Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

To all Ballzinger wearers

Believers and non-believers - who is right?

It is good and healthy having an open exchange of opinions regarding the ballzinger.

There are the non-believers (who have never, ever tried the zinger), who will demand absolute, objective, and scientific proof, and the true believers that had actually used and experienced the zinger and swear that it really “works”. But cannot really offer scientific “proof”.

How objective can it be when one can actually feel and see that his balls are “heavier” and the flaccid hang “bigger”? How hard is to proof that an erection is so hard and obvious that one cannot sleep at night? Who should anyone believe?

Does everyone, besides people in these forums, believe that PE works?.

I think that hobby et all, are good and honest veterans of this forum that, on their own ways, have “tried” the zinger and found that it does not work for them. I believe that. And I am sorry it does not work for them.

In my opinion, the ballzinger works for “me” as a package. The sum of its components is more valuable than the individual components themselves. I will even use BEER as an analogy:
Beer is made with hops, malt, yeast and water. Malt is the soul, hops the spice, yeast the spirit and water the body of beer. Take away any of these components, and you no longer have a beer.

So, let’s have a beer and keep commenting on the zinger. Good or bad.

:sheepdo: BALLZINGER :sheepdo: :sheepdo:

Dedicated to Building the Perfect Zinger!

If indeed the ballzinger raises zinc levels that would be great for people who are zinc deficient. But how would you know you’re zinc deficient? Raising your zinc levels when you already have enough zinc in your body is dangerous and is associated with low copper status, altered iron function, reduced immune function, and reduced levels of high-density lipoproteins (the good cholesterol).

lonelybb, I’ll drink to that.


>In my opinion, the ballzinger works for “me” as a package. The sum of its components is more valuable than the individual components themselves. I will even use BEER as an analogy:
Beer is made with hops, malt, yeast and water. Malt is the soul, hops the spice, yeast the spirit and water the body of beer. Take away any of these components, and you no longer have a beer.<

One of the things we do here is take apart the package and look inside. This is a great way to find out what is effective and what isn’t. In the same way beer makers choose their hop varieties and malt, they spend time getting the process exactly right.

So there are lots of parts that can be tested indivually, there’s the zinc component, the cockring component and the eletrical component.

Westla’s test make a lot of sense.

Maybe replace the copper rod with another zinc rod, to get an ineffective electrical component. Testing the cock ring and zinc effect.

Use two copper rods to remove the zinc element.

Maybe someone with a zinger could measure the voltage across the terminals and the current in the ring. That should allow the electrical component to be tested by other means.

Is anyone combining the use of the zinger with a change in frequency of ejaculation or other supplements?

Piet, interesting stuff. Are those all the effects of zinc poisoning?

You can buy the latex tubing at Home Depot in a 10 foot length. That should last a while.

I have had many PM me to buy one. I am tempted to start some sort of small business making the BallZinger and reselling the Cable Clamp. It seems in many countries, it’s hard to find the products necessary. What do you Mods think? Is that against the rules here?

I have had many PM me to buy one. I am tempted to start some sort of small business making the BallZinger and reselling the Cable Clamp. It seems in many countries, it’s hard to find the products necessary. What do you Mods think? Is that against the rules here?

If you wish to sell PE equipment as a member here you must inform the admins of your intent and then abide by the commercial member guidelines.

I’m disappointed nobody has PM’d me asking to buy a $.02 ball zinger. Maybe the outrageous markup would be too obvious in this case? Or is it that I have said I suspect nut zappers are quackery? Damn, I really should brush up on my marketing skills. ;)

Originally Posted by lonelybb
Beer is made with hops, malt, yeast and water. Malt is the soul, hops the spice, yeast the spirit and water the body of beer. Take away any of these components, and you no longer have a beer.

The active ingredient in beer is alcohol. It produces the same effect whether mixed with barley and hops, grapes, Coke, or consumed plain as Everclear (ouch, careful with that :) ).

What is the “active ingredient” in a ball zinger?

Is it the zinc? I’ve done some searching and couldn’t find much about changes in systemic zinc levels from topical application. There was a study done on mice, but that was with various solutions, not zinc metal held against the skin.

Is it from the cock ring effect? Could be. Unless some honest experimenters try we’ll never know. I can’t do it because cock rings tend to screw up veins in my dick.

Is it the electric charge? Try a zinger with a AAA or similar small battery instead of Cu/Zn.

