Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

To all Ballzinger wearers

I want to offer a name change for the BallZinger. Since it doesn’t “zing” my balls, I think a more appropriate name would be “The Fluffer” since it keeps me at about 25% and ready for action at ALL times. This thing is really interesting. I’m still not sold on it’s PE values, but I never have less than a 25% erection while I’m wearing it, and that has to be worth something.

If you never shrink to your smallest flaccid, wouldn’t eventually the new size be your new flaccid?


shorwide, thanks for the kind comment, but I am lonely because I only see them ever couple of months. Both live far from me, and each in different states.

Luckily, when I see them, it happens almost at the same time..:-) I think that the ballzinger helps me a lot in keeping up the hard work it takes.

:sheepdo: BALLZINGER :sheepdo: :sheepdo:

Dedicated to Building the Perfect Zinger!


The Fluffer I like that, might have to build one for sure I also don’t think it helps with PE but being fluffed all day would be fun.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Definitely a Fluffer!

I’m normally around 4” flaccid. I put on my 2 cent zinger today and took a look 10 minutes later and had a veiny 5 incher!

This also probably refutes the idea that the zinger’s goodness is only due to zinc and not the electricity. I don’t think my ball’s aborbed zinc and used it to manufacture extra testosterone and then make my dick hang longer all in ten minutes!

Also, anyone worried about electrocuting their balls like this? What about mutating our sperm and having kids that have six fingers or something?


Hey PEanist, is your zinger around the whole package like a cock ring or only on your balls?

Hey Hobby

Just the balls.

Two pennies and two pieces of electrical tape!

I really don’t notice any “zinging” or “zapping” though. Once in a while I feel a little tingle, but I’m not sure if it’s real.


Good for you. How well does the tape hold up? Scotch tape sure doesn’t cut it. :)

It doesn’t do anything for my flaccid state. Maybe my dick is so used to hangers and such that he doesn’t get excited about a couple coins on the ‘nads?

Congratulations PEanist, now you have finally felt the action of the zinger in such a short tiem, you must conclude that the zinger really works.

The zinger works based in three principles:
1- The mild current produced by the voltaic properties of the copper/zinc rods
2- The effect of the zinc ions across your balls
3- the slight constriction of the ring.

The mild current stimulates blood circulation in your genitals causing the veins to enlarge
The zinc stimulates hormonal production which may increase testosterone and semen production.
The ring helps maintain the erection (almost like a cock ring)

There is no mystery to it. Enjoy the feeling.

:sheepdo: BALLZINGER :sheepdo: :sheepdo:

Dedicated to Building the Perfect Zinger!

Originally Posted by lonelybb
The mild current stimulates blood circulation in your genitals causing the veins to enlarge
The zinc stimulates hormonal production which may increase testosterone and semen production.

Can you support these claims?

I’m very skeptical that such a mild current, or any current for that matter, can increase circulation. Is there anything to this? And I don’t mean 19th century quack claims when many were first enamoured with the alleged curative properties of the newly popularized, magic electricity. Is there any relatively recent scientific data indicating that electric current increases circulation? If so, please provide sources.

Second, zinc only increases testosterone in those who were zinc deficient to begin with. In other words, adequate zinc is needed but more isn’t better. How is wearing a ball zinger better for a zinc-deficient guy than eating a tin of oysters or taking a zinc pill? How much zinc is absorbed by wearing a ball zinger?


The electrical tape seems to do it. It sticks for at least a day.


Sorry Hobby, You are right, I don’t have any scientific or large scale study to confirm or deny the “benefits” of wearing the zinger. However…
If the response from the many members in this forum, and the other forums that discuss the ballzinger ( and I don’t mean the guy who is promoting and selling them), are just imaginary, or a mass conspiracy to deceive everybody else, then everything is a big lie.

This is why I have been so interested to get more members to post their independent results, without bias, in these forums, to conclude if the effects I have noticed and continue to notice every day are real or just “imaginary”

Please guys, back me up or discard everything I have said.

:sheepdo: BALLZINGER :sheepdo: :sheepdo:

Dedicated to Building the Perfect Zinger!

Hobby, I have posted my results as wel as others, and you can draw you own conclusions. I have no way of knowing if it increases T or circulation, other than what I experience when I wear it. I makes a big difference to my flaccid size and testicle size and feel. That IS a fact.


Question: do ballzingers need to be replaced every once in a while? I’m asking because I’ve heard eventually the free electrons from the zinc will transfer to the copper. Does this mean that the effectiveness of the zinger will be gone?

I doubt that in your lifetime a solid core zinc rod will loose all its electrons. What happens is that the copper rod gets oxidized, and causes reduced contact with the skin. Regular polishing with a very fine sandpaper of both metal rods will take care of it.

What is more likely to happen is that the rubber latex tubing will start to age, get darker and become loose. The latex should eventually be replaced.

:sheepdo: BALLZINGER :sheepdo: :sheepdo:

Dedicated to Building the Perfect Zinger!

>What is more likely to happen is that the rubber latex tubing will start to age, get darker and become loose. The latex should eventually be replaced.

Yeah, Tom Hubbard told me the latex is a weak point. He was surprised to learn several people are actually paying to buy replications of his design, as he doesn’t consider it good enough to be sold.


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