the Ball Zinger: an ineffective device likely to cause zinc poisoning or the 1900’s answer to increasing erection power?

If you’ve used a zinger now you have the power, tell everyone here exactly how (in?)effective its been. A poll can only have simple options, if your experiences are more complex share them below.

Cast your votes.

The edges of the latex tubing rubbed the skin on my balls raw, after only 5 days.

I didn’t notice any other effects.

After a mere 22 votes

5 people have seen good effects
3 people have seen no or bad effects
13 people have never tried it.
1 doesn’t know what a zinger is

Are 22 votes enough for a consensus?

Not at all, especially since it’s really only a sample of 8.

Come on everyone, let’s put this one to rest. Step on up and vote your experience!

>especially since it’s really only a sample of 8.

Good point.

Zinc poisioning? was that a serious comment? is there a real danger for this?

I was considering making one but this is one of the things that perturbed me



It was a very lazy attempt at summarizing the zinc element of another Zinger thread.

This post from Piet details the problem with Zinc and later on in the thread lonelybb lists a lot of links to refute the problem. Try reading the thread (there is zinc stuff ahead of the post I linked) and making up your own mind.

This shold of been one of them there threads where you can see who voted what.

-Still bitter the y2k bug was a dud.

-My dear boy, do you ask a fish how it swims? (No.) Or a bird how it flies? (No.) Of course not. They do it because they were born to do it...

I’m not actually going to vote until I’ve tried it. I’ll see if I can make a $0.02 zinger first out of UK coins (so a 2p zinger, or £0.02 zinger) but if I can’t I’ll have to see if I can find the ingredients elsewhere.

Start: 22 Mar 04: 6.5" BPEL x 4.6" EG & 6" head. As at: 1 Jan 05: 7.5" BPEL x 4.8-4.9" EG & 6.3" head.

Re-re-start!: 6 Feb 17: 6.9" BPEL x 4.9" EG & 5.5" head. As of: 23 Feb 17: 7.0" BPEL x 5.0" EG & 6.0" head.

Ideal: ASAP: 8+" BPEL x 5.5+" EG & 6.5+" head But will continue if the going is good!!


Westla looked it up in another thread somewhere in newbie. UK and Euro coinage doesn’t have the right mix.

Originally Posted by Rifor
I’m not actually going to vote until I’ve tried it. I’ll see if I can make a $0.02 zinger first out of UK coins (so a 2p zinger, or £0.02 zinger) but if I can’t I’ll have to see if I can find the ingredients elsewhere.

You will have to use two different metals, or it will not work. If you use coins it is best to soak them in vinegar for a few minutes to get them clean and remove any bugs.

But be careful what metals you use as some are toxic Lead is obvious but there are others.

I have a Zinger. Also known as ROP (Ring of Power). I used a silver rod instead Copper. I used zinc on the other side. I can say with out a doubt that, I LOVE MY Zinger!

I wear mine like the blakoe ring (over the whole package).

It looked simple to make so I order the parts and put it together myself.

Here are the things that I have noticed:
I have had only a slight increase in ejaculation.
I have a fuller flaccid hang.
I can feel the zinger working.
My erections are harder. I admit that this could be due to the combination of PE and kegel exercises.

The zingers are very easy to make. If you want one, I suggest you make the zinger yourself. This will allow you adjust the zinger around your package to your comfort level.

I reject the idea that I have a fuller flaccid hang because the zinger is acting as a cockring or similar constriction device. If your zinger is on that tight, you don’t need it. You should order a simple cockring. Your zinger should be fitted with enough space to fit your pinky finger through on the top and the bottom.

I have been wearing my zinger for one month and a week and I love it.


Originally Posted by memento

Westla looked it up in another thread somewhere in newbie. UK and Euro coinage doesn’t have the right mix.

Hmm, what about a £0.12 zinger? I wonder what 10p coins are made from and if it would create a circuit with a 2p?

I’ll look into it anyway, I’m sure I’ll get some compatible metals. If not I’ll just have to go with the AAA battery! :bigwink:


Start: 22 Mar 04: 6.5" BPEL x 4.6" EG & 6" head. As at: 1 Jan 05: 7.5" BPEL x 4.8-4.9" EG & 6.3" head.

Re-re-start!: 6 Feb 17: 6.9" BPEL x 4.9" EG & 5.5" head. As of: 23 Feb 17: 7.0" BPEL x 5.0" EG & 6.0" head.

Ideal: ASAP: 8+" BPEL x 5.5+" EG & 6.5+" head But will continue if the going is good!!

Zinc and copper sources for Ball Zinger

The usual AA or AAA batteries contain zinc, this is the outer metal shell of them.

Take an exhausted battery, peel the foil or label, then (with a knife) you can cut the two ends, cut the cylinder in lenght, and clean out the inside mass. This 1.5” x 1.5” square metal is zinc.

To find copper, it is a little bit more difficult, but there are electric wires from it, or some older type of ballpen refill made from copper. You can find some pipe or plate in the hobby stores.

I made my Ball Zinger from an AAA battery cylinder and copper plate (I found it in my tool-bag…).

I wear it since two days, so I can report the results after 2-3 weeks.

GreatOrg, Hungary

Excellent, I’ve got an old AAA battery in front of me now! :D

Thanks GreatOrg!

Start: 22 Mar 04: 6.5" BPEL x 4.6" EG & 6" head. As at: 1 Jan 05: 7.5" BPEL x 4.8-4.9" EG & 6.3" head.

Re-re-start!: 6 Feb 17: 6.9" BPEL x 4.9" EG & 5.5" head. As of: 23 Feb 17: 7.0" BPEL x 5.0" EG & 6.0" head.

Ideal: ASAP: 8+" BPEL x 5.5+" EG & 6.5+" head But will continue if the going is good!!

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