Many gullible guys are willing to shell out some money on the mere hope something like this works (and “works” in this case hasn’t even been defined), yet none of the promoters are willing to go the extra mile to determine what actually causes the purported benefits. Why not?

If it had done anything beneficial for me I’d have a gnawing urge to determine why and how. I’d conduct experiments, either on myself or preferably with other willing volunteers to isolate the variables in an attempt to discover the “active ingredient.” I don’t understand why others who claim this thing is beneficial often spew out unsubstantiated claims and wild speculation in lieu of being driven to get to the heart of the matter.

The best I can figure is that such salesmen either 1) know that it’s a sham and sell it anyway or, 2) sell a product they actually believe is a tremendous scientific breakthough but are too lazy to find out more about.

#1 are common. Click through the fat loss infomericals on late at night for an example.

#2 seems odd to me. If the ball zinger is all that some of its sellers have claimed, it would be a multi-billion dollar industry. Yes, that’s billion with a “b.” It would put Viagra or Cialis to shame. If the zinger produces even 1/4 of the alleged effects I’ve read about for even 1/4 of the guys who use it, you’d be on to something HUGE.

Why is there a reluctance to study it if it works? This thing was supposedly invented in the 1930’s. It seems to be based on the late 19th century awe and hype about the magical curative powers of then newly-popularized electricity. Perhaps everyone since then has ignored the Zinger’s potential. Ooh, maybe it was a conspiracy?

The rumored studies supporting its efficacy could have been scurried away by Men in Black. Maybe they also took Tom because his design (that several guys are now selling) worked even better than the original? He might be sharing a dark, musty cell with the guy who invented the 300 mpg carburetor.

Does a zinger work better while wearing a foil hat?

hobby , the foil hat keeps the aliens from controlling your mind. Or is this really hobby?!?


Update on my experience with the zinger:

Quite astonishing to say the least !

Its been about one month since I have started wearing the rop. I wore it day and night ever since. I also cleaned/polished the metals daily !

The last 6 days I had sex with my girl each evening. I finished in her mouth each time. Usually I need 2-3 days after ejaculation to restore the full load again. Well , on day 6 after I came in her mouth she said the quantity of the load was huge (she swallowed a couple of times each time) and that it was huge each of the last 6 days. As huge as if I had taken 3-7 days of from ejaculating !

So basically , its officially confirmed by my girlfriend (whom I’ve been with for 10 month , so she knows me damn well) that the ring increased my loads and my regenerating times !

I only ejacualte when we have sex (and 99% of the times I finish in her mouth because she loves to swallow). When we are separated I save up for her and don’t jerk off. She always tells me how much came out afterwards. The more the better of course.
I aint taking any supplements nor eating something unusual so the increase is 100% legit and confirmed by my girl !

Besides : The most amazing thing to me is that I actually cum harder each time. The involuntery orgasmic spasms must have atleast doubled and increased alot in intensity. I hardly can hold myself back from moaning (I actually roared like a bear a couple oftimes) something that I have never ever done before !

Yesterday I positioned myself above her after having sex for 2 hours and aimed for her mouth to finish off ! The first orgasmic spasm was so forcefull that I lost coordination , my weight shifted back and the first spurt went straight above her head and splattered against the wall behind her head !
This was the first time , that I got to see my sperm in weeks ! This first spurt looked like a damn arrow while flying towards the wall. It was a long and thick white arrow ! I have always been a good shooter, but I don’t remember shooting bigass arrows like that with so much force! Its crazy !
The first arrow missed , but I quicly ajusted my body and stuck the dick in her mouth so everything else landed where its supposed to !

One last thing : The day before yesterday I wasn’t wearing the ring for like 6 hours ! (forgot to put it on after leaning and drove to girlfriends house)
I noticed that my ball hang (wich is out of this world low when wearing the ring) hasn’t changed at all when I drove back to put the ring on again !

Could this be permanent gains ? I hope so.

Well what more is there to say ? I’m sold on the zinger. I’ll wear it for the rest of my life !

other things I have noticed but don’t know if this can be related to the ring 100% so take this with caution :

-seems that muscle mass doesn’t go down as quickly as before when I miss some workouts
-when I pee , ALL of the urine leaves my bladder at once. Before I remeber that I had to squeeze out the last few drops or even spurts by kegeling.
-I feel ´very horny all the time and relate anything that has a double meaning to sex automatically. Gets quite annoying !
-my hair shed seem to have stopped for like 2 weeks when I started wearing the ring but now it started again ! No big wonder since I have ejaculated daily for the last week !!! Not good for anybody with light alopecia.

Thats it ! Thx to blakoe for inventing it thx to hubbard for sharing thx to Supra for promoting it and biggest thx to lonelybb for building it for me and providing great support !

Hey tbird - Thanks for the compliment and congratulations on your newly found happiness. I was hoping to keep it quiet, but yes, I do build the ballzinger for friends and referrals only. Based on the quantity of email I get asking me to build one, maybe I’d go in partnership with HJ…. :-)
I can envision our commercial: “WE not only own the company, but are its best customers.”

Hobby, I do appreciate your skepticism, and we do need you to break it down and nick pick. It is because of your negative impression of the ballzinger that other members have come forward to post their experiences with the zinger, good or bad. So far, I have not hear much negative comments.

I do not believe that all those users ragging about the zinger are sellers. But all those selling it, are hardcore users.

If alcohol is the active ingredient in beer that gets one drunken happiness, then the zinc/copper/ring combination are the active ingredients of the ballzinger, that gets one “enhanced sexual happiness”

I do agree with your comment “The best I can figure is that such salesmen either 1) know that it’s a sham and sell it anyway or, 2) sell a product they actually believe is a tremendous scientific breakthrough but are too lazy to find out more about.” and perhaps this is the reason why the blakoe ring or the ballzinger are the best kept secret.

Why nobody has posted any ragging reviews about the $0.02 ballzinger?. The answer should be obvious by now. It does not work (not even for its inventor, who does not believe in it) because like a good beer, it lacks the “proper” ingredients. Would anybody want to buy a fake Rolex here?

While drinking a cold beer and talking about the ballzinger, my greatest bragging achievement would be to convince hobby that the ballzinger actually “works”. How about if I build you a “proper” one “on the house”?. Would you drink…err wear it?

:sheepdo: BALLZINGER :sheepdo: :sheepdo:

Dedicated to Building the Perfect Zinger!

If alcohol is the active ingredient in beer that gets one drunken happiness, then the zinc/copper/ring combination are the active ingredients of the ballzinger, that gets one "enhanced sexual happiness"

You’re speculating and apparently missed my point. Would the zinc work by itself (try 2 zinc rods or pennies)? How about copper only? Or no metals at all, and only the ring?

… and perhaps this is the reason why the blakoe ring or the ballzinger are the best kept secret.

This page is interesting.

Suspicious Claims

Promoters of fraudulent health products often use similar claims and practices to trick consumers into buying their products. Be suspicious when you see:

  • Claims that a product is a "scientific breakthrough," "miraculous cure," "secret ingredient" or "ancient remedy."
  • Claims that the product is an effective cure for a wide range of ailments. No product can cure multiple conditions or diseases.
  • Claims that use impressive-sounding medical terms. They’re often covering up a lack of good science.
  • Undocumented case histories of people who’ve had amazing results. It’s too easy to make them up. And even if true, they can’t be generalized to the entire population. Anecdotes are not a substitute for valid science.
  • Claims that the product is available from only one source, and payment is required in advance.
  • Claims of a "money-back" guarantee.
  • Websites that fail to list the company’s name, physical address, phone number or other contact information.

I’m not saying everyone reporting results from using a zinger is lying. Perhaps the zinc helps, or the cock ring, the electricity, or maybe it’s all placebo effect.

Why nobody has posted any ragging reviews about the $0.02 ballzinger?

One did, in this very thread. Tom’s zinger has been around much longer.

The answer should be obvious by now. It does not work (not even for its inventor, who does not believe in it) because like a good beer, it lacks the "proper" ingredients. Would anybody want to buy a fake Rolex here?

What are these alleged "proper" ingredients? We don’t even know how (or if) this thing works, yet you claim to know the "proper" ingredients. How so?

I did not wear mine as a cock ring. Are you saying the cock ring is an important component? The penny zinger uses very pure zinc and 95% pure copper. It produces .7 to .8 volts, just like Tom’s design. How is Tom’s so much more special, apart from the fact you’re selling it?

While drinking a cold beer and talking about the ballzinger, my greatest bragging achievement would be to convince hobby that the ballzinger actually "works".

Why not ask here for participants in a study? Chose some criteria to measure - whatever the zinger is supposed to do - and a uniform method of measuring. Have some wear a latex ring with no metals, some with 2 zinc rods, and some with zinc and copper. Maybe have some guys wear on balls only and others around balls and penis. Here is the experiment forum. Have at it.

How about if I build you a "proper" one "on the house"?. Would you drink…err wear it?

I already have a proper zinger, so no thanks. I can’t use it as a cock ring because the veins in my penis don’t tolerate even an extremely mild degree of constriction for long periods.

Piet raised a good point. If enough zinc is absorbed to affect one’s systemic zinc level, how do you know the cumulative level doesn’t grow way too high? Depending on the zinger’s mechanism of action, long-term use could be hazardous. Further, we don’t know the long-term effects of turning one’s balls into a battery. What impact does it have on sperm quality and quantity? Does it influence the development of testicular cancer?

Ballzinger study...yeah!

Hobby, you are absolutely right. I’ve been looking forward for some time for a number of members to say, “yes, I will be a guinea pig!”. Not enough willing to try or just scared stiff to death?

There should be five control groups:
1- blank ballzinger - around the whole bundle (not a cock ring!) snug fit, no metal rods
2- $0.02 ballzinger - no ring, just copper pennies attached somehow…
3- $0.02 ballzinger - no ring, just zinc pennies attached somehow…
4- tom’s ballzinger - everyone else who is actually wearing a copper/zinc/latex ring ballzinger
5- battery zinger - A small depleted AAA or watch battery, producing between 0.5V - 0.8V with two wires attached to the scrotum with tape.

Let’s say 20 in each group. Will you help me organize it and motivate some courageous members to belong to each group just at ramdom?.

The “volunteers” should not be taking any zinc supplements, have never worn a zinger, and must wear the zinger at least 12hrs a day for 30 days.

I will supply the blank ballzinger for free, and will even custom built it to size. It will be the exact rubber latex tubing design with “inserts” made of clear vinyl tubing, instead of zinc/copper rod, which can be easily interchanged.

Hobby will supply the $0.02 ballzinger pre-made with either copper or zinc pennies attached.

How is that for cooperation?. We should only expect the recipient to pay for the freight, unless they will built it themselves.

:sheepdo: BALLZINGER :sheepdo: :sheepdo:

Dedicated to Building the Perfect Zinger!

I’m not supplying anything other than the instructions how to make an extremely low-cost zinger. I don’t think it matters which style is used.

There’s no way you’re going to get 100 guys to participate. You might get half a dozen. Some testing options:

Full zinger around dick and balls
Full zinger on balls only
2 zinc coins/rods around dick and balls
2 zinc coins/rods on balls only
Tubing alone around dick and balls
AAA battery on balls

The subjects could rotate through the combinations in different orders. You’d probably have to limit it to two weeks for each to keep the study short enough. Or you could choose only 2-3 different combinations per participant.

However you set it up, be sure it will adequately isolate the components: cock ring effect, zinc contact with the skin, and electricity.

You’ll also need to decide how you are going to measure “results” and a method for all participants to use.

Those are only suggestions. It’s your project.

I built myself one of Tom’s design a while ago, but like a few others stopped wearing it after about 5 days because of abrasion of the skin from the edges of the latex.

However this thread has sparked my interest and I’ve just dug it out and will give it another go.

The Zinger Poll

The amount of zinc that is actually absorbed from the ballzinger is extremely insignificant. Only zinc ions are released by the ballzinger through the body. These ions may even have an antiviral effect.

Zinc is poisonous to birds and animals, but only when ingested in the form of zinc salts like zinc sulfate, zinc chloride, zinc acetate. Ingesting pennies will also be toxic.
Homepage | New England Animal Medical Center

The average amount of zinc ingested in supplement pills is 50mg in the form of zinc gluconate ( non-toxic dietary zinc). Only by ingesting large quantities of zinc pills may cause elevated levels of zinc in the blood, and it could be balanced by taking other supplements, but the amount of zinc that could be absorbed from the pure zinc metal on the ballzinger may be measured in parts per million.

Zinc and its salts are poorly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract; only a small proportion of dietary zinc is absorbed. Zinc is distributed widely throughout the body and is excreted in the faeces with only traces appearing in the urine, since the kidneys have little or no role in regulating the content of zinc in the body. Ingestion of soluble salts may cause nausea, vomiting and purging.

The likelihood of getting zinc poisoning from the ballzinger is just as remote as getting copper/lead/zinc poisoning drinking tap water.

:sheepdo: BALLZINGER :sheepdo: :sheepdo:

Dedicated to Building the Perfect Zinger!


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